Do you believe society has improved since sex education, communism(class struggle, black vs white, men vs women, etc) improved since it was introduced in public schools?
Do you believe society has improved since sex education, communism(class struggle, black vs white, men vs women...
Fuck off faggot
I certainly believe society today is a lot more progressive (and better) than it was 60 years ago. Teachers played a big role introducing a wide range of subjects to the classroom.
>gender roles and racial equality is due to communism
actually kill yourself
>humans are equal
>there are difference races
The idea of humans being equal predates communism by hundreds of years, nigger
>humans are born equal
>that's why we have to fight for human equality
>communism(class struggle, black vs white, men vs women, etc)
and soshalism kikes too
humans arent all the same, which means we need laws to reflect that, meaning if YOU kill someone you go to jail
yes, there are different races, and what of it
bet you can't even articulate what the races are other than 'niggers and the white man'
isn't better to live in a segregated society than living in a multicultural society with all kinds of racial laws?
I'd rather we had a specific country/state for each country to live in peacefully
>for each *race
What are you even saying at this point? The idea of humans being born equal existed before marx was even born
Of course
It'll allow us to reflect on our mistakes and to correct it, for the sake of the future
no it isn't
a segregated society implies racial laws actually
since you avoided the question about what races you think there are, here's the best clustering
here's the races
k=5 is the best fit as per the elbow method and it displays discontinuity in human diversity best, but others lead to similar results, other than i guess kalash needing their own little segregated country
according to you europeans, iranians, north africans, arabs should be the same country/state
I've read once a case of a french couple in the XX century who weren't able to have kids and sex was at first very painful for the woman. They never received any sex education not even frol their family because they were hyper religious.
Turns out the guy used to penetrate her in the uretra instead of the vagina.
Also I remember a case of a german couple in the 2000s who were also religious and were not able to conceive. They went to the doctor and when he asked about their sex frecuence and stuff they replied that they didn't have sex because it was a sin. They believed that god somehow makes women pregnant.
So yes, while I'm not a communist nor do I support degeneracy, I believe that de-tabooizing sex (in a sane way) is better for society instead of keeping a bronze age mentallity
No because it separates people who yearn to be together. That alone is worth defending more than any grumps wanting to isolate themselves from others. Want your own country? See if you can make one by creating a civilization or society capable of defending it first.
>can't read greentext
who could have thought
Not all people want to be together. If a group wants to be isolated it has its right to do so imo
Mods are really crushin it tonight, really earning that paycheck
>No because it separates people who yearn to be together
There will be a country for multiracial/multi-ethnic people
I believe it should be easier and safer if blacks had their own country free of white oppression and whites had their country free of black crimes
Also imagine a country where people that love racemixing can be free of racists? a country/state exclusive to multiracial people
That would be peace on earth
Try rephrasing that as a coherent sentence.
They will if it can defend their ability to do so in the inclusivists' land. If they can't than their society or ideals aren't worthy of it. Atm it seems like inclusivists have won the battle for the land on many fronts.
>Also imagine a country where people that love racemixing can be free of racists? a country/state exclusive to multiracial people. That would be peace on earth
I'd like that to be quite honest.
>The idea of humans being born equal existed before marx was even born
Even Marx did not believe in that
draw the borders and start a petition then to segregate racemixers in their own country, see if that has peaceful consequenes
the real solution is racemixing everybody in america until it's homogeneous and then there would be peace on earth
This is mostly false flag by Marx himself. He wasn't a self-hating jew like wikipedia tries to portrait him.
>Implying secessionist racists are a such a significant portion of the worlds population as to deserve or require of a substantial piece of country to begin with.
That's why we have reservations and religious communities and communes.
>draw the borders and start a petition then to segregate racemixers in their own country
That's why a war will happen eventually before the multicultural utopia is achieved
People that promoted multiculturalism knew that eventually it would lead to a war (the war starts before the multi-ethnic utopia is fully implemented).
>a war will happen
who vs who exactly
>Implying secessionist racists are a such a significant portion of the worlds population as to deserve or require of a substantial piece of country to begin with.
But that's irrelevant in modern's warfare. If one day a banker decides to spend 100 billion dollars of his fortune in buying all kinds of weapons to make a multiracial or white only or black only country he is able to do so.
Imagine in one night the entire city of Los Angeles and New York are wiped out. Many multiculturalists will die and the remaining liberals that don't know how to do manual work will die due to obvious reasons
In fact a single year of real depression like 1929 would be enough for these hipsters and low live leftists to start killing each other without any need for a full scale war
The war to end all wars: either the full victory of marxism-leninism or the rise of right-wing. WW2 was a rehearsal.
>following sensationalist infotainment shill bait
Probably a shill but we aren't Balkans or Muslims.
Most people who work and interact with eachother day to day are just thinking about continuing to get along. It's going to take a lot more to turn the developed world away from civicism and democratic legislation.
Yep that's why bankers have been able to make ethnocentric dictatorships overtake the West, not.
>This is mostly false flag by Marx himself. He wasn't a self-hating jew like wikipedia tries to portrait him.
So he was a hypocrite, what a surprise.
Take internet, cellphone, facebook and walmart from people you'll see.
The upper middle class spent the past 150 years talking about genocide(class struggle) and revolution. They convinced the uneducated that they should follow it.
Never trust a jew saying bad things about other fellow jews unless he is clearly denouncing them
Equality causes war.
Brothers born closer in age are more aggressive toward eachother. Brothers born years apart fight less. The dominant role has already been established, thus the younger is always the more submissive.
When there's an opportunity for dominance, it creates a struggle/battle until it's again resolved by the dominant.
When whites had the whips over the black men and the belt over the women, the only conceivable war was one where the lesser powers at the time felt they had an opportunity for dominance, thus civil war broke out over cotton, which resulted in the emancipation of black slaves. The emancipation indirectly, but inevitably, led to the violent BLM, Black panthers, Black nationalists, etc, people who are trying to seize an opportunity for dominance.
Its even expressed in the media quite openly, if you open your eyes; the whites portrayed as privileged, but are openly denied service and education; the blacks portrayed as underprivileged, but given special bonuses, reparations and leg ups; and they openly say that white man's right to association is a privilege (which white people cant get, in reality), but that the black man's right to association is a right that they don't have (but they benefit the most by, in reality).
Sex education is stupid, because it implies that a population is smart/lucky enough to not have children or be able to take care of them; and in reality, we were much better off when we were sexually repressed, because sexual repression is a consequence of the environment telling us to "breed and starve, or not breed and live". Liberals want choice but also want to save the Earth; both can't be done.