Not even the president of the ex-Soviet Union saw so much wealth in one place...

Not even the president of the ex-Soviet Union saw so much wealth in one place, before visiting a regular supermarket in downtown New York

Really makes you think

Never understood this meme.
What's the difference between having 2-3 products to pick from, and having 50, but 48 total shit nobody except people who clutch to every penny really buy?

It's Houston, not New York.

>having 2-3 products to pick from
Someone who has no idea what life under the soviet system was like

He never was president of Soviet Union.

Where do you get the idea that out of 50 brands, only 2 are decent?

lol shut the fuck up

I happen to browse shops every now and then

>I happen to browse shops every now and then
Just because you never try different products doesn't mean there shit.

"good" is your opinion. in soviet russia you didn't even get to fucking choose, you didn't get to say something was "worse" than something else

The meme is that in the Soviet Union there was no stuff in (especially rural) supermarkets. You could not pick your brand of candy, there simply was none.

Also the meme is real.

There were no supermarkets in the USSR to begin with.

>in the USSR

You guys got me on the termininology, congrats!

1980's CUM - city universal magazine (market).
It was the size of Metro/Kaufland these days, and had foreign goods.


And this is what you'd see in smaller towns GUM stores.
To correct myself, GUM is the city universal store, and CUM is the central universal store (so the GUM in the capital).
There are less brand of shit, but there is still enough shit.

hmm looks a lot like a western, rural corner store of only a few decades prior. Really make me thunk.

Do you realize that even if true that photo is propaganda, right?

But there were supermarkets in the Soviet Union. They were even stores packed to the brim with foreign goods. Soviet supermarkets only went Venezuela tier towards the end of the 80s.

>Kinder eggs allowed in atheist Soviet Russia
>not allowed in the "land of the free"

Is there a historical explanation for American aversion to Easter? How can a country founded on such strong Christian principles simply neglect the most joyous day in all of Christendom?

>Coca cola

Every time


There's Coca Cola in Cuba, not produced there but imported.

I'm guessing there might be in North Korea as well, brought from China

Soviets watched our movies and marveled that we all had shoes. And different shaped shoes.

Soviet Union, Russian Federation, potato, potahto

What I find amusing about today's Left (Jacobinmag, Corbyn/Sanders, Chapo, /leftypol/) is how they all completely ignore images like this. Their version of socialism is sugary and only harms evil capitalists.

Whatever you can say about the alt-right, at least they're honest about the implications of their ideology. In fact, they revel in them.

>Cuba don't have Coca Cola

Those greedy imperialist I swear

literal retard children kept eating the toy bits and choking to death so they were made illegal to save people from themselves.

explain this

>Cuba cola for the proles
>Coca cola for the presidente

I ruined a fine Havana Club rum with that shit

>le so much wealth

yes cause corn syrup is very good for you.


>Drinking high quality Cuban rum anyway other than neat
Did you also light your Havana cigar with a bic lighter, you swine!?

of course, then I went chasing jineteras

Do you realize how full of shit you are?


>American beer store
>100's of brands are shit
>Some 3rd world dump with a barley functioning refirigerator
>The only beer in their is perfect.
It's also a meme that there's a vast selection to choose from as they are all owned by the same few companies. I remember watching a documentary where a some businessperson was having some Russians over for a meeting in the office and laid out several brands of soda for them and the Russians' response was saying that all he offered was soda.

Apparently this tasted like shit because they didn't have the expertise to manufacture the real stuff.

Whatever they were actually huge Bollywood fans.
I still can't find the name of a movie about some young Bollywood enthusiast growing up around Perestroika which has a scene of him or his girlfriend puking when they get drunk and try to lose their virginity. I probably saw it on the Sundance channel or ifc.

because there's no fun allowed in Protestantism

The difference is actually having products on the shelves.

>Yes user during its entire duration the Soviet Union was in a perpetual state of scarcity like North Korea even though it was able to maintain a comfortable standard of living there during the same time.

So this is the power of "socialism"

>what's the difference between a communist shithole and a free market

gee I don't know

/leftypol/'s only purpose is to try to make /pol/ mad, they are ideologically bankrupt otherwise.

Sturgeon's Law

Well that's how it was. Different plants had different recipes so you'd always have 2 or 3 different kinds of canned meat to choose from

If nothing changes except the name then what's the problem?

This is correct. Is at the corner of Bay Area Blvd and Texas State Highway 3.

>people who clutch to every penny really buy?
Without those products only penny pinchers buy those who make the 2-3 products would raise the prices and/or let the quality of their product slip, since there is no one the customers can turn to. That is why competition is important.


But Soviet people were literally starving on the streets in the 1970s while the party bosses stole all the food and houses and toothbrushes and healthcare and threw everyone they didn't like into the GULAG!! David Horowitz, Vladimir Joffe, Steven Crowder, and PragerU said so!!!

Communism is trash, no one but low IQ people knows that.

Most of leftypol aren't actually pro-Soviet. It just gives them memes and symbolism, just like the bunkers.

Not the OP of the image but I'm fairly certain it's a critique of the fact socialists claim things will be just fine but they really won't or alternatively that both sides suck.

>not falling for commie propaganda is /pol/




Hmmm it's almost as if these stores weren't stocked and organized for show in order to give foreign press the impression that the Soviet system provided equal quality of life as the West.

Makes you think.

Really? Not everyone had shoes?

Nice meme

leftypol are a bunch of anarkidies who roleplay tankies.

>le everything is le propaganda meme

Management totally freaks the fuck out over a district manager on the way so I can only imagine the pressure management put the workers under the day before for this particular walk-through

It doesn't matter how neatly all the food is stocked, at least the food is there.

The food we had was great and usually as natural as you could get it, there was almost no wariety and the packaging wasnt shity but the taste was better than the stuff you get today.
Getting a decent piece of meat was a fucking chore and you usually had to know and bribe the butcher.
Also you had to be on a waiting list for almost everithing major (electronics, toys, furniture, cars) for 2-5 years but at least it was relatively cheap.
All things concidered I enjoy the tame capitalism we have today.
>t.someone who actually spend first 21 years under peak luxurious-automated gommunism

>47 years old
>on Veeky Forums
Pretty neat.

y-yeah p-pretty n-neat

I guess the communist regime didn't leave you in too good of a mental state.

Which country?

frogposting is the best thing that ever happened to this shitty site in last 5 years


Capitalism is mostly wasteful and inefficient.

Neat. You could have born into a much worse form of luxurious-automated gommunism I guess.

Communism is not better in that matter

>processed shit

I sure do love Cold War propaganda.

>Capitalism is mostly wasteful and inefficient
Compared to what?

Communism is mostly a satanic engine of death and a Zionist heist of a nation states value.

The death toll of Kinder Eggs on americans is nothing to laugh at.
Actually chocolate eggs probably killed more americans than communism directly did.

If every person has a washing machine in their house, that they only use 2-3 hours per week, this is less efficient than a commie block with 6 families per floor, and a big washing machine room at street level or something like that.
This is easily extended to power tools, cars, refrigerators even, a lot of shit you own that you don't use 90+% of the time and could be sharing.
Basically collective living and sharing is more efficient use of resources, but you have to give up privacy for that, so make of it what you will. The objective fact of efficiency remains, even if I'd rather live wastefully and comfortably.


>le communism was efficient maymay
Utter horseshit. For example in Russia/Ukraine they didn't bother properly insulating the apartment blocks simply because they've got so much gas they can use it for heating almost infinitely. This problem remains to this day, by the way.

I want to purchase my own shit exclusively used by me and people who i extend it to and is accountable only to me
Fuck collectivizing and sharing

>implying one short sighted mistake proves that reducing redundancy makes for more efficiency

There's a shitload of examples like that. I'm not saying capitalism is great and efficient but socialism is at least equally shitty if not worse.


Lost Japan war, lost WW1, had a civil war, suffered heavily under WW2, got embargoed by half the planet.
Hardly laboratory conditions to see if something works or not.

>not true communism excuse #5832132

no true argument

This reminds me of those videos of north koreans going to the """"rich super market""""

>. For example in Russia/Ukraine they didn't bother properly insulating the apartment blocks simply because they've got so much gas they can use it for heating almost infinitely.

That's bullshit. Russia has stricter regulations with regards to heat insulation than UK does. UK is in fact almost completely unregulated and that is the reason Grefnell Tower fire happened.

Yeah but UK is a total shithole compared to everyone, not some marquee standard of how shit should be done.

Well I'll admit Germany [and the countries that copy their standards] has the best regulations regarding heat insulation, but if we go back to the initial communism/capitalism argument, then UK is a good comparison since it's one of the major capitalist countries.

>looking at Germany for regulations

Not fair, fuckers regulate everything, they are robots.

I haven't seen better regulations anywhere else, and I work/worked in the industry. France is a close second.

Comparing regulations to Germany is like comparing armies to USA, they are extreme exceptions that should not be used for comparison, since everyone else is far away.

Because you're a giant piece of shit. Congratulations.

Well that is ok if you want your residential towers to become fire hazards

>same man crashed the country to pre-Stalin levels of poverty

What a fucking retard

I don't want to, but neither do I want to send a copy of my ID and 5 pages of paperwork to three institutions before being allowed to hire state trained professionals to paint my house with eco light fitness color vegan probiotic paint.