Is is true that Hitler hated jews because he was rejected by a Jewish girl?
Is is true that Hitler hated jews because he was rejected by a Jewish girl?
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But Jewish girls hated Hitler because he rejected (and then gassed) them
He came to his views later on in life, after observing their kikery in action. Communism and the Weimar Republic. Read about Martin Luther and how he changed his mind about the Jews. Most people, especially kids, aren't going to pay attention to what they get up to.
"Muh freedom of religion. We can all get along."
They're foreign infiltrators who look out for their own and screw everyone else.
No, the story is a little different. He stalked a girl named Stefanie Rabatsch and it's theorized her Jewish name had an effect on his later anti-semitism. She didn't care much for him but never knew he liked her nor did she ever reject him.
Like many before you, you have confused Hitler with Thomas Pynchon
There was a story I've heard that during Germany's depression, some Jewish guy rubbed Hitler the wrong way so much that Hitler could never get him out of his head. He never told anyone the specifics, but that the experience marred him for the rest of his life.
Alas, I could never find any sources to corroborate this story.
That's ridiculous, do you think everyone on /pol/ hates jews because they get rejected by girls?
i'd say a lot of them hate women in general for the same reason as /r9k/
Did you know Jews were advocating sterilization of all Germans in 1941?
This is six months prior to the holocaust.
>They're foreign infiltrators who look out for their own and screw everyone else.
Hasn't been my experience with Jews. And I've known plenty.
"the Morgenthau Plan was worth more to the Wehrmacht than 30 divisions"
if any of the people fighting Germany had shut the fuck up about how much they wanted to completely destroy it, they would have won easier
>This is six months prior to the holocaust.
And many months after the beginning of Nazi anti-Jewish campaigns.
this is exactly my experience and i've known plenty
>The Jews were advocating some kind of retaliation against the people who were attacking them.
Who knew.
Be specific. What did they do?
>They're foreign infiltrators who look out for their own and screw everyone else.
That's like... every ethnic group who does that, dude. Looking out for their own kin above everyone else. We've been doing that since the dawn of humanity.
Almost everyone hated Jews back then. Antisemitism was a majority viewpoint prior to WWII.
>They're foreign infiltrators who look out for their own and screw everyone else.
The cute Jewish girl in neighborhood was definitely like this. Except all she infiltrated was my pants.
>Thanks for being my first, Hannah.
UCLA finance major, half my graduating class was jews and they ALL cheated. It wasn't even subtle, literal passing notes in class tier. And of course it fucks up the curve. Most went to get jobs at their parents' firms.
Why do people come up with these crazy ass theories on why Hitler hated jews? EVERYONE hated jews at the time. That sort of thing tends to happens when you charge usury and rent.
I was mocking the original guy because it's easy as shit to say "works fine on my machine :^)" as if anecdotal evidence means anything.
If you look at statistics they are over-represented in politics, finance, and media and have significant foreign ties (israel).
not me
I've never known a finance Jew. Most of my Jewish friends work in fields like medicine, law, and engineering. Maybe it's a finance Jew thing.
>If you look at statistics they are over-represented in politics, finance, and media and have significant foreign ties (israel).
Oh, no doubt. Only the last one bothers me, though, and something like half of Jews don't even like Israel.
Lots of preppy, upper-class college students cheat like that due to expectations. It's like raking on frat boys for doing frat boy things. This kind of shit comes with the territory in university environments.
>"Well, gosh. So many Jews, here!"
1.) Stop lumping all Jews together.
2.) It's literally propaganda from Goebbels. Obviously the allied nations were not going to sterilize Germany and in fact were sterilizing their own minorities back on the home front.
I didn't say it was surprising.
>"Well there's a lot of jews there of course they're going to act like sneaky fucks!"
>"Try going somewhere with no jews, they're fine there."
>rich spoiled kids cheat a test because they want the comfy vicepresident role at daddy firm
>thus da joos want to exterminate the white race
quit /pol, my friend
>Jews do better on a test
>reeeeee! They all must have cheated! I am the best! everyone is plotting against me.
Yeah, it's like it has nothing to do with the region and its local culture or something. But that'd just be weird and complicated.
>some kind of retaliation
found the white cuck
The National Socialists were planning to give them their own area. It was a case of a clash of two culture. Jews are given this idea that they are the victims and the good guys when it was provoked on both sides.
>The National Socialists were planning to give them their own area.
We know it as The Ghetto, my boy.
*the National Socialists were going to confiscate their property and force them to immigrate while segregating the remaining ones and hoping they die on the trip to their penal colony
Also why is "600,000 Jews of Germany" highlighted? More Jews died than just German ones. Most of the Jews who died were from Poland and the USSR.
Jesus christ, let's examine how you see this. You at some point want to assume Jews became heroes or martyrs.
My whole point was that there were racial tensions and this was a clash of cultures from the start. You can keep trying to push back the date to another "tragedy" but there is context to that as well.
Jews were not martyrs anymore than any other cultural clash is. If you want to get rid of cultural clashes then you have to separate cultures.
>You at some point want to assume Jews became heroes or martyrs.
Care to point out any indication of such ITT?
>My whole point was that there were racial tensions and this was a clash of cultures from the start.
That precedes almost all genocides.
>If you want to get rid of cultural clashes then you have to separate cultures.
You were hiding your /pol/ so well up until this point. :/
Speaking of victims, did you know that 100,000 Jew fought in a German uniform during World War I (making them the largest ethnic minority (in terms of number and %) to fight in WWI for Germany.
12,000 of these German Jews died for their country
18,000 German Jews were awarded the Iron Cross for their service in the war.
Less than 20 years later they are declared non-citizens.
>Is is true that Hitler hated jews because he was rejected by a Jewish girl?
Well he was penniless.
What if the usual time travel methods we use to stop the Holocaust all wrong?
What if the best way to prevent the Holocaust is to hook Hitler up with a nice Jewish girl?
then how come irish, italians, native americans, asians, and arabs pre 9/11 have no problem in america?
>Care to point out any indication of such ITT?
You keep justifying why it was okay for the Jews to call for sterilization of Germans prior to Germans calling for extinction, or making any action towards, the Jews.
I don't know what you're arguing after that. The fact is clear, the Jews were calling for destruction for Germany since they gained power during the Weimar Republic and you're just a jew or a cuck who has virtually zero information about the Holocaust outside of high school history
I don't know what that has to do with anything
Did you leave a goy in her womb?
Lol do they not?
Irish clashed with Anglo influence in everything during the 19th century.
>B-bu-but the Anglos were rude to them then
You're proving my point user
Native Americans? Was that a joke?
Hitler said that kikes stabbed them in the back in WW1 when they were part of the war effort
anti semites fell for a stupid meme created by the high command
>native americans
I don't really know how to respond to this.
>That's like... every ethnic group who does that, dude. Looking out for their own kin above everyone else. We've been doing that since the dawn of humanity.
On the surface this is true. However, everything is relative. The Jews are culturally Middle-Eastern, where the group matters a lot more than the individual (like in Western culture). That's how they can endure in alien landscapes.
This massive in-group preference for the "chosen people", combined with the emphasis on education and group intelligence enables them to easily dominate the degeneracy prevailing in the West today. Research the Jewish overrepresentation in the media, finance, academia, and politics.
The point is not that they are simply nepotistic, but that the West is being manipulated by complete outsiders. If one were Jewish it might be seen as admirable, but not for Westerners who actually want their own interests represented.
>You keep justifying why it was okay for the Jews to call for sterilization of Germans prior to Germans calling for extinction, or making any action towards, the Jews.
Because that tends to happen when you constantly smack people around. They bite back. That's not unique to either Jews or Nazis. People, individually or collectively, are reactionary like that. It's shocking, I know.
>That's like... every ethnic group who does that, dude. Looking out for their own kin above everyone else. We've been doing that since the dawn of humanity.
As parasites in foreign countries?
Well since she's a woman, according to Judaism as a religion, that kid would automatically be considered Jewish, even if he renounces it or simply doesn't practise. But kind of wish I did. Despite being that type of petite Jewish girl with glasses who turns out to be a demon in the sack waiting to be unleashed, she would make a really good mom.
no the point is, jews get shit on even though nothing will happen to the irish, native americans, italians, indians, blacks, or even muslims in america. none of these cultural groups are assimilated
>I don't know what that has to do with anything
I was pointing that German Jews loved their country as much as any other German. I think that is quite relevant.
No, specifically the Jews have done this
They can't integrate and they take hold of the cultures through its weak spots
Well they also didn't (following your format of all-or-nothing statements).
Some German Jews did and they changed their names and became Christian
>You keep justifying why it was okay for the Jews to call for sterilization of Germans prior to Germans calling for extinction, or making any action towards, the Jews.
Noone was defending that. Also not all of the Jews wanted to destroy all the Germans. Get your head out of your ass.
International Jews usually did not. Think of it as a more cerebral contemporary Muslim invasion
He could just not practice Judaism or follow their rules. Having a Jew mother doesn't mean he has to be.
But a large portion did. #notallthereforenoproblem
>They can't integrate
the whole reform judaism movement is based around integration, the majority of jews in america will be as assimilated as italians and irish are provided if nobody from /pol/ gets into government and tries to start a war, there's many jews throughout the midwest and south who don't identify as racially jewish because nobody ever asked or cares
>But a large portion did.
Prove it.
I wasn't talking about "International Jews" whatever they are...(are those the ones living in ships in international waters?)...what ever they are, I was speaking of the German Jews who lived in Germany and were proud of being German.
Not to Judaic religions. Even if he didn't identify as a Jew, he would still be considered one by religious standards.
Hell, there are some sects of Judaism in America where just having general Jewish ancestry qualifies you as a Jew.
Yes but he doesn't have to follow religious standards because religion is for idiots and children.
If that's true then why did the ethnic Germans, who immigrated with the German Jews, not retain German status? Why are there lobbyists for Jews in congress but not Germans... Or even Irish. It's because the cultures are incompatible
True, but he'd still be considered a Jew if his mom was of Jewish blood.
They wrote a book calling for sterilization of Germans, I showed you the article. It was clearly a large cultural struggle that got bigger as both sides antagonized each other, mostly international Jews to national Germans
Do you understand what international means? Make it a proper noun.
Pretending the only issues that resolved race relations was in the nation is childish bantering
>why it was okay for the Jews
one Jew
>to call for sterilization of Germans prior to Germans calling for extinction, or making any action towards, the Jews.
1941 was well after the Nazis had already begun campaigns against the Jews. I just hadn't reached the death camp stage yet. Jews were already being attacked and killed and their property stolen. Kristallnacht was in 1938, for fuck's sake.
>Do you understand what international means?
no, that is what I am asking
Again, quit acting like that was where crisis began. There were racial tensions prior and it's been common in all societies in Europe and middle east.
The point of bringing up that book was it was before German rhetoric
>There were racial tensions prior and it's been common in all societies in Europe and middle east.
So why are you acting like one Jew writing a book about sterilizing Germans is indicative of anything larger than one Jew's anger? If there were racial tensions, then this is understandable. Even in the absence of racial tensions, you'll get the occasional schizo calling for such things.
>The point of bringing up that book was it was before German rhetoric
It wasn't. That's one of the things that I'm trying to get through to you. The Nazis came on the scene in the 20s They put out anti-Jew rhetoric from the very beginning. They took power in 1933.
Also why do our nations need to change to allow Jew culture? I don't want hedonism as a part of our culture and I certainly don't want multiculturalism
the jews were persecuted so much throughout history (mostly in europe) that it's very possible that anti-semitism can develop in other regions as well. Because of this reason, everybody afaik who is born Jewish has either Jewish citizenship or entitlement to the law of return.
You don't control who you're born as. It doesn't matter if you're the biggest Jewish Zionist, hate your own guts and try to doom other Jews like that Nathaniel guy, if you have a Jewish great grandmother, or what have you. If you are Jewish or are related to the Jews, you will always be scapegoated when things get rough, particularly in European countries. This is why Jews have Jewish citizenship.
The Irish and Italians are not assimilated. They still hold on to their Catholic traditions which are very different from Protestant circles. The latter group had a fucking mob less than half a century ago.
Hedonism isn't Jew culture. It has a fine and storied history in the West. As for multiculturalism, if you want less of it then take that up with your fellow voters and convince them to vote differently on immigration and welfare issues.
They didn't try to murder or sterilize prior. They pushed them to a ghetto as a precursor to giving them their own land.
Again it was more than just one Jew. The international community of Jews were clashing with German culture. Again, it could've been any other nation, as it's been many, but it was Germany this time and possibly America now. The Jewish culture of intellectualized multiculturalism is alien to me
But it's not just Europe it's middle east as well.
>Irish and Italian
Catholicism is accepted in American culture now but it was an issue. To pretend it wasn't is childish bantering.
We are but Jew media is against us hence culture clash
Just don't act like any white who disagrees with you is disagreeing only because of Jew influence.
western culture is based around individualism and it will always at its core devolve into hedonism
you can't avoid multiculturism especially in a country as big as the US because you're expecting millions of people who all come from different ethical and cultural background spread out over thousands of miles to think the same. That's retarded, monoculturism only exists in states like China where they oppress their minority cultures like the Tibetians
there were millions of people already shot in the street from violence and starvation
they're against fat slobs in the midwest who voted for their own destruction by electing reagan type conservatives as governors who are now destroying jobs and infrastructure, but instead of admitting to their own mistakes, they seek to blame other people such as the president (who in actuality has little influence compared to other parts of government) or minorities that make money like jews or indians. I know because I live in the midwest and it's degenerate as fuck, jews are practically nonexistent here and there's white trash getting arrested in the street every other day for drugs. The only family I saw that had a Trump sign were a bunch of methheads. Western culture at its core is degenerate.
What's your argument? Racial tensions began there?
You're arguing Jews are the victims, I'm saying it's a cultural clash
I'm not but Marxism is Jewish ethnic response to being a minority in another land
>The latter group had a fucking mob less than half a century ago.
Same with the Jews.
Funny how they were more powerful than the Italians but from a smaller population.
Monoculturalism is the norm. Multiculturalism is a monoculture representing Marxist culture. A true multicultural society can not exist as it requires no restraints such as a body of any sort or any philosophical arguments. Marxists don't want right wing culture.
>millions already shot
From when? The reconquista?
Last paragraph isn't an argument. You didn't address our real issues with Marxism
>Multiculturalism is a monoculture representing Marxist culture
it's like talking to a brick wall, multiculturism has always existed in large countries/empires. Rome had it, they persecuted their minorities, but they still had it. Islamic countries also allowed minorities through taxation. You are essentially asking for millions of people in giant nations like the US and Russia to think the same despite the distance from each other and the different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. A person in Texas doesn't think in the same way that a person from Maine does, a person in Chechnya doesn't think in the same way a person from Siberia does.
I'm in the midwest, I do not like western culture in the state it is now, but I do not blame jews because they barely exist here. Did jews cause the white meth head street fights that occur every other month? no they did not. This kind of garbage is caused by western culture itself, the destructive nature of it towards everything from the environment to jobs to daily life style. The anglo religion is sitting in front of someone idolizing God through Reagan or Trump or only talking about the bible for 15 minutes while singing a rock music hymn probably crafted from some head office. This shit isn't healthy, this is what western culture is.
Is everything you don't like Marxism?
>(making them the largest ethnic minority (in terms of number and %) to fight in WWI for Germany.
Why do you people constantly have to lie? There were literally hundreds of thousands of Poles who fought for the central powers during world war 1.
Monoculturalism is not the norm. Big empires were never monocultural. I'm against modern mass immigration to Western countries but blaming Jews for the idea of multiculturalism is just stupid.
I've also read about this. Maybe it only includes volunteers or maybe Poles were not considered a minority in German Empire.
an empire having multiple cultures is not the same as multiculturalism presented today. Empires tended to have a dominant culture while subduing other cultures often trough violent assimilation and, other times, trough less violent means such as extra taxation, discrimination in government positions and employment in general, trading exclusions, etc. thus putting pressure on other cultures to assimilate in order to have the same opportunities.
This is how you end up with the British isles speaking a Germanic language with heavy latin/french influence while the genetic picture of the islands itself didn't change much since ancient times, in other words, neither the Romans, Germanics or Normans outnumbered the native populations, rather they assimilated them over time despite being numerically inferior.
By these terms, you should ask for everyone of Italian descent to be kicked out of "your" country for having any ties to organized crime.
way ahead of you :^)
Sure, because the Romans completely deprived Britain, the areas surrounding Latium, Gallia, North Africa, the low countries, and the Iberian Peninsula of their cultures, and made sure they all looked and acted the same based on Roman norms, and made sure to kick out everyone who did not act according to these norms and send them back to their country of origin.
Or you could just, y'know, pull your head out of your ass and just state you don't like multiculturalism (which is a perfectly valid stance) intead of trying to defend a point with vage arguments.
>also if this was bait, then I took it
>implying they were forcefuly removed from their territory
>implying Istria is the US
>Sure, because the Romans completely deprived Britain, the areas surrounding Latium, Gallia, North Africa, the low countries, and the Iberian Peninsula of their cultures, and made sure they all looked and acted the same based on Roman norms
But that's what they literally did with their cities, they were built along Roman lines, from north Africa to Britain, and they were populated by roman citizens with predominantly roman culture, the most you can argue is for regional influences unto that roman culture.
That doesn't mean the natives were gone, they were just second class citizens. Roman was not an ethnicity, it was the dominant cultural group. So much for multiculturalism.
Then again, modern leftists think that multiculturalism = different race even if they all speak, act, think the same and were born in the same community.
>>implying they were forcefuly removed from their territory
Yeah, they were. I was joking but whatever.
>Empires tended to have a dominant culture while subduing other cultures often trough violent assimilation and, other times, trough less violent means such as extra taxation, discrimination in government positions and employment in general, trading exclusions, etc. thus putting pressure on other cultures to assimilate in order to have the same opportunities.
Which worked so well that all big empires from 19th centry fell apart.
I wasn't arguing pro or con but every empire falls at one point or another and its usually due to a number of issues compounding over time.
Your arguments are one false equivalency, failure to know history, and strawmen, one after another.
The Sicilian mafia was a minute fraction of a much larger population, it was largely cultural and had existed for centuries, whereas the Jewish mafia had no cultural impetus and was solely profit based. Likewise Sicilians never manipulated the US government to fight wars for Italy, nor could they convince through bribery to support the Italians unlike the Jews who were able to drive home the war propaganda against the Axis.
I would say that nationalism was a very important factor in this process.
Current version of multiculturalism is of course different than in the past, but that's perfectly normal. Society changes all the time.
Often it seems that great empires fall when they switch from 'My country is great' nationalism to 'My country is the best damn thing on the planet' nationalism. Pride goeth before the fall, and all that.
I'm sure that Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor was more important than some alleged propaganda against the Axis. Especially considering the West did absolutely nothing to prevent Jews getting murdered in Poland after Polish government presented Karski's report. They also did nothing after Kristallnacht.