What do you think the french revolution?
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A half mistake that paved the path of the death of the European ethnics.
What is GOAT in french revolution?
Why was it a goat?
It was a perfect storm of events that led to the revolution. The government was in debt and unable to adapt to the need to slim the court to pay bills. When several years of bad weather occurred prior to the revolution the government couldn't get wheat or bread at any good price because it was a European wide issue
it also happened to one of the oldest and most powerful nations in europe and had lasting consequences on other historically powerful nations throughout several continents.
the us revolution set the ideological foundations, but it was the french who spread those ideas across the civilized world with a bayonet.
absolutely haram mistake
An overly ambitious undertaking devoid of respect for tradition and the rule of law. Doomed to failure
"Unlimited liberty leads to unlimited despotism"
Groundbreaking but executed with astoundin levels of unhinged autism.
It might have gone to far in a few places, but over it ways pretty good. 8/10 would march of Versailles again.
The death of Robespierre.
Created the cancer that is Lib*ralism.
It created the greatest man in history.
freedom, equality, brotherhood
only ugly virgin incels would say no to such things
Which one?
Charles X was an idiot who didn't get the times he was in and had it coming, shame that the revolution was stolen from the people as always but eh, we got a cool column out of it at least.
The road to perdition has ever been accompanied by lip service to an ideal.
Incredibly messy, and at key points completely devoid of justice or sanity. But the end result seem preferable to being under heel of the nobles and clergy.
i think its funny that you get reactionary royalists in the 21st century that want to side with the catholic church and nobility if it means sticking it to those damn dirty liberals that started this whole "enlightenment" nonsense in the first place.
We have transcended levels of reactionary partisanship not thought possible before today. We've broken new ground!
You do realise /leftypol/ exists don't you?
Which one? Because that painting refers to the July revolution.
Stop using this fucking picture to talk about the "french revolution".
This picture depicts the riot of 1830 that led to the end of the Bourbon dynasty who wanted to recreate an absolute monarchy and the rise of the Orléans dynasty which was more akin to an english-style monarchy.
It has nothing to do with the "Revolution" of 1789 even if it is arguable that most of the violent events of 1789 (Namely the prise of the fort of la Bastille) were only a footnote compared to other more important events this year, which at no moment were about overthrowing the King, but only imposing a constitution in the style of the USA to assure the privileges of the bourgeois class, the end of the guilds, the end of the nobility, and a reform of the justice system that was actually done by ministers of King Louis XVI years before but ultimately were undone because of that fat monarch's cowardise.
Monarchs screwing up and sperging out, only to get put down seems like a running theme
It was never going to work but they gave it a fantastic try. I personally think that anybody who thinks tradition can be abandoned and that any kind of earthly utopia is possible is mad but at least some of them held on to their integrity until the end. The revolution may have been awful and wrong but Robespierre and his circle were real heroes and real human beans.
>blahblahblah I know a fact
Marianne is a Revolutionary symbol, anything with her in it counts.
Satanic Masonic event that ruined everything.
I think it brought about a lot of good that eventually led to the death of tradition in the West, however, the reaction against it also brought about the best in that tradition. Before the French Revolution, the traditions of France had degenerated into hedonism within the monarchy; after the revolution, monarchs embraced the faith far more.
The nobil*ty had it coming
Wrong pic mate
Didn't go far enough. The first republican constitution should have been applied. Gracchus Babeuf could have done a lot of good if only he didn't surround himself with idiots.
descrtes was the beginning of the end for western civ. by the American revolution to a lesser extent and French revolution to a greater extend was the beginning of the violent phase of the revolution that destroyed western civilization. we are in the end days now, comparable to the decadent reign of the late roman emperors in the third century A.D. The visigoths sacked rome in 410, so we have about 200 years give or take until D.C. burns
Greatest event in history. If I had a time machine, my first stop would be 1793.
I want pagan shits to leave my board.
>calling me a p*gan
>Believing in Jupiter
>not a pagan
Choose one
The greatest moment in human political history. Also Robespierre did nothing wrong
France probably had more troops than all those armies, combined.
>implying i belive in jupiter
U wot
It's a French même, I though you were aware since you posted Macron.
Didn't know cop1
Ruined Republicanism forever by tainting it with collectivist faggotry. All nations that have followed the Frog's example on revolution (chimpouts, purges, emphasis on the collective over the individual) have become banana republics. For example, see all of Latin America.
Created the scourge that is the current Liberal/Capitalistic Zeitgeist. When will it die?
>Robespierre did nothing wrong
Except for kialling my man Danton
Bitch had it coming. If he didn't die so soon, history will look at him at a different light
Pls explain why he had it coming?
Post some revolutionary jams
because if he didnt it would mean Robespierre did something wrong, and we all know its a fact that Robespierre did literally nothing wrong so theres no way he didnt have it coming.
(And before you even say it, ur mum is circular logic!)
Not the fault of the French the rest were too retarded to figure out conscription.
I like how every time Norm MacDonald interviews a Brit he asks them why they don't murder the Queen.
>virginity is bad
says the hedonist