When will the American Empire collapse?
When will the American Empire collapse?
In the next 4-8 years after trump leaves office.
It all depends on the state of would-be replacements. Right now, of course, China is the most likely replacement for America, but a lot could still go wrong for them.
Already has
Not Veeky Forums.
Brazilian retard literally posted the same pic and text on /pol/
fuck off reddit negroid
It's happening and bery quickly. The US' national debt is skyrocketing. The property market is fucked and neoliberalism is decaying. Already the US is losing grip on its spheres of influence. European leaders now openly criticize and reject the US, foreign wars have been miserable failures. The US' saving grace as top dog is it's ridiculous military budget which it can't sustain, it's economic influence and nuclear power. It will be at best a major power in 25 years.
>neoliberalism is decaying.
Thank everything that is good and holy.
t. Jamal Pedro Rothstein Smith
how old is this girl
Only the Ruspa Man aka Salvini has openly supported Putin tho
Whore of Babylon, ya know.
18 in these photos
it's already in terminal decline, so I'd say probably within the next 15 years
Outdated pic :)
It has already collapsed.
I thought Qatar is spelled with a Q and that Katar is a punching dagger
What exactly would cause it to finally collapse? For most great empires in history, their death throes were ended with an outside force invading, and let's face it, that isn't happening here. If America is about to fall, it'll probably just say "fuck it" and launch its nuclear salvo and take everyone else with them.
When the US collapses, who will fill the void. I know China will obviously become more powerful, but who else will help fill the vacuum?
Israel's got a sweet ass.
>When the US collapses, who will fill the void. I know China will obviously become more powerful, but who else will help fill the vacuum?
Multipolar world with various superpowers vying for dominance.
It'll probably just mostly be China. Get your passports now.
Nice non-answer. I understand that power changes, I meant specifically which states will become post-USA superpowers.
Probably just China. India, UK, EU, Russia and a bunch of others will just be regional powers.
Time to move to Iceland I guess