Assuming you can pick any year after ~1850 as your starting point, what borders would you pick to prevent the clusterfuck that was the 20th century.
>pic related my rough take
Assuming you can pick any year after ~1850 as your starting point, what borders would you pick to prevent the clusterfuck that was the 20th century.
>pic related my rough take
Implying the 19th, 18th, or 17th centuries were any less of a clusterfuck
Napoleon should have won
I disagree with Greece. I also don't see how making Germany like that supports what you said but I have only given it like 6 seconds of thought. Why did you make those two countries like that?
Portugal should join Spain, don't give them more land retard.
Greece I gave some of the areas of Anatolia were there was a Greek majority before 1920. As for Germany, I probably should have made it smaller but since there is a lot of conflicting data on the populations of the border regions I was a bit generous to avoid what happens when Germany wants to "liberate" its countrymen from foreign rule.
I would unite everyone in one centralist state.
>Big Germany
>Free Bretagne
>Wtf about mountainnigger
>Poland without all the major polish land.
Everyone know that peace in europe mean a weak germany, stop the meme.
Thanks for another World War, goy.
Why does everyone always divide the UK in these threads?
For the same reason that france is always without half of it land, because that the only way thaht their grossgermany can win against the ally chad in ww1
>Balkanizing east Slavs, south Slavs, Caucasus, UK, and Scandinavia
>Not balkanizing HRE
Fuck this meme, Otto.
>greater germany
>greater finland
>greater greece
Are there any surer signs of autism?
Tier list of AH:
Paradox autist tier:
Germany win ww2
Paradox pop history tier:
Germany win ww1.
Plebe tier:
Roman empire still exist.
Good tier:
White russian win civil war.
Patrician tier:
Napoelone win all the coalition wars.
God tier:
The 1848 revolution win in germany, kleine germany happen(without prussian autist).
Veeky Forums tier:
The Angevin win the HYW then France become emperor of the HRE and end like Austria, but do not fail to stop the reformation and end as the Karolinger Empire.
GOAT tier: England succesfully becomes a Habsburg state as it was destined to and the world is united under an Universal Habsburg monarchy
>any year after ~1850
Impossible. You have to go back to at least Carolingian Empire.
go and fucking kill yourself and never post on this board again
This map makes it really obvious that you do not know shit
>Germany win WW1
>pop history tier
It would have been a good thing and you fucking know it.
This is a map of the historically verified distribution of the sami languages (within the black lines), by 1850 the samis made up the majority in maybe half of it. So giving the samis all that is obviously not correct by any standard.
Any map that splits up the British Isles is a bad map. Ireland should still be fully a part of the UK.
He got it right, it shouldn't exist.
Another map that balkanising everywhere in Europe but joining everything in großGermanium
No. Cry some more Hans.
>The only working confederacy, modern direct democracy, and multicultural state shouldn't exist
t. /pol/
>multicultural state
>should exist
>t. /pol/
The natural political state of British Islands would be:
>ireland split into at least 4 different parts
>independent scotland
>greater london as an independent city state
T. Jewish intellectual.
Fuck off EU cuck.
Germany as a state should cease to exist.
Eastern Ukraine and Crimea should return to Russia.
That autistic border division in Scandinavia should return to what it is now.
Finland should have Karelia returned to them.
Greece should retake Constantinople.
Ill shoot the next one that makes a big sami nation
Just giving them a nation at all is stupid desu
Another american who thinks he knows whats best for Europe
this. I fucking hate those memes.
assuming the peoples of 1850 lived in the same place as they did in 1907, create states along the ethnic borders of pic related, let small peoples like Basques, Welsh and Sorbs decide wheter they want independence or not.
Let states which are based on something else than ethnicity like Switzerland be independent if they choose to. Basically let the peoples decide for themselves.
Create a union of all countries that guarantees the borders and assists a country in case another one attacks.
>a union
*or rather an agreement of all nations that only guarantees sovereignty and aid in case of an attack, no EU bullshit or the like.
>irrational fear of muslims
>that comfy basque republic
>uniting ireland but partioning britain
>independent brittany
>portugal absorbing galicia
>le basque and catalonia
>italy gets corsica
>that fucking Germany
>seriously, that Germany
>4 states instead of 2/3 in Scandinavian peninsular
>Independent Crimea
>Balkans are Balkanised
>Greece gets lands it's not controlled for 600 years
>Russia gets no warm water ports
>the fucking STATE of the Caucasus mountains
Låter så jävla dumt
>Patrician tier:
>Napoelone win all the coalition wars.
THIS is at least as stupid as Paradox autists.
>Insulting others for being autists.
>Post in Veeky Forums map painting thread.
Get self aware kiddos.
I'm sorry but I do think you suffer from the homoseksuality
based Sorbs
I personally think that Britain should be united, excluding the Irish of course
Eh. I almost divided Germany into the north and south, but I figured I needed to stop balkanizing at some point. I gave Greece areas that were majority Greek, and I gave Scotland independence because it triggers Lindybeige.
Good point. As I said, this was my rough guess. I thought about just making the Sami and Finland the same, maybe I should have.
I didn't remove Turkey from existence, nor did I create once giant Muslim state.
This is basically what I was going for.
In case it isn't obvious, this is half-serious and making everyone go full autist.
>I thought about just making the Sami and Finland the same, maybe I should have.
Are you serious? The sami and the finns are as similair as englishmen and germans, estonians are much closer. You might aswell make one huge Finno-Ugric state.
>estonians are much closer
to finns
fixed europe
Wtf, I like jews now
basque here, I would like to remain in spanish kingdom tyvm
why had albania annexed montenegro but not kosovo? lmao
because kosovo belongs to serbia
>Ever being fixed
The peace we're experiencing is abnormal, Europeans will always be slugging it out with each other when left to their own devices.
I know it was probably not intended but it would be pretty cool to have a spread out island state in the Baltic sea
They were not the majority just a very big minority.
>fuking warlike europeans
The only reason the rest of the world stopped going to war with each other was because they were ruled from Europe but oddly enough they started again once we left
>but oddly enough they started again once we left
I guess old grudges don't go away, it makes me wonder how long Europe has before they go back to the good ol' days
>I guess old grudges don't go away
Most of the time they were civil wars, you do not hold old grudges with yourselves
Also Basque here. No. Nice try Pablo.
Just put everything in germany if you want your /gsg/ autism.
>God tier:
>The 1848 revolution win in germany, kleine germany happen(without prussian autist).
Frankfurt parlment best parlment.
What the fuck is this autism?
Once Muslims and Africans are kicked put expect the Euro map autism to kick off again.
>Dividing Britain
>Implying the English wouldn't immediately conquer the rest of the British Isles because of a stronger economy, larger population and superior scheming
>Balkans-tier everyone except the countries I like
If English speaking Scotland and Ireland should be seperate based on nothing but their dislike for English people than that map should have a lot more countries on it.
carving up the ottoman empire among ethnic lines, leaving smaller states with less manpower and resources to be able to join in and prolong world war 1
carving up the austro-hungarian empire among ethnic lines, as the ethnic tensions (especially in their adriatic regions) culminated in the assassination that set in motion world war 1
mostly its about preventing world war 1 and thus preventing world war 2 desu I'm not motivated enough to expound on that and start detailing how I'd change the borders in the rest of Europe
>Britain decides Ulster's not worth the trouble
>Stalin decides Konigsberg is better in Poland
>Khrushchev doesn't steal Crimea
> Brits give Greece Cyprus in WW1
> Western Allies accept the Stalin note.
>Denmark gets rid of useless colonies
> Stalin doesn't take Moldova
> Armenians and Azeris are swapped instead of genocided
>Germany keeps Stettin
fixed it
Låter ju gulligt ju
>Swedish empire
tried to make it as un-autistic as possible
It's not autistic, it's just fucking stupid
Ulster explicitly chose to stay with the UK because they were majority Protestant, though.
Fixed Europe for you
There are small bits of it left.
>a perfect Europe doesn't exi-
>germany still owns "schleswig-holstein" aka SLESVIG-HOLSTEN
shit map
Damn, also gave Frisia to the Neth.
ITT: Butthurt Anglos and Frenchies
Ulster isn't majority Protestant, even with the gerrymandered borders of Northern Ireland it's about 45% Catholic.
Make way for the real perfect Europe
Retardation at it's peak
Here you go. Almost the entire world united under harmonious European hegemony, with any kind of possible threat within Europe contained. If you told me you wouldn't want to live in this world, I wouldn't believe, and at the very least I'd request you to explain me why.
This. Fucking Anglo autists and their obsession with balance of power on the continent.
>tfw Europe will never be ruled by enlightened despots
>I'd request you to explain me why.
Because the idea that a unified German nation state being a threat to peace in Europe is a meme, and deep inside you you know it.
The issue with Germany in the past was always the form of the state and the inability to prevent irresponsible leaders from taking power.
I think every nation should have the right to self determination, though in the last centuries I could see the benefit of colonial empires due to the low level of development in certain areas (only with benevolent rulers ofc).
My idea is this: