Veeky Forums video games

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What game is this


Crusader Kings 2

the best

better than the best

>ANY Cucktall war
Pick one

t. casual


Anything from CA is plebeian by default

t. casual

pre-Rome 2 was fine



Hmm... I wonder why

That is really an amazing game.

>not advancing in column formation
also NTW3 mod makes Napoleon TW so much better not even funny

Ultimate General: Gettysburg

the Ultimate General games are just so nice to look at desu. I always liked the style and i never playerd Gettysburg but Civil War is easily one of my favourite RTSs

I also very much like that in those games you have a single line of men that could be 2,000 whereas in Napoleon the single unit is a company instead with about 100~ men which, although is nice, does for less large scale battles.

the mods will fix it ;-)
i still use darth mod but might change it over

i strongly recommend it. NTW3 makes the game more accurate than anything else i've ever played but i still don't understand the pricing of units, seems some units are extremely cheap and are monsters while some are expensive and are actual shit. But to me that doesn't matter i play for historical reasons. Another thing that kinda annoys me though is the fact that companies don't have the platoons they should be divided in with the guides, officers, musician band, ambulance carts, etc. I hope one day for a 100% accurate napoleonic game

darth is only good for empire. and that's only because no one else bothered trying to fix it

I'm doing the Lords work by showing you this game anons.

Thank me later

That's pre-history m8, not history

Anyone here plays Great War mod for NTW? Has it changed much since i played it(filename)?


The ultimate Veeky Forums game

love this meme

>when my economy collapses yet again
I'll stick to incest emulating in CK2

what is the best grand strategy for ww2?

I have played HoI 1 and 2, they were alright.

Are the excel simulators good? I think I might get bored of them by looking at numbers. I'm talking about those matrix games that cover the whole eastern, western and pacific front etc.

>not building a free-market chinese empire seeking to dominate the world not just politically, economically and militarily, but also culturally through ridiculous colonial migrations


Before Heart of darkness, I did the horrible mistake of sphering China. Needless to say I didn't last very long


I like call of duty

I just can't get into this game

>That voice acting

I played eu4 again for 20 minutes and then I remembered why I stopped, the AI can walk through three forts like they don't exist and six countries without military access. I figured they would have fixed it in a year but I guess it's more important to make more DLCs

>the AI can walk through three forts like they don't exist and six countries without military access
I've dumped 600 hours into EU4 and I still get triggered when the AI waltzes past my motherfucking level 8 fort. I pay out the ass each month for that shit.

The best answer right there.

tfw 3500 hours in Hearts of Iron III

I find the OOB system so much fun to work with. I've recreated the accurate German OOB for Barbarossa dozens of times, each time changing a few things to see the results.

Gary Grigsbys War in the East

Victoria 2 HPM
EU4 with M&T (pic related)
Graviteam Tactics
PTO IV (if you like naval battles)

What's a good strategy game focused on WW1?

try hearts of iron 4 with some ww1 mod


Anyone tried Cossacks 3? Having a lot of fun with it.

>can perfectly understand CK2, EU4 and V2
>Can't understand a single HOI game (not even 4) AAAAAAAAAAAAA

Which Veeky Forums game is best for just plain making maps?

Dwarf Fortress

Silent hunter 3 with grey wolves expansion pack.

The last time a played CK2 a few months ago I started as a nobody single-province tribal pagan ruler somewhere in Poland and memed myself onto the Byzantine throne in one generation.

I couldn't bring myself to continue beyond that.

is this europa universalis??

We have this thread every week Führer

>EU4 with M&T
Can I get a quick rundown?

>tfw Belisarius

line warfare isnt for the faint of heart


that wont be necessary

It's surprisingly good.

this game made me fall in love with the 1860s wars and i usually only have a hard on for napoleonic

On the one hand, I would like them to make a game based on the German wars of unification, they can just reuse the engine and add a new campaign. On the other hand, I realize they aren't gonna do it because the period isn't that popular.

I think it would be interesting if they adopted a total war type game where many countries are included in a specific era so there would be germans, russians, ottomans, danes, french, etc and with maps that represent some famous battles of the time like dybbol, shipka, whatever the french town was, etc. Only thing is you are correct, very unpopular era especially outside the american civil war. I myself am studying in digital art and would absolutely love to take part in historical based projects desu. I like trying to think what type of game would fit nicely or be fun to play but strategies seem complicated to code so i tend to stay away from those

>Veeky Forums video games
God I so wish Impression and Ascaron were still in business. I still play Caesar 3 and Patrician 3 from time to time, whereas I can't be bothered with Paradox games anymore and RTS/RTTs just don't interest me.
Are there any historical action games aside from M&B?

>Crusader Kings 2
>Europa Universalis 4
>Hearts of Iron 4
Victoria 3 is up next, my brothers.

Rome 2.

how do I play victoria 2
I thought if I understood EU4 I could understand this

I just want to [spoiler]play as Ireland and turn it into an industrial powerhouse[/spoiler]

>Threequel to Paradoxes most unpopular franchise (Rome and Sengoku never happened)
Keep dreaming
Build cement factories

>produced goods

how the fuck does any of it work at all

To be honest, it doesn't. Vicky 2 is a fundamentally broken game, cultures don't matter as an independent Ireland because you won't be getting immigrants and you're going to assimilate the British within a few decades, the economy is fucked as Ireland because all you will get local goods bonuses for is canned food,

So what do you think about the way they're adding China to the game? I think it's a nice compromise between representing the influence China had in the region historically and actually adding China to the map making the game unplayable slow. Besides, it would be hard to balance China to prevent it from blobbing.

Wargame Red Dragon anyone?
Almost perfect real-time strategy game imo.

Steel Division is pretty fun too

why is your demesne so large?

bruuuuuuuh i've spent countless hours with my drunk friends being half of 10v10 matches and sending off waves of diggers to fight chinks
i personally prefer steel div over the wargame series (in my opinion they made every game better after every title). I especially love the new frontline mechanic but i find the unit unloading mechanic from vehicles to be weird because i can't just unload where they are and move, i quickly unload exactly where i want them when they drive near or make them move a bit because no other way. I also like the speed of the units, it makes for a lot more relaxing gameplay than the brlitzing super heavies of Red Dragon but i dislike the routing mechanic now.

>no napoleonic wars
Am I the only one on Veeky Forums that plays NW?

I dig it, what they said on the blog post implies that china can expand onto the playable map, possibly meaning that there'd be playable chinese dude with confucianism as a religion, which just seems like it'd be a fun time to me.

i do i wish there were more games with more accurate gameplay and formations

Plays with the demesne limit off. because pleb

Buff clergymen to 4 percent, research research point and education techs among first (dont rush it like moron, just remember they are priority), research prestige techs, build factories that are suitable to your states (if you have coal and wheat in a state good shit would be cement, glass then liquor factory), army comp should be 4 inf, 4 arty, 1 engineer 1 hussar, and importantly have interventionist economic policy so you can build factories yourself.
Also commerce tab techs are good and shouldnt be overlooked.

>Building 20 stack high explosives and playing pipes like a cunt
Mount & Blade Napoleonic Wars is fun, but I wouldn't call it accurate

I actually like how they're implementing it too. Unless you have a godly computer the lag would make the game nearly unplayable. And if they go that route, people wouldn't stop complaining and it would turn into a slippery slop. Next would be be Korea, then Japan, then Southeast Asia ect. I'm also sick of people crying about paying for dlc as of late, it's ridiculous. They're still supporting this fantastic game, which is old as fuck at this point, and they always add a pretty big free patch before a new dlc is released. Do people want it for free? I don't get it. They hit a nice medium this time around at least, they are adding in the unit and portraits into the main dlc. And yet people will STILL complain.

Insurgentdude is trully god among men

He's a national treasure

i never called that game accurate, that's exactly why i want some accurate ones. Besides in M&B i can't stand seeing like 7 dudes stand in a line, i need my army corps for realism desu.

I always try to play EU4 or Victoria 2 but when I play them I always end up with a economy worse than Zimbabwe or getting rekt by someone stronger than me when I go to war,even if I make sure that they don't have any good allies and I'm stronger than them

I'm just too bad for them or I'm missing something?

In EU4 hire mercenaries, I actually loathe how Vicky 2 handles military pops, they always fucking promote if you're doing well economically

There is a mod for napoleon total war about the Franco-Austrian war of 1859. It's dope as shit



I can't play Steel Division as the allies, it's too easy when you get matched against some retarded Wehraboo who will always use his tanks like a fucking idiot, it's a shame really because the Panceri are the most fun army

oh god is that game full of them, i'd say the same with tankies in Red Dragon.
I have only played it about 4 times as of yet because i tried it when visiting my friend, my computer can't run it too well. I have also only played about 2-3 online matches so i can't talk too much about the experience of winning/losing too much but i have found it easy to wipe out germans desu.

Most Germany players are retarded and will throw Panthers and Tigers into the open to get the fuck bombed out of them by typhoons or 17 pounders, like all Paradox published games wehraboos are a given, avoid Panzer Lehr players

is this the most fun spreadsheet wargame?

Yes, amazing game.

>oh god is that game full of them, i'd say the same with tankies in Red Dragon.
Yes! I love obliterating Hind or T-72 spam with my Scandinavian infantry. Gets them assmad every time lol

Its victoria 2 and don't bother trying it if you don't have a 4 digits iq

It's great. Just needs a bit more depth and fixing shit like very weak artillery. I mean I know it wasn't as deadly as few decades later but 24 guns firing on a 2000 men brigade crossing an open field should do some major damage, not kill like 2 guys every salvo.

Fuck that shit.
Fuck India. Fuck Central Asia.
They should add proper trade, naval warfare, population, cadet branches, stuff like that.
Instead of real improvements they just add more half-assed regions. New regions would be cool if they actually paid attention.