Was he an idealist who thought he could create a new global order of peace and self determination for all peoples, or was he a fool who betrayed the foundations of the nation by enacting a banking system the fathers warned against while getting America involved in European general wars?
Was he an idealist who thought he could create a new global order of peace and self determination for all peoples...
Considering that the broad strokes of the 14 points are things which the post WW2 global order has been built on I'd say he was looking in the right direction.
A bit of the first but definitely none of the second.
Wilson is a complicated character, and the /pol/ memes of Wilson being "worst president ever" are retarded.
I don't know about /pol/, but it's hard to say he didn't shit all over what the founding fathers envisioned for America. He intentionally got Americans killed in order to get involved in a European war.
Sounds like his plan is pretty ethnonationalist.
Daily reminder that if you support Wilson, you literally support the idea that it is okay for the President to have people imprisoned for many years for protesting against a war.
Admiring someone's accomplishments doesn't mean you give unqualified support to everything they did.
Any good literature to catch up on Wilson? I recently watched "Rise of a Nation," which led me to research the quote that the movie attributes to him.
His Wikiquotes page was very interesting to say the least.
What accomplishments?
Making sure the Americans were the true winners of WW1, all the prestige and benefits of winning the war without the casualties and national trauma.
Yeah, those thousands of Americans that Wilson imprisoned should have been more appreciative of his "other" accomplishments.
But the end result of WW1 was a botch job that solved nothing and set the stage for WW2. Thousands of Americans died for nothing. The League of Nations was a joke.
Thanks for the meme reply!
>all the prestige and benefits of winning the war
Lol, like what?
>without the casualties and national trauma.
100,000+ American soldiers died in WW1. Perhaps not as high as European nations, but it was a European war from the beginning.
Thanks for the non-argument.
Thanks for the meme reply!
Very convincing.
Thanks for the quick response!
Say what you want about him, at least he could walk
>benefits of winning the war
Like still being stuck playing World Police a century later. Thanks Wilson!
He was a retard who thought America was relevant enough to impose its will in 1918
well well well
It was. It just wasn't skilled at it and acted as Britains puppet
>gave women the right to vote
>sacrificed 100,000 Americans in a pointless war
>surrendered American freedom to big banks
He was officially the worst US president ever