This world would be perfect

This world would be perfect.


That's a nice way of plunging the world into chaos by means of countless civil wars

>Meme Caliphate
>Slavshit nationalism
>mega china
There is so much wrong with this that it isnt even funny

>no Inca state

The Europeans are superior to Inmacaques though

>doesn't even have Virginia, but has Nevada, fucking Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Missouri
>No Cascadia state
>That Middle East clusterfuck
>South Africa blob

0/10 apply yourself

This, Eurorangutans out.

why though?? they are mostly sunnis and are Arabs not Persians

>Changing borders will magically aolve everyone's issues
You do know a fuck ton if wars have been started over people bitching over who originated where and who is entitled to what, right?

>Jews and Arabs ruling Africa

Have you been to Virginia in the last 10 years? All Indians, Iranians, and Koreans.

That's mainly NOVA right? I wouldn't be surprised.


>Chile being part of Argentina
Fuck off, those socialist cunts ruin everything they touch

Nova has all the power desu

South is 50/50 black and whites who vote democrat and republican respectively

Also all the white's in nova are g*erman and communist dc fags

>not unified
They would be more powerful than Japan if the southern efficiency were unified with the industrially rich north.

Either newfriend or bait, probably bait.

You forgot
>Holds West Virginia, the state that was created specifically because the residents didn't want to be a part of the CSA

Why would china let north Korea go? If the place starts revolting they'll take over the government to keep the would be refugees in N.Korea

You can't walk 10 feet without seeing a confederate flag in WV.

This is hideous.
And combine most of Europe into one thing, but the USA, the CSA, and Canada, which pretty much all speak English and have one over-arching culture, are three things?
Kill yourself.

It's like a reverse maryland

Why the fuck would greece belong to turkey? you stupid whore

You'll never have it lost cause retards holy shit just kill yourselves already!


Virginia must and shall be ethnically cleansed of Northern invaders.

>This world would be perfect.


>Turkey exists

Live in richmond and can confirm we have a surprisingly large Korean and Indian population. Compared to whites and blacks though I only see an Indian person or a Korean person maybe 1/30 people. Modern Virginia is at the point where you'd have to split it in two to put at least part of it in the CSA

Are the Poo in the Looers and Gooks the enemy, can they be counted on as allies when fighting the niggers and liberals, or will they be indifferent as to who's flag flies over Richmond?

This isn't about why's and woulds. It's about a perfect world.

>, or will they be indifferent as to who's flag flies over Richmond?
with an attitude like that, I'm sure they'll just be salivating at the prospect of putting a white nigger like you in charge of the genetic gestapo

>Half sudamerica is brazil

I lost it at Mike Pence, was just expecting another Trump pose at first.

>Balts aren't European
>Finland is
We all know who is behind that map.

benis in bagina :DDDDD

>Split america into two
>All of south east asia and also north korea is under China

>Quebec still cucked by the eternal anglo in Canada
Pick one

I guess I'm "Nu-pol" then.
Even though I'm not white, not even American.

>the confederacy getting cucked out of its capital
I can dig it

>Brazil with countries in Hispanic America


>That South America

No Aztlan?

A perfect world

Better version

>no inca state

>(CSA Vassal State)

Hispania united atlast
finally, NOW we can kill moors proper

This map would start a world war for the conquest of Hawaii

Fuck off were not going to let fucking kiwiland merge with us