Must suck knowing there's a giant fleet on the way to fuck you up and there's nothing you can do about it.
Must suck knowing there's a giant fleet on the way to fuck you up and there's nothing you can do about it
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The Germans were kinda outnumbered in that one, but that's nothing compared to how outnumbered the irrelevant barely armed tiny flottilla of Mers-El-Kebir was by britscums
Yeah like the Spanish armada
Britain can thank the weather for that one
Have you been at this all day? You were literally here this at 5 in the morning
What about you tho?
Even more than that, almost all sailors and officers in the German navy knew that taking on the British was suicide, so much so that when the order was given in 1918 to break the blockade, the entire Navy mutinied in response and led the revolution that toppled the Kaiser.
must really be bad if you'd rather overthrow your own king just to avoid facing down the Royal Navy.
>irrelevant and barely armed
>4 battleships
>Doveton Sturdee
>Maximilian von Spee
>Archibald Stoddart
Why do Germanics have such fucking stupid names
>Thomas Jefferson
>George Washington
>Abraham Lincoln
Why do Americans have such fucking stupid names
t. anglo scum
>be French
>be stuck in Africa thousands of miles from home
>be heavily outnumbered by British fleet
>be allied to the British
>decide to fight them instead
What were they thinking?
More like the Eternal Anglo attacked them when they refused to obey his autism
something about the british afraid the warships would be taken by the germans or something like that. the british probably asked nicely at first but the frenchiggers wouldn't comply.
This excuse as been debunked billions of times already
The French had a real big fleet in Toulon that could indeed have been a threat, but Brits went for the flotilla in Algeria
Truth is that Brits were still enraged by their humiliation on the continent and passed their nerves on that allied flotilla
The French didn't have "a real big fleet" in Toulon. It had been evacuated from France proper and distributed to the ports of north africa, mostly Algeria and Dakar, precisely as to prevent the possibility of a german rapid action to capture a fleet docked in Toulon, since Vichy France was exposed to a swift german invasion, but not French North Africa.
What they idiotically failed to guess was that the Brit lads would show up both in Algeria and Dakar to bombard the fuck out of them.
Cheers to Dunkirk, frog amis!
You're wrong, faggot
The French did indeed had their main fleet and Toulon, and fucking Vichy France (a German puppet) had to scuttle it to prevent the Germans from taking it since Brits were pussies who'd rather eliminate a small flottila in Algeria than ever come back near the continent again without Daddy USA, even to eliminate a vital theat
don't capitulate to the Germans and we won't destroy your fleet
>i'm so butthurt I'll lie on the internet to feel better about my autism
Yeah, the scuttling of Toulon totally never happened and I totally made up that wikipedia article in the minute...
Calling the fleet at Algeria a "small flottila" is lying, pretty bad when you yourself posted its composition. Lying to try and validate your "muh eternal anglo" bullshit is only going to work with other, weak-minded individuals. Oh in case you hadn't caught on either, the Toulon scuttling happened two years later after the Allied invasion of North Africa and Germany occupied the rest of France in response, fearing that Vichy France wouldn't offer much resistance to an Allied invasion from the south as they barely put up a fight in North Africa. The fleet there wasn't even that big of a prize given that most of the big gun warships had been destroyed or surrendered two years previously and by that time most of the Med was an Allied lake.
Mers-El-Kébir was a tragic, pragmatic but ultimately necessary action taken by the British who were now without allies, already feeling the pinch of the U-boat war and seeing their former ally siding with the enemy, willingly or otherwise the French possessed one of the largest navies in the world and the risk was too great the Axis would get their hands on it and negate one of the few advantages the Brits retained. They didn't sail there with the express intent to destroy the fleet, they were confident that enough French navymen would be willing to either intern their ships or join the fledgling Free French forces. French naval assets in Alexandria surrendered peacefully and were eventually used against the Axis, other than a minor scuffle on the Surcouf the French ships in Britain at the time were also handed over without incident. Mers-El-Kébir itself may have also been resolved peacefully but for problems in communication, mixed interpretations of intentions and the stubbornness of the Vichy French.
Britain not only neutralized a potential danger but sent a message heard loud and clear around the world, that there would be no treating with Hitler, that they would fight on, alone if necessary to see the war through.