Claim to fight against Islam for Christendom

>Claim to fight against Islam for Christendom
>Sack Constantinople
>Weaken the Byzantines to such a point that the Turks take it over

Why were the Crusaders so retarded?

The Crusaders were not even real Christians, they were just violent poor peasants looking for an excuse to go abroad to rape and pillage. They knew nothing of actual Christian theology.

What makes a real christian?

Not a person who gets paid money to murder people, because another person who gets money to pray for murderers told him this is fine.

It is true

The crusaders were basically the christian equivalent of ISIS

Blame the v*netians, they were the jews of the middle ages

without the pope's declaration and religious zeal they simply could not gain the support they did

in the 4th crusade the original plan was to enthrone Alexios after which they would gain Roman material aid for a crusade to the holy land, it was the leadership that decided to change the plan

>Choice between heretics or heathens
Tough choice, maybe if your wog heroes didn't get BTFO at Manzikert they wouldn't need to beg Rome for help like pathetic faggots

The Pope excommunicated them dickhead, and that's before they even got to Constantinople

>in the 4th crusade the original plan was to enthrone Alexios
The original plan was to gather 50k men to siege Alexandria. When they only managed 10k they had to find a different source of capital, hence Alexios.
>it was the leadership that decided to change the plan
By that I hope you mean the byzantine leadership. Afterall Alexios WAS enthroned, he just got murdered before managing to raise the money to pay the crusaders, which is why they decided to sack the city to get even.

Wow the mighy "Roman" Empire fell to a bunch of venetians and merchants.


Don't forget about all the raping and pillaging they did to the (Catholic) Poles and Lithuanians


>implying that does fuck all for Byzantines
You're probably catholic.

>Whine about Catholics blowing you the fuck out
>All those Catholics got kicked out of the church itself
>Still blame Rome
Maybe "Rome" shouldn't have lost to the Turks over and over again then?

pope excommunicated venetians and franks for capturing zadar you double nigger

Alexios acyually was murdered by his fellow greeks while gathering the payment. A bit unfair to write it up like he was trying to cheat the franks.

>>Claim to fight against Islam for Christendom
And they did it.
>>Sack Constantinople
Kill thousands of Catholics, ask the help of the Crusaders and then refuse to pay them, and still complain? A lot of pity the crusaders had with those dogs.
>>Weaken the Byzantines to such a point that the Turks take it over
Of course, Byzantium did not fall for its own bad decisions, it was all for the fourth Crusade (which was completely justified).

And by the way, they are not orthodox, they are schmatic.

This board already looks like an extension of /pol/.

Someone who follows the values christ and god set forth.

ok then what are said values, give like a crash course on it, simple and streamlined

"hey my dudes, you can kill, rape and plunder as much as you want, as long as you buy monks to pray for your sins - that money will not go to development of christendom and education, but to golden domes and fancy churches we will use to remain relevant."

the only good crusader was Frederick the Second of Hohenstaufen. all else were uncivilised barbarians

A real christian is someone who has a personal relationship to his Lord God. Anyone else that claims to represent him without supernormal backing is a lie, a cheat and a heretic. God was never supposed to be a reason to war, and neither was he.

A good christian truly believes in his God and doesn't use His name to gain in this physical realm.

Fucking plebeian is what you are.

Also, it's weird how anything other than the churches' doctrine was met with fierce hostility by the scummy clergy. The ones that needed their heads severed from their bodies weren't the aristocrats, but the Bishops, the crypto atheist monks and the Pope.

You christians truly are disgusting for dragging our only God into our petty wars and quarrels.

Anyone who defies God by claiming to be his emissary deserves a stake to pierce him from balls to brains - the last prophet was Mohammed (p.b.u.h) and we mustn't put sinful man in a similar position.

Anyone who claims that they are and is sincere in their belief.

Those Crusaders were excommunicated after attacking a Christian settlement. How is it rightful that catholics continue to fight a war for a religion they are not part of? Are you insane?

The only reasonable Crusader was Frederick who conquered the Abbasid's Jerusalem with his cunning words and sharp brain.

Money is power.

>A real christian has a personal relation with god
Protestant detected.