Why are Dravidians larping as Aryans?

Why are Dravidians larping as Aryans?

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Because they are low caste, what else do they have to hope for

literally arr rook the same

Why do shitskins always larp as aryans?

makes you think, huh?

South india > north india

They still aren't aryans

They don't, they just claim civilisations that were not theirs in the first place.
Also snowniggers are not aryans

Slavs and Balts are. My ancestors.

Isn't southern India more developed than North India?

>Balts are.

You're Finnish N1c, Pekka

>Slavs and Balts
Pick one

their bone structure looks pretty similar.

No Indian is culturally, racially, or ethnically Aryan.

North Indians condescend against South Indians.

All of India holds fervent and almost rabid nationalism as part of their culture.

What makes me chuckle, is that for all their nationalism, North India is what it is because of repeated genetic and cultural rape/subjugation by other empires. The South went relatively untouched due to geographic limitations.

Literally, South Indians are more "Indian" than North Indians.

I've always wanted to say this to a North Indian to see their reaction

>No Indian is culturally, racially, or ethnically Aryan.

Pic related is an albino Indian family.
Not agreeing or disagreeing, but unironically, makes you think dunnit

Who are they then?

because most of them share the same ancestors.

This isn't like west africans from a totally different end of the continent pretending to be descended from ancient egyptians, it's more like sudanese and ethiopian people, people living in an adjacent territory, claiming to be descended from ancient egyptians.

What that hell, Indus Valley Civilization was by Dravidians and predates the Aryans. Whoever made that pic didn't know that, how embarrassing

Tell me about Uralic maternal haplogroups

Problem is the bone and facial structure simply doesn't add up.

The face and the bone structure is the whole point.

Lad in the back right looks like a caricatured Arnold type.

Girl in front left looks like a Norwegian girl I know.

Boy in the back middle looks like a stereotypical white school shooter.

>Norwegian girl I know
An Indian immigrant?

Pigmentation >>>> bone structure.

Better question is why do G*rmanic pigskins larp as Aryans seeing as Aryan is a sanskrit word ?

None of those facial features or bone structure look Caucasian at all.

*shrug* I don't know what to tell you. To me, with the exception of the mother and the younger daughter, the rest could physically blend in to any predominantly white population.

Further, if you look at comments of internet articles about this family, something like 80% agree that they look caucasian.

Yeah. If you're blind/borderline autistic with faces

>They could blend in
In very inbred populations, sure. Otherwise no one would see them as being Caucasian.

Aryan comes from the word Heryos. The Yamnaya peoples blended with neolithic farmers in Eastern Europe and created the Indi-European language group, including Aryan languages.

Who cares if it's a Sanskrit word, it's just a word given to Indo-Europeans. North Indians and G*rmans are both Aryans

Tfw South India is more developed and better educated than North and the IVC was definitely not Aryan

How come the brainlet aboriginals be so different from their big brained dravidians cousins.

>More developed
>better educated
>not Aryan anyways

Why do dravidians have to LARP as being anything else but street shitting rapists?

>le forced meme



Wishful thinking of the Germans. Slavs and Balts are more Aryan than them.

Heck, Finns are more Aryan than Germans.


if you have children with an albino black will your children be white or black.

You could say the same about G*rmanics

Even they are distantly related, the Sahara is new and West Africans have Neanderthal ancestry. It's old and North Africa got more people to come in later the idea that there is absolutely no relation is a farce.

Black unless you have recessive genes.

This boy come from the Igbo people, they have light skin often and then they have mutations like this which occur sporadically amongst themselves and other places on the continent


Mulatto you moron. Albino blacks are still genetically black even if the albinism carries


Whoever made that image is a pakistani. A people so confused about their cultural and ethnic lineage that Biryani is their greatest cultural symbol.

Recently they've decided to claim IVC as their own history despite the fact that they've tried to distance themselves from any continuous culture of the subcontinent that predates Babar for their entire existence.

Also the person who made that image wrongly thinks that the binary system was invented in India instead of the placeholder number system (which obviously includes 0)

Luckily for them western academia is so eager to please and muslim who can speak english and wear a suit, that on their insistence, ancient indian culture and history is now referred to as "south asian studies".

lol the existence for PIE languages has less evidence than bigfoot. The only reason this meme is so popular is because it puts the birthplace of "Aryans" (another myth) in an inconsequential piece of land after placing it in scandinavia, germany and switzerland (all well regarded academic theories of the time) failed laughably in the face of any criticism.

what would you say are the main differences between the two faces in terms of bone structure?

Black people look way better with dark skin, holy shit. The guy bottom center looks like a Cletus though.

Are you surprised different populations have different brain sizes of the same race?


'Aryan' is literally the descriptive in PIE for 'Noble'. It simply meant those who were born into higher castes and had transcended themselves through whatever Initiations were in place according to their caste. It just happens that this caste system is spread much more through Asia (the British designation of; the Arab Peninsula, Persia, through to India etc.0 than Europe.

Oh right you're an unwitting natsoc retard who adheres to Hitler's autistic connotational cooption of 'Aryan'

It's the opposite of a forced meme. UNICEF made a "take the poo to the loo" PSA and then that butthurt Indian posted about designated shitting streets on /int/.
I do agree pajeets get bullied too much on boards with flags. They post less now than they used to.

Better question why do amerindian-negro-anglo-jew amerimongrels LARP as g*rmanic pigskins who larp as Aryans seeing as Aryan is a sanskrit word ?

South Indians also tend to shit less in the streets than Northern Indians. On account of being more developed, you see.

Because Ignorance is bliss. Also they can claim other peoples ancient history as their own and stick it to the MAN!

I never understood the mental gymnastics poos do to try and appropriate the Indus Valley Civilization, steppe people, and the Aryans.

>IVC was started and maintained by Middle-Eastern Caucasoid farmers from Afghanistan and Iran. Mehrgarh, the first clear IVC site, is similar in structure and right next to Jiroft, Elam, and BMAC. Also, somehow in their minds, Indians knew about plumbing 6000 years ago, but DESIGNATED today.
>There is zero overlap between IVC and Dravidian territory
>Indo-European steppe people quite clearly came from Central Asia into India, but they believe in "Out of India" where they invaded Europe and Central Asia
>Aryan is a word exclusively found in Indo-Iranian languages, but only Iranian languages have it as a endonym or ethnic self-designation.

I think it's pretty pathetic that "India" is named after the Indus and no one calls India by it's real name, Bharat.

Proof of non indian origin

>The earliest settlement at Mehrgarh, a site located in the Balochistan province next to Afghanistan, in the northeast corner of the 495-acre (2.00 km2) site was a small farming village which was inhabited from circa 6500 BCE. It is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding in South Asia.
>Mehrgarh was influenced by the Near Eastern Neolithic,[71] with similarities between "domesticated wheat varieties, early phases of farming, pottery, other archaeological artefacts, some domesticated plants and herd animals."[72]
>The most important conclusion of Kennedy's study is that the Harappan population was not derived from peninsular India
>Finally, and significantly, this study indirectly rejected a “Dravidian” authorship of the Indus civilization, since it noted, “Our data are also more consistent with a peninsular origin of Dravidian speakers rather than a source with proximity to the Indus....”
>The skeletal and dental study made it very clear that the Harappan population was not derived from peninsular India.
>Elamite is generally accepted by scholars to be a language isolate, unrelated to any other known language. The Harappan language is not directly attested and its affiliation is uncertain since the Indus script is still undeciphered.
>Toilets that used water were used in the Indus Valley Civilisation. The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro(both in Pakistan) had a flush toilet in almost every house, attached to a sophisticated sewage system.[87]
>Importantly, the Pakistani (Indus Valley) populations differ substantially from most of the Indian populations and show comparably low genetic differentiation from European, Near Eastern, and Caucasian populations. In agreement with previous Y-chromosome studies, [41] and [42], the Brahmin and Kshatriya from Uttar Pradesh stand out by being closer to Pakistani and West Eurasian populations than to other Indian populations from the same geographic area

IVC script bears similarities to proto-Dravidian languages.


> we wuz: the post

>is similar in structure and right next to Jiroft, Elam, and BMAC
Even the closest Indus Valley settlement is miles away from the ancient Iranian settlements.

>>The earliest settlement at Mehrgarh, a site located in the Balochistan province next to Afghanistan,
Which doesn't make it Afghani. The current location of Balochistan has very different demographics to what it was millennia ago.

You got it wrong. The present religion in India was born out of the Dravidians' religion. If the North Indians are out of the same stock as Germans, why aren't the Germans going as naked sanyasins?

>Even the closest Indus Valley settlement is miles away from the ancient Iranian settlements.
Miles isn't much of a distance and we look at genetics and archaeology, similarity between materials and skeletons. And even the Dravidians wewuzzers admit the connection between Iran and IVC, they even try to wewuz Elam and the Middle East.

Wrong, until we decipher the Harappan writing, we don't know anything about the relation.
>Over the years, numerous decipherments have been proposed, but there is no established scholarly consensus.[35] The following factors are usually regarded as the biggest obstacles for a successful decipherment:
>In spite of many attempts,[5] 'the script' has not yet been deciphered

>Which doesn't make it Afghani.
Correct, they came from Iran and the Middle-East. Even the Dravidian wewuzzers admit this and I've seen quite a few Indian posters say the IVC was descended from Elam.

It's good to see the poos aren't claiming to be steppe people anymore.


They like to larp as Pakis too

>the Indus Valley Civilization, steppe people, and the Aryans
being their descendants probably has something to do with it.

They kind of deserve it for letting one Australian shitposter ruin their country's image.


we wuz induz though?

>Indus Valley Civilization was by Dravidians

Hi pajeet

coz but pure brahmins and kshatriyas are unironically aryan. vedic literature is the last remaining remnant of aryan civilisation and is far more akin to the primordial faith that christcucks in europe.

>europeans were aryancucks
HAHAHAHAHAH No. the only thing aryans gave to most of Europe was language.

Who if not Europeans has a lot of PIE ancestry?

Maybe some thousands of Pamiris uncontaminated by Iranians unlike Afghans and Tajiks.

Iranians are more aryan than Europe.

About 10 times less. Even Basques have several times more Yamna admixture than Iranians.

Things aren't just black or white.

worse than Yue larping as Chinese

muh 5,000 year history of dying my teeth black


First off Caucasian is indisputable, considering that encompasses even Arabs and North Africans, and they absolutely look like Europeans, albeit a bit strange due to being albinos

Caucasoid are not the same as caucasian.
Dravidians are caucasoid as well

No. West India is more developed than East India.

Does the influence of indoeuropean languages equals a population shift?
I doubt that for example the population in Europe changed a lot due to the indoeuropean invasion.

It did. By 50%.

British isles had a 90% turnover(but still only half steppe).



Thanks for the links

they look like shaved chimps