Kristallnacht was literally self-defense

>Be Jewish.
>Infiltrate politics, media, culture and spread degeneracy.
>Fund communist revolutionaries and other anarchist groups.
>Get ass-blasted when Hitler curbs your plans and removes you from positions you exploited.
>Implement a worldwide boycott of German products and refuse to serve Germans.
>Cry when Germans do the same shit to you and kick you the fuck out for not buying German goods in Germany and not selling to Germans.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wouldn't just fighting degens and Marxists be a more effective way at fighting degeneracy and Marxism than just going after the whole Jewish people?
I get that Marxism might have had a disproportionate amount of Jews, but why potentially harm a hard-working, loyal Jew?

t. A literal Fascists sympathizer/apologist

Of course.

>be a pol faggot 14 year old larping as a nazi
>post a shit thread on Veeky Forums which gets deleted for being bullshit

>Be a liberal historian who simply refuses to engage in dialectical discussion because you're afraid the truth is offensive.
>Be a high school graduate numale who thinks that someone who is intelligent and above it would never entertain the views of people who aren't part of the mainstream, popular or establishment of historians/theorists/academics, so you do the same.

>some random shop keepers deserve to have their livelihoods destroyed because of things other, tenuously related people did

I always wonder if you guys are really that ignorant about history or just trolling.
Fascism is a form of marxism, it's based on marxist ideas...

fuck off

need to start banning this autismos

>Jewish businesses need to be smashed up and their owners assaulted because of Jewish bankers and editor
>Bombing Dresden is a war crime because the individual German civilian shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of their government

Pick one stormcunts.

>fuck off

Not an argument.

Whatsoever are you referring to in particular?

Eh, didnt "judea" call for war on germany and german goods and the kristallnacht was a direct retaliation?
I could be wrong with the timeframe but thats how i remember it.

It was a giant chimpout were plenty of innocent people got clubbed to death, didnt hit only innocent people tho and with germanys history before that in mind it wasnt surprising thats omething like that happened.

>he thinks an English language article, in an English language newspaper, was giving orders to German Jews in Germany, to stop selling their products to other Germans

Its not based on marxist ideas you dense cunt.
its based on socialism and derived from that
Just like marx thought of his communist manifesto.
What retarded uni prof told you that?

The idea of seperating the working force into assigned work groups (could be called "kommunen" aswell) as an example.
I am not here to educate you, just read about it. It's literally one of the first things you'll read if you pick up a book about the evolution and history fascism.

remember when the nazis forced german businessmen out of their own companies so they could politicize them and use them for rearmament to start the most destructive war in history and ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire nation?

yeah they sure were the altruistic heroes of german industry.

Thats a documented fact buddy. Why are you denying it?
And it certainly wasnt the newpapers that called for it, they just reported it and thats the most used picture of it.
jesus christ you people sometimes.

>random shopkeepers not selling things to their only customers

Sure thing buddy.

Same could be said about the soviets.

kill yourself, friendo. head down to the wal mart you frequent and go find that delicious bleach, make yourself a nice cocktail. Sip deeply you worthless human trash

That's a very flimsy example your premise is sitting on. I think you might be confusing Mussolini's affinity for syndicalism with 'marxism'.

If I may ask what books are you referring to in particular?

Are you serious? what kind of argument is that? of course some still sold to germans, of course some still traded, hell a lot of germans werent even mad at the jews. I jsut said that judea called for trade war against germany and they happily obliged (big jewish businessmen and germans alike)

Why do you have to be so extremly anti german and anti nazis. They werent the monsters propaganda made them out to be. Soviets an Allies did similar and in case of the soviets even way more horrible things in the war.
Either you are all buttmad frenchies/poles or trolling.

>they happily obliged

And your source for this is?

History? why are you trying to deny it, its in every history book i read.

I never said the Kristallnacht was necessary or out of good reason, Im just saying the HAD a reason. However you wanna turn it.

What a fantastic citation. What books? What do they say?

Are you russian by any chance?

Mate the jewish elders called for war on germany and economic blocks. It was in every fkin paper at the time.
I never said that all jews stopped trading with germans, the article got out, people read it, nazis reacted, thats all there is to it.

What in the hell is your problem.

>Spread degeneracy
can you give me some citations to when they spread degeneracy during Nazi germany

>actually asking for a source is Russian

What papers? What elders? Where? When?

Wouldn't just fighting Islamists and jihadists be a more effective way at fighting Jihadism and Islamism than just going after the whole Muslim people?
I get that Islamism might have had a disproportionate amount of Muslims, but why potentially harm a hard-working, loyal Muslim?

Woah, so this is what dialectical discussion looks like.

>by foreign critics
>response to an organized campaign of violence and boycotting

The absolute state.

The subject of Marxism is class, the subject of fascism is race. Cunt. Its a form of socialism.

>Al fascism is the same as Nazism

Before this thread gets out of hand friendly reminder Kristallnacht was an angry public response to the assassination of the German Ambassador to France, Ernst Eduard vom Rath, by a Polish Jewish Zionist.

>>Fund communist revolutionaries and other anarchist groups.
Except that's literally what the German government did to destabilize Russia

>Attacking innocent hardworking Jewish business owners is somehow combating degeneracy

>Implement a worldwide boycott of German products and refuse to serve Germans.
There were many anti-Nazi rallies outside of Germany, yes. It would be pointless if anyone tried to deny this. Most of them were similar in character to demonstrations today, i.e. a group of people gather in a hall or on a street, hold some signs, chant some slogans, and call it a day.
Now, how many of these protests actually ended up in committed boycotts? I don't know. Revisionists don't seem to provide properly sourced material either. Obviously, individual stores might have enacted them for varying lengths of time, but what about bigger organizations? If revisionists want to advance the "Anti-Nazi boycott really damaged Germany's economy" theory of theirs, they need to do better than this.

What is clear however, is the message revisionists are trying to send here: THEY started it, not Hitler. Which of course, is absolute nonsense because the Nazi Party's rise to prominence was centered around railing against the Treaty of Versailles and against Jews all throughout the 20s. Mein Kampf was written in the 20s. For the revisionists to portray these largely American rallies as an action and not a reaction is them being deliberately fraudulent about history. Furthermore, they go on to label these as provocations which resulted ("naturally") in Germany eventually rounding up all its Jews and sending them to camps. It's a bit like saying 'holding Free Tibet rallies is counter-productive and only makes life worse for the Tibetans in China, so kindly refrain from doing so or you are the aggressor, not the Chinese'.

this yid is triggered

>the subject of fascism is race


Germany went to war against the entire world and lost. This is obviously the Jewish people's fault.

You still cannot grasp how removing prosperous, deviant foreigners in every way might be good for your nation.

>Infiltrate politics, media, culture and spread degeneracy.
Didn't happen.

>>Fund communist revolutionaries and other anarchist groups.
the Bolsheviks were actually financed by the Kaiser's government

>Didn't happen.

Prove it.

German Jews were hardworking, integrated people who had been in Germany for centuries. Hardly "deviant foreigners"


I don't have to prove a negative. You have to prove it did happen.

For themselves and their own prosperity
They became Christians? Gave up speaking Yiddish? Removed their torahs and talmuds? Stopped being Zionists, socialists, and bolsheviks?

Yes, they are German citizens, but not the German people.
>They aren't foreigners, they're native Germans!
So I guess Israel is a nation of foreigners who don't belong there then.

We could have easily exterminated the Germans, had we stooped half as low as them. But, as humanists, we didn't want to deprive future generations from observing one of nature's most hilarious mistakes

>been there longer than Germany had existed
>they're not REALLY German though

You keep saying we as if you were an Englishman and not a Jew larping.

They're not really Israeli then are they.

By you argument, no. By mine, yes.

You never had an argument, only lies and half truths.

>On the morning of 7 November 1938, Polish-German Jew Herschel Grynszpan, 17, went to the German embassy in Paris and asked to speak with an embassy official. He shot the 29-year-old vom Rath five times, mortally wounding him with bullets to the spleen, stomach and pancreas.[3][4]

>Adolf Hitler himself sent his two best doctors, personal physician Karl Brandt and surgeon Georg Magnus, to Paris to try to save vom Rath's life. Hitler promoted vom Rath, who had been a junior officer at the embassy, to the rank of Legal Consul, First Class (Gesandtschaftsrat I. Klasse) hours before vom Rath's death on 9 November at 17:30 (5:30 p.m.).[5] Kristallnacht was launched within hours.

I've never heard of this before

I guess that's what you have in common then

Says the guy who has posted nothing other than "It was in some book! It was real in my mind!!!"

ah yes, the ole last cry of the losing jew. Like a broken record.

It's the nation as a whole.

Well, tbqh, they had their hooks in Churchill through funding and forgiveness of gambling debt according to E Michael Jones, and gommunism was a more obvious ideological enemy in a way. Although communism turned out to be a way of drawing feudal East Europe into modernity and the free market (sort of like a protracted French terror), and the Brits may well have gone against Germany for straight geopolitics anyway, figuring they could own the USSR later. But if that was their plan they didn't do so well, given that the result was having their empire broken up and ending up a cuck on the leash of the USA.

>the guy who has posted no sources that backs up his argument, thinks he's won


>it's another /pol/ thread


>getting your ass whipped
>jewish IQ

Not so easy when you don't have multiple useful idiots hanging around.

I'm not even Jewish, I'm just tired of the not so subtle /pol/ threads that infest this board every day, it's boring and obvious bait.

The Nazis were complete and utter losers who claimed to be saving Europe while simulateously fucking destroying it.

>Be German.
>Fund and support the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
>Realise the war is fucked, install the Social Democrats to be the fall guy, and stall peace talks.
>Oops, Germany has fallen into civil unrest caused by the delay and sailors rebelling against a suicide cruise.
>Blame da jooz


>I'm not Jewish I just really really hate the Nazis but not because of what they did to the Jews although that is all I focus on but rather that they destroyed Europe amirite fellow white person?

just stop

>nobody wants to comment on my shit thread on /pol/ so I'll just bait here

just stop

The absolute state of naziboos

>my thread
Yeah user, this clearly wasn't an attempt at a samefag echo chamber that got hijacked.
You should start a thread on who assassinated JFK and see how that goes.

>Jews are parasites that produce nothing if value on their own
>Jewish shops not selling their products to Germans is a crime worthy of smashing up the shop and taking their products by force

Pick one and only one.

>being a non-producing, price hiking middleman

Seems like the ideal opportunity for someone to set up their own shop and sell the same products for less.

But this is true, more jihadis are made because they can point at westerners and say "see look, they want to kill all Muslims, join our crusade!"

Slurp down that goy juice little one.

Youre just a useful retard.

>Hurr durr I dont understand jack shit about the real world.

Oh shit, you got me there, how can I possibly recover?

I knew I shouldn't have came to /pol/

Oh fuck, totally btfo right now

kys neckbeard

>For themselves
Oh, so you work for someone else? (implying you had a job)

>They became Christians? Gave up speaking Yiddish?
Most didn't speak Yiddish, only in the east they did. They spoke German perfectly. Why should they convert? They abode by the laws. They paid their taxes.
Most weren't socialists and bolsheviks, and many weren't zionists (which should be fine with you, because that means they'll leave their country)

100,000 or one out of six German Jews fought for their fatherland in the Great war, 12,000 fell for it.

Who the fuck are you to say they weren't Germans?
T. German

Was there also also a Jewish conspiracy to prevent people from opening a business or contact suppliers and manufacturer's?

This doesn't really say much you know, no shit what was obviously a reference to an abstract concept to denote a large swathe of Jewry wasn't a reference to an actual existing country in the Levant, is everything in this imgur album as retardedly simple minded?

>"The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany.
Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people." - Daily Express, March 24, 1933.

>"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping.... we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends." - Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933. Reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933.

>Joining with Samuel Untermeyer in calling for a war against Germany, Bernard Baruch, at the same time, was promoting preparations for war against Germany. "I emphasised that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit." - Baruch, The Public Years, by Bernard M. Baruch, p. 347 (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960).

>Samuel Untermeyer was a Jewish leader and close friend of presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. Bernard Baruch was a presidential adviser to Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman.

>a British tabloid using bombastic over the top language

I am shocked. Utterly shocked.

Also none of those are German Jews refusing goods and services to other Germans.

>Who the fuck are you to say they weren't Germans?

The Israelis who were never Russian or Ukrainian.

>ze fatherland

Nice touch.

Fucking retard, how about a counterargument?

No the German chimp out came from a German ambassador in France being shot by a Polish Jew.

"Judea" declaring war on Germany was just foreign Jews, esp. Amercan Jews refusing to buy German goods, essentially in was just a headline

You just know that the OP is an untermensch, they literally always are.

Reminds me of nip revisonism where they say US and China was the aggressor for going on embargo. Yet they never actually have anything to say when you say the embargo was an action against Japanese aggression on the Chinese mainland....

Sure it uses terms to catch the eye of the reader but the underlying message is essentially the same, plus there's evidence that among the upper echelons of what could be called international Jewry there was a move to boycott goods and use their influence to make powerful gentiles push for the same.

What's more pertinent is not any boycott within Germany by Jews (that didn't happen obviously, it would've been completely impractical and it's silly on your part to suggest it did, Jewish organizations within Germany tried to get International organizations to stop boycotting Germany to avoid what would inevitably happen with Kristallnacht), but what the OP says, the boycott of goods by gentile countries and Jewish organizations around the world who called for it, and had their people in high places to work their influence on world leaders.

Why do you guys think it was this easy to make the germans chimp out against the jews?
Im listening.

They weren't though, your concept of what a German is is post-WWII watered down shite, as if it's just an affectation and a matter of learning the language. Jews had their own communities everywhere around the world and have always been an insular people in their own right, the closest you could come to calling them German is with a suffix and even that would be taking it a step too far.

Pretty hilarious to see G*rms espousing this garbage thought pushed on them with a concerted effort since Hitler lost, kek.

Its not hilarious its fucking sad.
My countrymen are emasculated, defeatist little worker drones tehse days. They fucked everything out of us what made us german, except love for technology and will to work.

Youre right in its whole too. Jews were always everywhere but they always had little communes or jewish districts etc to keep seperate mostly except in business
And that they start a lot of shit when it comes to business and being crooks, that is well known and a stereotype out of good reason.

>Jews are succesfull
>Success breeds jealousy
>Germans chimp out
Every time

Either bait or actually retarded.

Not an argument.

Now is the time to form new loyalties, the old Nations of the past will be as dust in the path of the order to come, embrace it.

I don't see how.

t. teuton

Indeed only have celtic blood tho.
I look like jon snow with green eyes and thank fuck im 185cm and not a manlet like that actor.