What do you think? Are the moon landings fake? Or are they real. Do you have any proof?
I dont really know what to believe.
What do you think? Are the moon landings fake? Or are they real. Do you have any proof?
I dont really know what to believe.
Other urls found in this thread:
>being sceptical for the sake of it
>being sceptical to portray as someone analytical or not gullible
You're just a pseudo intellectual
The more you read about the history of space exploration the more you realize how impossible it would be to fake. The entire program I mean.
Some people assume more "reasonable" but still fals position that we landed there but they faked the footage. Joe Rogan mentioned related photo from Gemini X as an example even though no one ever claimed it depicted EVA and Collins himself said that he wishes someone took pictures. And the drawn version of the photo even served as a cover of his autobiography. It's a good example that all weird theories and rumors of conspiracy are fueled mainly by one thing: ignorance.
It is litarlly easier to go to the moon then it is to conceal this lie, perpetually, for 50 years.
Space-based telescopes can see the flag if pointed at it. And quite frankly, most people who don't believe it, are impossible to convince otherwise.
It would only take selecting a couple thousand people coming from different background and with different personalities to keep the lie alive for their entire lives even though some lost their friends in the process. Jim McDivitt lost his childhood friend in the Apollo 1 fire. I assume he'd punch the guy telling him he's covering up his sensless death.
Believing the Apollo program was faked is so fucking retarded, I can't even do it to troll.
But the eclipse last week was faked, NASA used holographic projectors to fool us. You can see in this picture NASA accidentally released,
Here's the million dollar question.
What do we gain by having faked the moon landing? Especially now that the soviets are gone.
Fuck Veeky Forums is too rational. Even role players don't want to come here.
There isn't really any reason, from a technological point of view, why you'd need to fake a moon landing. The biggest challenge is simply having a rocket powerful enough to escape Earth's gravity, which America already had in the form of ICBM's. The Apollo mission could be viewed as a series of elaborate missile tests with human payload instead of warheads. The biggest risk was not technological, but political. Imagine if an astronaut had died while on the moon. It would have been a horrifying spectacle, and a huge embarrassment for the government. Nixon apparently even had a pre-written speech to be read in case this had happened.
Gemini and early Apollo was about other technical aspects like docking, lunar module etc. I imagine if it was faked everything would be a lot more simple.
>some corner of another world that is forever mankind
I got that reference. That's from a poem by a WW1 soldier who wrote that if he died, there would be a small part of the world that would be forever Britain.
>tfw you've read enough that you're starting to pick up obscure literary references now
For people who believe in moon landing:
1. Look at the quality of your average movie in the 60s
2. Look at your average car from the 60s
3. Asks yourself if people so backward technologically could land on the moon
Faking the moon landings would've required an immense amount of effort with not a single major slip up. I have more belief in mankind landing on the moon than in them planning and perfectly executing an elaborate conspiracy lasting nearly fifty years.
First of all, all the arguments deniers jump to can be answered by science or logic, it's not hard to do (flag fluttering, no stars, uneven shadows etc). Yet what the deniers find most difficult to answer is how they could convince thousands of people to lie for the rest of their lives about their involvement whilst faking numerous documents, video footage and props that remain convincing even to this day.
For people who don't believe in moon landing:
1. Look at the sort of missiles that American was producing in the 1960's
2. Ask yourself why an up-scaled version of that missile couldn't be used to carry a small crew of humans to the moon
3. Also ask yourself why earth telescopes are able to see the moon land site to this day
We have our first larper. Let's play along.
Another thing that I remembered is that people who don't know anything about frame rates claim that this is supposed to be stop motion animation. Yes, probably created by Ray Harryhausen.
I don't know what's their explanation for Walker's X-15 flights or the guy who jumped off the edge of space in the 1950s. It's always either "it was so long ago they couldn't have done this" or "the military has the technology that is several decades ahead so they could've faked this"
Bingo. It would have been a massive scale secret. Now way in Hell you'd get thousands of people to pull off a hoax.
>2. Ask yourself why an up-scaled version of that missile couldn't be used to carry a small crew of humans to the moon
More like ask yourself how said device launched from Earth with a massive ground technological network to help the propulsion (this red thing and everything below), could launch again from the Moon but this time without any help
If moon landing had be real, it would have been a one way trip with no return
The moon has considerably less gravity than Earth. You don't need a powerful rocket to escape from it.
1/6 gravity bud
>You don't need a powerful rocket to escape from it.
But you still need something to propulsate
And guess what? The part of the rocket that propulsate was detached from the rocket on the way to the moon
>The part of the rocket that propulsate was detached from the rocket on the way to the moon
>on the way to the moon
But I thought you said the rocket never went to the moon?
In the official version I mean
>official version
*correct version*
go play KSP, it's a bad game made by thieving mexicans but it will teach you the basics of aerospace engineering. alternatively, learn about rocket staging before you make another retarded post
There were two parts to the craft that reached the moon; the command service module (CSM) and the lunar module (LM), which was attached to it. The CSM had a rocket powerful enough to reach Earth, so it stayed in orbit while the LM detached, landed on the moon then took off with it's own propulsion system (because escaping 17% of Earth's gravity really doesn't require a big rocket), rendezvoued with the CSM in orbit and returned to Earth. It's really not difficult to understand, ya dummy.
They were real.
You're just as bad as those people who look at the footage from outside of the lunar module and ask "who was recording it?"
Who was tho?
Of course it was real. The Soviets were incompetent, but they were not so incompetent that they would have let the US win the space race with a fucking hoax.
The camera was installed in the lunar module and controled by the CAPCOM. I'm pretty sure there's archival footage where you can see someone manipulating the camera.
The KGB was anything but incompetent. If the moon landings were a hoax, they absolutely would have known about it, and they would have made sure that everybody else eventually found out as well.
In fact since they were less successful (at least after 1965) they would be the first to expose the hoax and claim that they were better because at least they admitted it.
Most of that fuel is used up just to get into space. Basically all you need for the rest of the flight is enough for a soft landing from the moon, and enough to get back into lunar orbit (which is MUCH less than what that massive rocket has, since A) moon has low gravity B) moon has no air resistance and C) the part that lands on the moon is miniscule compared to that massive rocket).
>what is gravity
>what is atmosphere
user, you do know that Earth and the moon are vastly different in terms of those two very important factors? Its those factors that dictates how strong of a rocket you need
>impossible to fake. The entire program I mean
They didn't just up and blast to the moon. It took years and years of step by step development. With failures. With civilian contractors. With budget hearings. With thousands of scientists and engineers. With media scrutiny. With Soviet spies. And so on.
I'll take the bait.
Only a tiny part of this device (located at the tip) has landed on the Moon, it's called the LEM for Lunar Excursion Module, it weights 4.5 tons on Earth and 750 kg on the Moon.
Launching a 750 kg box from the Moon where there's no athmosphere is actually the easiest part of the project.