I heard that at some point stalin thought his people would turn on him in order to surrender to germany or something...

I heard that at some point stalin thought his people would turn on him in order to surrender to germany or something. had that or some other massive soviet fuckup happened and effectively knocked them out of the war, what would germany's position have been? how much area in russia/europe would they actually have been able to hold, and for how long? did they have means to actually govern things or would areas have just descended into anarchy?


Yeah I read something similar about how in the early weeks of Barbarossa Stalin locked himself in his study fully expecting the central committee to storm it and execute him for allowing Germany to invade.


With a pacified Russia, Germany could focus entirely on the West. I assume an invasion of Britain or it's ME colonies would ensue.

As for Russia, Germany would probably replace communist leadership with anti-communist nazi-sympathizers. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine, France, etc. I guess out of this a Russian resistance movement would emerge, but it would not be that popular considering literally no one liked Stalin.

>As for Russia, Germany would probably replace communist leadership with anti-communist nazi-sympathizers
there would be no russian government, half of the population would be killed and other half worked to death

Says who

says generalplan ost

Says Hitler you fucking dunce

General plan ost is total nonsense. No original copies of it exist only soviet "reconstructions" that just so happen to confirm all soviet propoganda. Its not at all consistant with how germans treated people in occupied areas appointing local leaders and forming local police forces for hunting partisans.

>Its not at all consistant with how germans treated people in occupied areas
Rounding up civilians to deport them to concentration camps, burning villages, executing random villagers, looting, kidnapping children deemed fit for assimilation, enacting forced mobilisation...? Seems pretty consistent. Using locals who thought they'd get a better deal or who were forced into collaboration doesn't mean anything - you can look at the Ukranian collaboration to see what would happen to all their useful pupepts in the end.

>Its not at all consistant with how germans treated people in occupied areas

And what the fuck would you know about that?
I had half of my extended family killed by those fucking dogs who today go on TV and swear they were only fighting bolsheviks and liberating Russia. Fuck them and fuck you.


Are you telling me collaborators exist?
Holy shit, this changes everything, I think I love the nazis now.

>when they ally with Stalin and Churchill they're heroic partisans
>when they ally with Hitler they're dirty collaborators
Fuck off bitch.

I'm sure the difference between allying the powers that have long term plans for subjugation and genocide of your nation and allying the powers that you share a common enemy with is not that hard to grasp.

>long term plans for subjugation and genocide of your nation
[citation needed]

You fuck off deranged fucking nazi faggot, I don't care about Stalin and Churchill, your fucking brainwashed Nemec grandpa walked in like the place belonged to him and demanded our lads to go fight in his retarded war against country that did nothing to us, and when people finally had enough of his shit and tried to kick him out, he rounded up whole village in front of a machinegun, you insufferable delusional fucking cunt.

>Its not at all consistant with how germans treated people in occupied areas
Retard spotted.

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters."[1] His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot."[8]

We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
—Erich Koch, March 5th 1943, [9]

>Enslavement of Slavic people on a massive scale
>Hundreds of villages and towns burned to the ground
>Food stolen and the population left to starve
>Looting and rape on a massive scale
>Nazis didn't hate Slavs, Generalplan Ost is nonsense.


Nobody cares about your sob stories, Schlomo.

>We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.

Le Jewz :(

>talking about Slavs
>posting Jews

It would be more or less return to Brest-Litovsk treaty, i.e. Russia would have been in within today borders any way. Germans would have installed pro-Nazi goverment in Russia which ironically would perhaps outsurvive Nazism in proper Germany.

Tone Ferenc who is cited in the pic posted, has collected a lot of archive material on the topic of nazi-fascist genocide policies in Slovene lands during WW2. You can find some of the material here:
karawankengrenze (DOT) at (SLASH) ferenc (SLASH) index (DOT) php ? r = documentlist

Apologies about the formatting, the spam filter picked the link for some reason. Remove the spaces and add the dots.

You were saying "your nation". Slovenia is not my nation.

The same shit happened in Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and all over Eastern Europe

See: Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, and AB-Aktion

I thought it would be obvious that I am refering to the collaborators in question, not you personally. Now, my examples deal with the situation in occupied Slovenia because that's what I am most familiar with. As the other user puts it, the situation in other occupied lands in the eastern parts (that is, non-Western European lands - those got off better in regards to ethnic policies) was very much similar from one region to the other.

In Slovakia people old enough to remember those times pretty much remember them as the golden age.

How the fuck could any man execute that much quality puss.

Slovakia had its own government, which signed the Tripatite pact that spared the country of the kind of violence seen in the occupied lands. A golden age, for sure, when one is not on the receiving end.

>receiving end
Reference to the Jews? No sympathy for those whatsoever.

Reference to many ethnicities. You might want to fuck off back to your containment board.

>Rounding up civilians to deport them to concentration camps, burning villages, executing random villagers, looting, kidnapping children deemed fit for assimilation, enacting forced mobilisation...?

Thats called war.

No, those are called war crimes.

>actually thinking memeplan ost was anything than a discarded idea supplanted by a lower subordinate

Hitler's dead faggot