all history is fake i am God and everyone on earth has only been here for only like less than two centuries
User is cool
The golden spiral, it is true.
kill yourself, shitposting niggerbastard
It's barely even close to the golden spiral
the spiral would result in a lopsided ass
why are the mods on this board so utterly incompetent
Hi God. So, why'd you make things like intestinal parasites?
honestly I prefer this kind of shitposting to having more modern politics threads
Well its better then Turks shitting up the thread with their normal parasitic behavior in most threads.
The rules of this universe that would need to be changed to preclude intestinal parasites would also preclude other things of value.
I unironically prefer this over any post by the orangutan.
>not a horse vagina
FUCKING dropped.
Ah, a powerful but non-omnipotent God.
More like self constrained. Logical inconsistencies can make for a very unpleasant universe to inhabit.
I'm upset that the image size is so small.
So, what happens after we die?
>implying the world didn't "start" when I was "born" and it's gonna "end" when I "die"
>impliying anything that happens or happened outside of my perception exists and is not empty background
We haven't died yet, and we have been here for a very long time.
If, perhaps, you mean what will happen after you die, that depends on how you have lived.
what if i've lived a completely average life?
You will produce a completely average outcome.
This is nothing to be afraid of, though I wish you would choose to have an exceptional life.
I'm incapable of being exceptional, so I just strive to at least be average.
Rid yourself of this 'you' that is incapable of being exceptional my friend. Lash this thing that strives for mediocrity to a post and leave it there for it to starve.