>this kills the communist
This kills the communist
>meanwhile, in reality
Yeltsin's Russia saw economic chaos and instability, urban decay, food shortages, homelessness, poverty, and rampant crime, far from the promised capitalist utopia. Some old people actually look back fondly on the Soviet era. I'm not even communist and I know this.
>this kills the capitalist
What does this Bugs Bunny meme mean exactly? Where did it come from? Saying this as an oldfag.
>Some old people actually look back fondly on the Soviet era.
Because they have been brainwashed all their life
It's from Veeky Forums
>says the American brainwashed by Cold War propaganda
implying you aren't brainwashed by capitalism that only makes the rich richer
was there any other screencaps made?
Check the archives
First not american,second you both can go back to leftypol
Nope, I've been lurking on Veeky Forums since its inception, posting mostly about Chinese stuff since about a year ago. The first thread I saw on this board was a brawl between Shufags vs Weifags vs Wufags with pic related.
Well if it was Putin's doing it would start going up around 2002 or so.
In reality it was just a natural recovery after a period of political instability after the end of Soviet Union.
>Some old people actually look back fondly on the Soviet era.
I bet they don't miss the bread lines
most of that started in the mid 80s during communism. the price of oil plummeted and the soviets could no longer exchange crude oil for food.
True Yeltsin was a weakling (which is why he was a blessing for countries from former eastern block and a good Russian for America) but he's misblaimed. USSR was just a shithole Russia simply inherited that. Market likes stability so a political revolution and break up will send you into a couple years of crisis.
kek im fat delete this
spooks everywhere
Yeah, probably because Russia's economy completely collapsed with the fall of the Soviet Union. I love how you socialists take the economic downturn brought about by your system and try to shift the blame to the capitalists.
Better than starving or having to eat expired bread.
Also because perestroika and glasnost caused the country to implode.
>shitty capitalist system is the fault of socialism
I'm not even communist and I know this is bullshit.
Nice meme
>perestroika and glasnost
Literal memes that had zero impact.