>Communism has never worked
It has, it's called open-source software and you use it everyday without noticing it.
If you hate communism so much, get off the web, as it's mostly built on top of open source software.
>Communism has never worked
It has, it's called open-source software and you use it everyday without noticing it.
If you hate communism so much, get off the web, as it's mostly built on top of open source software.
Other urls found in this thread:
Your post is stored on open-source database software right now.
Most open source stuff sucks though. It requires motivation so if its something tedious its unlikely itll be well made.
are you in middleschool?
>people willingly sharing their work, is a stateless, classless society
Open-source doesn't mean "made by one guy who is not even sure what he's doing", there are entire companies like RedHat focused on advancing open-source, in fact even bigger companies that we often think of as capitalist like Google contribute to open source.
>ur a kid, kiddo
Are you?
You're sharing your post, your post was automatically accepted with no interference, you are allowed to connect to this website as much as anyone else with no restrictions. Welcome to the web.
This is bait, right? How is open source software communism? Complete non sequitur.
How is it not?
Interference that could be put in place at anytime by the Mods or Janitors. Interference that can be put in place at any time by ISPs or governments.
That only happens after the fact, your post finds a way on the internet and if you so wish you can make it never go away. They have no power outside of this bubble.
ISPs might, but you can protect yourself with encrypted connections and VPNs.
Softwares don't starve.
Just because some people want to work for free doesn't mean everyone has to work for free?
That's like saying christians are communists because they donate.
>society should be run in the same way that software should be distributed
That's not a contrived analogy in the slightest
According to you free samples and chips and salsa would pribably be an example of communism
>implying stallman is a communist
Richard Stallman says the world would be a better place if all software were "free", and non-"free" software is inherently of negative value. Though it is worth noting that "free" software in this sense does not require that it is distributed for zero cost, or that people are not monetarily compensated for development. Rather, it means primarily that 1) everyone who has access to the software can use and modify it to suit their needs and 2) that they may distribute it to others in any way that does not conflict with the previous principle.
He's been described as having views similar to left-wing anarchism, and appears not to disagree with that appraisal.
Open source software is neither communist nor capitalist, it's not economics.
Creation and distribution of software is a form of economic activity. And economic activity can occur without being officially enforced by a state - for example, worker ownership of the means of production can occur in a capitalist society.
Well if worker ownership of the means of production can be capitalist, I really don't see how open source can be communist.
Worker ownership of the means of production is not "capitalist", it's rather an aspect of socialism that can exist within a capitalist economy.
>Creation and distribution of software is a form of economic activity
Yeah, but the rules of open source software don't have anything to do with prices or labor and so forth. I can create open source software through slave labor.
>there are entire companies like RedHat focused on advancing open-source, in fact even bigger companies that we often think of as capitalist like Google contribute to open source
Not very communist then are they? That's borderline propriety software
Fuck off Microsoft shill.
>Not very communist then are they? That's borderline propriety software
It's open source, because it's published under open source license. How you make money or how much money you make out of it has nothing to do with whether software is open source or not.
So all is needed for communism to work is ads from capitalist companies to cover all that free stuff. Thanks op!
Yeah, gommunism is all about paying license fees
Open source isn't about communism, fucktard.
Communism is not a conspiracy. Nobody is trying to hide the fact that communism is some perfect system. It has been tried and it has failed. It is only carried on by those who are too intellectually weak to see it as a religion and simultaneously too morally inferior to see the superiority of an actual religion over communism.
The only reason any of you cling to it is because youre a lazy piece of shit. Grow up and accept that fact. You don't want to work in the fields of your communist utopia, you think you are so smart you'll assuredly be placed somewhere far more comfortable.
Guess what? You're a slave. To your own laziness, to your own lack of self respect, to your own lack of vision. You cannot see beyond twiddling away at a shitty job and only feeling good about it because the smarter people have it just as shitty as you.
Humanity is meant for much, much greater things than your petty, childish visions of communism could even allow for. You are obsolete, and have been obsolete for decades.
This is why we laugh at you.
Keep talking about Socialism all you want. All you do is make yourselves look like fucking retards. We are not stupid enough to believe it's any different from communism, and the fact you think we will shows that what you really want is war.
If you think we are so stupid that we would surrender our freedom to wolves wearing wool, and demonstrate as much, should we not assume that your designs for us refleft the designs a person with that low a view of us would have?
Come on then you pussies, make an actual move, because all of your sneaky bullshit amounts to nothing in the face of free human beings.
All of the planning you do is a play put on by cowards. We won ages ago. But you know it and continue to fight, sealing your own fates. Its poetic, really. Only the devil could create a prison for himself as bad as Hell.
Ask "worker control over MoP" and you'll get different answers depending on the ideology you ask. For marxist leninists cooperatives aren't enough, for AnComs and other left anarchists abolition of the market isn't enough. There is no clear answer.
Ciber communism is the future of communism
He's okay with buisinesses making money though, as long as they don't use copyright. That's definitely not left-wing anarchist
Most open source shit is hobby shit that people actually have an interest in. Nobody has an interest in doing the basic labors that sustain society they just do it because they get paid.
Correct. The futures of communism and cyber technology are inextricable.
Filesharing is in a way communist.
Windows has way more in common with communism than Linux.
This unironically, bait thread maybe but this book is worth the read
It's easy for cyber communism to work when nothing bad happens if it fails
>modern example of communism is represented by a fat autistic Jew
Going back to the roots eh