Why do people still act like Pearl Harbor wasn't a false flag? Covering that much distance in the 1940's is completely unfeasible, there's no way the Japanese could have conducted such an attack.
Why do people still act like Pearl Harbor wasn't a false flag...
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This is still a retarded thread
Go kys you walking abortion
They wouldve bored through the earth to get to the other side, you fucking mongoloid
oh wow antarctica didn't exist during 1940s
Jokes aside, even through the Pacific Ocean, the distance is huge and the Japanese force barely made it, and it was very small when it got there since they couldn't bring the big ships. They were literally out of fuel due to the USA embargo.
And talking about that embargo, literally asking for it. The USA was asking for war. The Japanese reluctantly agreed. No need to false flag.
i bet they couldn't even travel to Sardinia
That would take months, if not years user...
>World War II never happened, it is all a hoax perpetuated by NASA so we'll believe the Earth is round.
can someone remind me when exactly did pretending to be fucking retarded become so fashionable?
>japan aggressively expands
>US seeks a non-violent means to check this expansion
>asking for it
Antarctica is a false flag. OP is just trying to distract you from the real government coverup. Antarctica is an artificial continent created by the Nazis to retreat to. John Kerry and Gingrich went last year because the Antarctic Nazis are finally opening their doors to foreign relations. They were the opening negotiators. Expect Tillerson to take a secret trip early in January.
That's hilarious.
Because it's funny, this thread is funny
Back to /pol/ with you.
1/10 bait
>reddit can't handle a sublime shitpost
I like when /x/ comes to visit. Funny shit yo.
Spherical nasacuck detected.
You're using a eurocuck map thats why
Did you know that the japanese kept refueling their combat planes all the way to Pearl Harbor?
y'all niggas postin in a pasta thread
The fact this fuckig gaymerican map exist makes me mad
>split entire country in 2 because muuuh dick
You mean decades