I'm currently doing a school project on what the Third Reich would look like in the XXI century if they won the war. Do you guys have any ideas on what would the world look like today ?
Third Reich in XXI century
The honest truth is that it would be almost exactly the same as what we have today, just with a few aesthetic differences, like Nazis suddenly being the good guys in war films etc.
>Do you guys have any ideas on what would the world look like today?
They never had a chance at winning WW2, so the scenario is redundant.
Also, read In The Presence of Mine Enemies by Harry Turtledove,
I'm also analyzing the military mistakes they made during that war and thx for the reccomendation
Its fair to say though that alot of social movement wouldn't happen under Nazi rule; things like sexual revolution, civil rights movement, hippie subculture, etc.
You're making the mistake of thinking that the Nazis would be able to maintain total control, forever. A regime like the Nazis needs a scapegoat to maintain control. After Germany wins the war, who is the scapegoat?
High school work?
Honest truth would be that it's impossible to say. The scenario can only serve as a basic setup for fictional worlds.
>What happens once Hitler dies? Will his succesors be simmiliar nutjobs or more pragmatic ones?
>Will they pursue more and more insane racial policies or just go with "untermenshen kaput, we all Iranians now"
>Do Nazis back down on Generalplan Ost?
>How strong will be the uprisings?
>Will Americans nuke them?
>Will they conquer Britain?
>Will they betray their allies?
>Will they look for another war?
>How long can they survive economically?
>What happens to France?
The nazis got into power in the first place with the help of a mostly homosexual paramilitary organization. Granted Hitler had them all killed, but he did that as part of a deal to gain control of the proper German military, not because he hated gays. They weren't as fanatically conservative as you might get the impression of in retrospect, in part because the allies wrote history and in part because their whole existence took place during an extreme war time.
I'm mostly dividing questions in 2 sections. What will be life inside of that regime and how will be the foreign relationships. And yeah its the final project for HS
I think a post Hitler Germany would resemble the Islamic Caliphates in nature. Ultimately I suspect the best way for it to win is for someone like Leo Amery to be PM in the UK and for Huey Long or Joseph Kennedy Sr getting into power in the US. This means no support for the USSR, however, support against the Nazis and you also should have Italy hold off in its Balkan autism. That and no Afrika front leads to more time and ultimately the potential taking of a city which could lead to Stalin suffering a Hitler style break down and start purging the STAVKA and assume direct control over the war and fail even further. I personally suspect that there are only a handful of men who could keep the Reich from civil war after Hitler died, a total unknown puppet, Goring (for a bit), and more importantly Speer and Heydrich. The latter two seem mostly sane and very capable. I also think that Germany would go after the remains of the USSR after it completed Generalplan ost and probably would also end up allying with a successful Republican China. It would need to have major economic reform in order to survive but it is plausible and their long term strategy in terms of stability would work extremely well.
could potentially be literally anyone not germanic, you're not thinking very hard
>needs a scapegoat
Yeah, without the subversive counterculture they would have continuously needed a scapegoat.
That was sarcasm btw.
Given the inability of the Third Rwich to prophecy force to Britain, let alone America, a "Third Reich victory" probably involves defeating the USSR, holding the Anglo-allies out of the European mainland, and getting a negotiated peace when war weariness drags.
In that time, strategic bombing steps up considerably, and uses atomic weapons come '45 and '46. In the end, you have a North Korea-sequel Nazi Germany ruling over an irradiated continental Europe. It sucks a lot to live there. The rest of the world is much better off, except maybe China; without a viable USSR, Mao either doesn't win the civil war or it takes him much longer too, and China is a clusterfuck of warlordism and KMT garbage.
Read on the Carnation Revolution, it's essentially what would happen
You forgot one major group of question:
>Will it even survive?
I would hazard a guess there might be a civil war betweem the conservatives from Wehr going against brownies from SS, once Hitler dies.
>And yeah its the final project for HS
Jesus...which country are you from?
Nazi Germany's mistake was going to war in the first place, made even worse by the fact they decided to initiate a two front war (what had helped to lose them the last one) and attack the Soviet Union even though they were receiving massive economic aid from them.
Germany shot itself in the foot with its anti-Semitic policies. Drove all the smart Jewish scientists to flee to the US and Great Britain and their talents along with a newfound sense of cooperation in the face of Nazism gave the Allies the decisive advantage in the one technological race that truly mattered, nuclear. The race for the bomb was the one the Axis could not afford to lose and the Nazis' short-sighted bigotry handed it to the Americans on a silver platter.
Germans succeed to keeping the Allies from landing in Western Europe and the Russians at bay in the East? August 1945 rolls around and Little Boy or Fat Man is used to destroy Berlin instead. No more Hitler, Himmler, or Goring or OKW, whoever's left is a helluva lot more compelled to agree to the Allies' demands, lest the bombs be unleashed on all of the Third Reich.
Only way Nazi Germany could've averted annihilation by nuclear or conventional means would've been to develop the bomb first, which would've required they either not be Nazis, or sabotage the Manhattan Project on the other side of the globe.
Leaf-land and u choose the theme and i like the subject so i chose it
Like the USSR they would have eventually liberalized and collapsed.
It would be poor, unstable, fraught with corruption and stymied in development like every other socialist regime,
I have a feeling it's not gonna end well for you, I remember doing something simmiliarly ambitious in high school only to end up realizing I don't know shit about the subject and eventually failling to deliver.
If I could give you an advice scrap the part about military mistakes, you'll likely end up sounding autistic armchair general without providing any meaningful informations. With limited knowledge of a high schooler, It would be better to focus on one subject.
btw what literature have you read?
Danzig ist Polnisch, my smelly wehraboo friend
It would probable be closest in aesthetics to North Korea. Internet and free speech would be banned.
Stop misusing terms you don't know the definition of.
Yeah that sounds good i still have time. During the summer i collect my sources and from september to december I create my website. Also those are my book sources so far. Some are french books cuz Quebec
Either like the DPRK, DDR, or Poland depending on how quickly Hitler's power is contained and who comes after him. Either Germany becomes a backwards fascist shithole of a country or a moderately dumpy but stable and conservative country like Poland.
>They never had a chance at winning WW2
I guess the attire of the people might have remained the same for longer and maybe things like shorts and flip flops may have failed or took longer to catch on, may have looked like the 1950's for a long while. Architecture and computers would have developed the same. Entertainment media may have consisted of more wholesome themes like cottages and porridge. Sports would probably still exist though maybe without all the commercialist advertising and maybe also less lucrative.
I personally would have wanted for Japanese Empire to have taken over the world.
I guess North Korea could be a rough example perhaps mixed with some aspects of the Gulf states or any other remaining monarchies.
Tbh it may have also resembled America in some ways since that's were many Nazis fled. There appears to also be a change in the way America functioned after the war.
>a school project on what the Third Reich would look like in the XXI century if they won the war.
Really? A school project?
There's too many variables to take in to account to produce even somewhat realistic interpretation what it might've looked. You'd have to take in to account everything from would've the regime lasted as it was or would it have just dissipated or gone through reforms and changes? Would counterculture be a thing. You can maybe get a certain picture if you just grossly assume some things.
>the one technological race that truly mattered, nuclear.
The bombs were dropped long after Germany surrendered and Germany was near completion of their own, likewise they had the rocketry to send a possible nuke deep into another nation's territory.
>Germany was near completion of their own
citation needed
A real question I have is how a victorious or still extant Reich would view the revolution in biotechnology.
The XX century was crazy in the latter half in that respect. Germany was a leader in X-Ray crystallography so they MIGHT have discovered DNA first, even though it wasn't a priority for the Reich.
Big side note, Nazi superscience is a meme. Their scientific establishment was excellent but largely coasting on 2nd Reich momentum, the Nazis didn't really highly value or support it.
Nonetheless, major innovations were made in biotechnology during the latter half of the XX century.
>Antibiotics made in 3D culture bioreactors during the 1940's
>primitive tissue culture
>tissue cultures modified to produce drugs (early artificially-derived insulin)
>genetically modified bacteria to produce more advanced drugs
>computing used for small molecule drug discovery
>Genomics, proteonomics, and supercomputing used for large molecule drug discovery
>GM crops and livestock
How would the Reich embrace biotechnology? What would their reaction to human genome modifications be?
Would they grasp in-vitro fertilization as a chance to refine eugenics? Would they continue with human experimentation? Would they view modification as a chance to improve and refine the Meisterrasse or as a corruption of natural perfection?
Would they shape nature with this technology? We know about their de-extinction effort for th me aurox and introduction of the raccoon to forests. Do you think that'd apply to more radical alterations of biology and the environment?
The scapegoat needs to be something internal, something within the country.
Yeah you get to decide the subject
Homosexuals were put into conzentration camps
>attack the Soviet Union even though they were receiving massive economic aid from them
wait, what?
No one can say. If the Nazis won, a couple things would be certain:
1. Hitler would have died in 1945 or 1946 anyway from health complications
2. Innovations made as a result of the Cold War would not be realized in the same timeline
But to be frank, the Axis powers never stood a chance. It was an uphill battle for them for 6 years.
National _socialism_
Clusterfuck after he dies
Imagine post Stalin death struggle but 10 times worse.