Who is the closest resemblance to Littlefinger in history?
Who is the closest resemblance to Littlefinger in history?
he's a metaphor for jews
he comes from a merchant family, is good with money, and has a close relationship with many banks
he is often scheming and those in power don't trust him but need his help
I imagine the actor who plays Middlefinger does.
He's finance personified
Thomas Cromwell, born from nothing and worked his way to the top using intrigue and political relationships.
littlefinger didn't get tortured or try to raise a civic militia that got BTFO by spanish elite troops. also machiavelli came from a good family while little finger came from nothing, at least from what i gathered from the show
Littlefinger was from a small landed family. Sure he wasn't powerful like he is today, but certainly not "born from nothing".
Lavrenty Beria
Looks harmless, but pulls all the strings. Pockets money. Generated debt. Lurks in the deep state. Always useful, until he stabs you in the back.
Beria is closer to Ramsay Bolton if anything.
>Stalin was literally afraid of leaving his daughter in Beria's presence
> he comes from a merchant family,
no he doesn't
his father was a nobleman with some dirt for land
>you will never be a random guard that walks in and finds Stalin on the floor gurgling on his own vomit and having shat the floor
*blocks your path*
Yes. Petyrs great-grandfather was a pentosi sellsword, so he doesn't have a great noble lineage but he's still not from a merchant family.
I dont think he was a pedo but he did love raping young women he picked up off the street
>Who is the closest resemblance to Littlefinger in history?
none, because any actual person who behaved like such a nimrod would have been summarily stabbed in the throat and dropped into a bog long before history would have bothered recording him
this, right down to dying in a pathetic and ridiculous way (assuming you accept showfaggotry)
His land was so small it didn't even had a name. He was barely a lord, more like the owner of a farm.
Kill yourself.
He didn't rape them, they did it willingly, not for nothing of course.
Talleyrand would be a money-loving Varys
Dude, are you implying that Dinkic ever had an independent thought or action? He was/is a pawn
Braavosi you mean?
He was the cornerstone of every Serbian government and he brought every single one down. He stabbed Labus in the back, he stabbed Kostunica in the back, he stabbed Tadic in the back, Vucic removed him from the public eye before he could stab him in the back as well. And he still operates as the head of investment deals with the (((UAE))), an official for Sberbank and is probably rubbing hands at the current trouble in Agrokor.
Useful when it come to money laundering, and accumulating debt, sneaky, probably has dirt on everyone.
Kostunica stabbed himself in the back and front with his indecisions. But it doesn't matter really, he is not a master schemer, he's planted there and is someone's pawn, like majority of Serbian politicians are.
>implying baelish isn't just a bravosi plant
Well possibly, but he also acts largely independently, with no evidence of communicating with some external power, Braavos or anyone else.
>braavos profits from instability and chaos
No stable society, no growth, no loans from the iron bank.
Plus, Petyr manipulated the braavosi as well (increasing the debt so the iron bank calls in their loans everywhere, increasing CHAOSH)
looks malnourished, not like a chad
just to clarify, by good with money you mean he's a usurer and a fraud right?
Is there any character that comes close to Richelieu?
Tywin Lannister
boris godunov
Uh the High Sparrow? (I only know of Richelieu from the wire-fu Musketeer movie.)
>being this naive
you need to be 18+ to post on Veeky Forums.
this nutjob
it was literally called "the littlefinger" because it was the smallest of the Finger peninsulas of the Vale
Talleyrand cared about France even though he was crooked, he didn't seek power for himself by creating chaos please stop with this meme. Littlefinger is an edgy little cunt
Chaos is a ladder to pucci
showrunners failed to understand that LF managed to be successful, because he learned how to hide his powerlevels.
show LF is constantly provoking people with short fuses who would kill him just for having a bad day, let alone for mocking them.
in contrast, book LF is an always jolly moneyman, who could always help you out if you're in need of a few shekels. and they never consider him dangerous, because he has shit for lands and armies.
Tywin is way too aggressive and easily provokable to be Richileu
the High Sparrow is Father Charles Coughlin
It's a shithole with about a dozen people and a dog
Chaosh ish off the table
Ramsay Bolton is an anime character
D&D were a mistake
I can't decide if the 20 Good Men thing was stupider than Euron building 100 ships in a few days
Euron used ancient Asshaiese magic to summon ships, obviously
It was a rocky shithole with a couple of families and a tower. Also his family were strangers from the other side of the sea.
>sellswords are merchant
Richelieu didn't give a shit about religion for a cardinal.
>Selling swords
>Not mercantile
This. When one has suspects of him are generic "nobody is a nice guy in Kingslanding" complaiks that could work for Varys and even Pycelle.
The high sparrow would be Savonarola
was he genuinely believing what he was preaching or was he just playing the game, knowing that his man of the people spiel was the only thing that would give him power?
Show Sparrow is just a fuckhead
in the book the High Sparrow 100% believes everything he said, but the show High Sparrow is a charlatan because it's written by two Jews
Either or Count Bonafacius.
a slightly more selfish Talleyrand
Machiavelli is Varys
Nathan Mayer Rothschild
Any other response except this one is wrong
> Starts off as minor Gentry (not even titled), father was a milita colonel
> appointed to the king's council
> refinances the government's massive debt through a scam (that he controls partly)
> cashes out on the scam, making himself fantastically wealthy.
> appointed lord of the treasury
> owns major politicians because as a South Sea director, he has dirt on all of them, and they know it.
> becomes de-facto the first prime minister of the UK
Sima Yi
here are some paranoid motherfuckers obssessed with conspiracies
Edgar Hoover
'Amr ibn al-'As
1000* on a group of islands famous for having no natural resources
>Cromwell was ideal yeoman country gentleman
When did Richelieu planned to weaken France so he could take over the throne?
we have a winner
also rude
that's the obvious plebdit answer.
doesn't fit, Littlefinger is not prime minister, and never was and is not fantastically wealthy.
this one makes more sense
Littlefinger's story isn't over yet. He also doesn't want to sit on the Iron Throne, he just wants to control the person who does.
Walpole was also never "Prime Minister", since that title was created after he died. Instead, he was First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He decided how much money is to be spent, and what that money should be spent on. Keep in mind that the power of the British Monarch had been neutered after the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution.
Nowadays, the First Lord of the Treasury is always the Prime Minister, which is what makes Walpole de-facto Prime Minister.
Also Show Littlefinger is filthy rich, he has a Valyrian Steel weapon, which automatically puts him up there.
>Littlefinger's story isn't over yet. He also doesn't want to sit on the Iron Throne, he just wants to control the person who does.
What's the point of that?
didnt pay attention to Varys' big fish and little fish speech? Littlefinger and Varys just want to keep on paddling, they know actually being on top means being the biggest target in westeros.
>crtl+f 'Bane?'
>1 result
*breathes in*
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Well it's over now.
>No! This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!
Not in the books. Stannis is alive too.
It was his plan to give money to protestant Sweden to fund their war against the HRE right?
I think he was genuine and was only motivated by punishing the nobles who had gotten away with degeneracy for so long. If he became Tommen's advisor and got rid of Cersei's bad influence they'd probably have a good reign together.
The 20 good men thing is actually not that ridiculous
Napoleon once won a battle in which he was heavily outnumbered by detaching 300 good men to attack the enemy camp
>From 6am to 4pm the French withstood repeated Ottoman charges. They suffered few casualties and easily held their square, but as the day wore on their ammunition ran low and the men suffered from lack of water and hunger. The Ottomans suffered substantial losses, but they could easily replace their casualties and keep up with good supplies and strength to continue repeated strikes throughout the day.
>Just when all seemed to be lost, and Kléber prepared for a last-ditch breakout towards the Jordan, some soldiers claimed to have briefly seen a military force advancing from the north. Kléber tried to verify their report, which could be a relief column under Napoleon, but he saw nothing but the open desert and a monstrous enemy force. However a moment later Kléber saw the relief column; at the first moment Kléber had looked, the relief column under the personal command of Napoleon Bonaparte had marched right into a dip. Although Kléber saw and his men began to feel relief, their opponent still had many times more men than Napoleon and Kléber together.
>Napoleon found himself between the Ottomans and their camp; he decided to distract them by detaching 300 men to pillage and destroy the Ottoman camp. This succeeded far more than Napoleon could have imagined: upon seeing the destruction of their belongings, the Ottomans assumed they were surrounded. In response, the Ottoman army began to retreat to the south and across the River Jordan. Kléber ordered his men to charge in a last effort for the day, and supported by the rest of the soldiers under Napoleon – who were relatively fresh - this charge transformed the Ottoman retreat into a general rout.
This. Anyone who says Richelieu needs to go read his political testament. He wanted only two things: for the King to be first in France, and France to be first in Europe (and maybe make a ton of cash on the side). And he succeeded on all these things.
He only fits for the fact that things like morality were secondary.
Yeah. He had France ally and fund the Dutch and Swedes just to fuck up the Habsburgs, all the while BTFOing protestants at home. He's a fascinating character, and I really encourage anyone to look into him.
>got rid of Cersei's bad influence
Kinda hard since she always to rule, directly, but since that wasn't possible then through her children. The only way to get away from her influence is to make sure she is dead.
Thomas J Carcetti
Powerful man indeed
For you.
a man called by napoleon a " silk stocking filled with shit"
A man that also saved France from the consequences of Napoleon's autistic fits
Stannis wasn't killed on-screen on the show either, the scene was cut the moment Brienne swung her sword, but him surfacing in the next season would admittedly be too much of a stretch even for Benioff and Weiss
Thats info written by literall kike named Simon Sebag Montefiore, dont trust it.
Stannis is the Night King, have you ever seen them together?
I also never saw Arya and Euron together.
You might be on to something