Can other militaries even compete?
Can other militaries even compete?
beating arabs is not even a thing
>shits itself at fighting a few Lebanese guerillas armed with WW2 rockets
You realize they would get curbstomped fighting anyone other than illiterate sandniggers with Panzer IVs?
yes, most of them don't allow women in their armed forces. Could just be due to the fact that western women suck, tho.
Arabs have sucked at war since 1000 AD.
Can someone explain to me the rationale behind the Christian death cult "When Israel gets it, the world ends" nuttery, when Israel didn't fucking exist 100 years ago?
Nothing to do with real Christians, just Amerijews LARPing as ones.
Maybe they're gay
>Allowing women into the army
why is this even a thing?
those photo ops are literally IDF recruitment ads
some faggot on /int/ has entire library of those
Because they have two suggar daddies to deal with the problems
So they're not actual soldiers then? I do know they hire women though
Why not?
Because women are not capable of anything rigorous, especially war
Would you go to war?
>So they're not actual soldiers then?
They are "soldiers". Israel has conscription, everyone over 18 ends up in the army, so you get even instagram whores, who then get used as bait for fags to take up contract service after mandatory.
Depends on what war, but women are not meant for war, and you know that very well
That's absolutely retarded, it should be men only
it's a feelgood policy to show that "whole nation defends", and it's not like chicks get frontline duty anyway
American protestants aren't real christians.
Not a single woman in all of history has been capable of performing on par with a man in that regard?
Who is meant for war?
>mighty hezbollah fights some farmers with AK's in syria
>needs to get bailed out by Russia
What did they mean by this?
No, obviously there's exceptions, you retard. But I'm saying the vast majority cannot compete with men
i'd go full pogrom on that pussy
Ugly as shit.
So why not just set the requirements so weak people can't join? If they had well thought out requirements they wouldn't need to worry about gender which isn't a perfect indicator.
> don’t know how to salute
> don’t know how to wear a beret
> slaughter kids throwing rocks
> can other militaries even compete?!
If it wasn't for the threat of American retaliation, Israel would have been wiped out long ago.
>selling the ass of your women for pr
Why are JIDF such cucks?
Because strength is different for men and women. On average men are stronger than women, even medium strength men are as strong as high strength women. This is just evolution.
>JIDF is an actual thing and not just a memeword like SJW
The more you know
So women should not be allowed in the military, or even the police for that matter, because they're useless weaklings when it comes to combat
In that case it would be more logical to set the requirement at a certain strength level to weed out those who aren't strong enough.
That way, everyone who is too weak is barred, instead of allowing weak men and barring strong women.
Or just allow men and train them to be strong like a normal military would
Israel literally had a program to shill pictures of IDF girls to horny American teenagers in the hopes of getting them to support Israel more since polls indicated young people didn't care about Israel as much.
Fit males between 18 and 30
>certain strength levels
The problem isn't just that women are weaker (which they are), its that they are also more prone to musculoskeletal injuries (at a rate almost double that of males). Adding even small amounts of women to a combat unit reduces its effectiveness.
I'll try and see if I can find the whole study, but this is a summary of a study performed by the marine corps that demonstrated that all-male units were better than integrated units at pretty much everything.
Two of the sloppiest fucking salutes I have ever seen.
And since when does Israel have the right to have a closed hand salute? They were BTFO by Rome in the 2nd century!
That's exactly the point.
Many of the prophecies of the end times revolve around a Temple being in Israel. The Revelation was written 25 years after the Temple in Israel was destroyed.
So logically speaking, the end times had to include the refounding of Israel, and the rebuilding of the Temple.
May 14, 1948 Israel was refounded.
The Temple Institute has absolutely everything they need to rebuild the Temple, except for the will to do so nationwide.
The prophetic clock is ticking, very fast. Very fast.
Unless they run out of men, and in which case, a woman might be, and I stress might be, better than nothing.
B-b-but they let traps, I mean tranny, into the army....
Puritans started talking about restoring Israel to the Jews long before actual Jews even thought of Zionism. Increase Mather, one of the judges during the Salem Witch Trials wrote about it extensively.
They do that was due to lack of manpower(no pun intended) back then, so they want everyone to serve.
none of those people are from the US you moron
Arab subhumans consider that a victory... Typical.
>how does average israeli woman look
You tried that many times and got BTFO every single time achmed
>Israel fails to achieve its goals
>not a Hezbollah victory
Pick one.
Mizrahi jews are Arabs.
What do you think about the extremely irrational anti-semitism in /pol/ and all Veeky Forums?
hating on jews is fun tho
The goal was to remove some subhuman Ishmaelites. We succeeded at that.
Good Goy!
Look, man, I don't know what you want. I'm keeping my mockery of the jews and their one god to a minimum (and an appropriate one at that).
Israel only won because they threatened nuclear retaliation if Big Daddy US didn't supply them arms and parts. Even when in Israel, Jews love to pull the victimhood card.
>Israel only won because _____
The classic Arab excuse
It's difficult with posters like that
those are both me you nig nog
Ah that's why you surrendered the entire fucking Sinai peninsula in just a few days? Not because your armies are shit? You were so afraid of Israel that you didn't even dare to fight back.
Sorry dude, I mean this poster
Why not? A soldier is a soldier, stick them in a women corps and eliminate the inefficient ones and make use of the remaining good ones.
because then you waste money and materials equipping and training a unit that is less combat effective and more prone to injury
Beating modern day arabs is hardly an achivement.
And biggest threat to Israel is not the incapeable arabs, but the ever breeding ever welfare leeching haredis. They are already a sizeable population and will only increase their power. In few decades you'll have a nation entirely pandering to them.
Good luck slaving for those cunts, so they can keep reading the torah 5235th times over. I would get out of Israel and move to west If I were you, with the white guilt everyone will threat you better.
>You were so afraid of Israel that you didn't even dare to fight back.
It's because the Arab fears the Hebrew. I can't blame them either:
>Waste money and materials equipping and training
The Marine Corps gets hand me downs and performs fine. Not too mention its the exact same money and equipment already being used.
>Less combat effective
Do you still believe ground combat being the most important thing in warfare? The most important thing in modern warfare is air dominance and armored units. You just need an average ground force to hold territories/sweep areas, if they get into an engagement they just need to hold ground until air and armored assistance can come.
Actually for warfare now-a-days you just need to train and supply the locals to fight and provide air support.
everyone keep in mind this is a Mizrahi supremacist, they have very low IQs, don't take seriously anything he says. he unironically posted ovadia yosef, which means he is probably Shas trash.
>not to mention its the same money and equipment already being used
Then why not spend the money on other, more worthwhile things?
>do you still believe ground combat is the most important thing in warfare?
Ground combat was almost the only thing the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if the US isn't just a massive peacekeeping/counterinsurgency force at this point, why bother directly reducing the combat effectiveness of the infantry units? Especially when they are compromised in their ability to hold ground until air and armored assistance arrives?
How do I get a Jewfu? Serious question.
Make dat cash money, son
I'm on my way to becoming a doctor, so 6 figure starting here I come. What else do I need? Already circumcised.
Be slightly funny. As someone with a ton of jewish extended family, I can tell you that jewgirls love to laugh.
Hmm... Anne Frank?
You need cut your penis, they only like kosher dicks
I'm already set, then. Now where the fuck do I find one? Do I need to convert and go to a synagogue?
No, I've suffered enough.
Way ahead of you my goy.
You have to go to a rabbi and ask him to convert you. He'll say no the first two times but then he should say yes the second time. Probably. I hope you like learning another language, too.
*should say yes the third time
Marrying goys is illegal in the only democracy in the middle east
isnt egypt technically a democracy?
>Marrying goys is illegal in the only democracy in the middle east
There is nothing wrong with this, the Bible says Jews shouldn't marry non-Jews. Marriage is not controlled by the state. I just find it disgusting that homosexuality is allowed.
Several of friends were in the Israeli Army when they lived over there for a few years. Hezbollah is a completely different animal than rock-throwing street urchins or guys shooting rockets made out of street-light poles in Gaza (a few years back there were no traffic lights or signs anywhere in Gaza because they used cut them all down to make rockets).
One of my friends got stationed at the Lebanese border, and Hezbollah was fucking with them for weeks sending herds of goats and shit across the border in the middle of the night to trip their electronic surveillance. They'd all have to roll out of bed and suit up and go out there and check it out. There was never anything there, and it became a routine. Then one night the fence gets tripped and my friend's squad and a couple others go out there, like 3 humvees of guys. They get out of their trucks and there's hundreds and hundreds of Hezbollah fighters arrayed on the hill above them looking down, weapons pointed at them. They just sat there in a standoff with them until dawn, then Hezbollah quietly left. They're not really a rabble. They're armed and trained by the Quds Force, who might not be the equal of US Special Ops, but Quds are certainly a well-practiced bunch with decent resources.
As long as you agree to raise the kids Jewish, you'll only have to convert if you marry an Orthodox girl. Reform or Conservative denominations won't care.
Disgusting. It's a desecration of G-d's name to celebrate sin in His land. When the Law is reestablished they will be stoned to death.
Good on you, but stick and tired of jews here portraying israel something that is not, i.e. some liberal nation.
that freduen slip kek
It is though, trust me I wish it wasn't. The Law is not being applied in the Holy Land. Also, anyone can get a civil marriage, it's just the religious authorities deal with marriage, not the state.
>they will be stoned to death.
You sounds like ISIS man
I just pray for the day that you don't shill for your country in my land, I wish the best of luck to you in your nationbuilding endavors, the only reason people are annoyed with israel is their excessive lobbying
If these fat, dumb cowboys were giving you billions of dollars every time you asked would you not keep asking? Be realistic. Israel lobbies so much because they are successful at it time and time again. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
JIDF actually exists
>_____ only _____ because _____
The classic _____ excuse
It might aswell be the Australian that LARPed as a Turk going kosher now by copypasting some phrase with hebrew letters into his name field. And off course the idiots that make up this board are gonna eat it up and get into a shitflinging contest with him.
Yet again evidence how shit this board is and tomorrow I'm gonna namefag as "Tezcatlipoca Gonzalez" and falseflag as a "Viva la Raza" Chicano and give Mexicans a bad name on this board by making endless threads how Rome was a shitty hovel town compared to the majestic Tenochtitlan and how gringos were always inferior to superior Aztec science.
Because everyone keeps eating it up and mods give that little of a fuck to do anything about it.
Now, but Tunisia, Lebanon and Turkey are.
>You sounds like ISIS man
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Are you saying that stoning is just an ISIS thing and not something that was practiced by followers of all Abrahamic faiths for a long time?
What if the Mexican who writes in all caps, the Mizrahi Zionist, and the atheist who calles Hitler "Shitler" and makes "I was born so-called Jewish" threads are all the same shitposter?
what if every poster on Veeky Forums was just 2 guys, endlessly shitposting each other?
fuck off ahmed
ITT: Things ruled by Jews