What is this guy wearing? And what would it be made out of?
Identifying armour Thread
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Terracotta, It appears.
Looks like lamellar armor. The Chinese used it throughout much of premodern history. Lamellar armor was typically constructed by binding overlapping metal plates onto a cloth or leather backing. Hardened leather plates could also be used if suitable metal was not available. Other cultures (such as the Eurasian steppe nomads) probably used variations of leather armor throughout history. In any case, the style and quality of the armor probably depended upon the rank of the soldier and/or the state of the military at that time.
So why is the the lamellar covered by that fabric? What are the three threads on the chest? Would he wear a gambeson like material underneath?
Rip I can't read moon runes. Not even Chinese by the way
>Identifying armor
Yep, it's armor.
I find it hard to believe that armour was actually used in battle
probably used by a high ranking charioteer
learn them then, brainlet
what happens when the strings holding the plates together are cut
thracians i think wore something like this, might be wrong though. Theres a book God of Battle : Thracians at War about the Thracians which goes into heavy detail about the arms, armour and shield use and i think this is how some early armour was described. Like i said, might be wrong as i am recalling it from a while back.
I think you would simply discard the cut part
i just checked myself and its actually this, i was right period wrong place:
>not suggesting to learn superior oracle bones
t. peasant
Yep, They can be easily replaced
You live to fight another day
then you live another 3 seconds because the plate falls off and they stab you through the hole
I love this meme.
Please explain to me how every battle that involves people wearing anything less than an absolutely inpenetrable fullbody suit doesn't devolve to the real life equivalent of a TDM match with instagib on.
It could be covered in fabric to protect the binding that holds the plates together. The binding is often just string or thin leather strips, so it could be damaged in battle and the plates could come loose. The section of armor that covers the abdomen appears to have no fabric or leather cover over the plates, which could be stylistic or maybe the armor maker saw some need for it.
The three threads could be stylistic, or they might be part of the binding that holds the plates in place, its hard to tell.
Metal armor is far more protective if it has a soft padding underneath to help mitigate any blunt force trauma. I don't know if a gambeson or something like it was used underneath, but it would have been in the best interest of the soldier to use something like that.