Veeky Forums what do you think about Socialism, socialists, and this wide-eyed, semi-factual fucker?
Veeky Forums what do you think about Socialism, socialists, and this wide-eyed, semi-factual fucker?
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its good but will never happen so keep on buying and hodling
Ugh, personally I hate his stupid constant smile and evil joker laugh
I fear though that socialism will seep into the few places still sorta free, like America (lol) at least we still have lower taxes and prices than places like Europe, but it the govt has already increased to unacceptable size.
I fear that in the future there will be no place on Earth economically free, where at least if the normies don't like my inzane gainz I can go and freely enjoy my spoils and not worry about the government taking their 'cut'
I ignore it/them because I don't waste my time being terrified of boogeymen.
Praise Kek!!!
Taxation is Theft.
Socialists are poor, lazy, jealous and have a very low self esteem.
They basically want what others have but without putting actual effort to get it, they destroy countries and the spirit of the people, they are cancer.
Socialism is the future. Didn't you ever watch Star Trek? This is exactly like that one scene from Harry Potter where Darth Vader blew up Middle-Earth.
I can agree with the sentiment, but honestly how does one really argue against them?
Money has been shown to have diminishing returns of satisfaction and motivation at incomes higher than even $22k a year, govts in Europe have all these fancy public services (despite taxes being like 30% or more and everything being goddamn expensive as hell buh nobaddy seems 2 mind)
Capitalism is surely better than Communism, no question, just look at North and South Korea, but is it better than Socialism?
This middle of the road shit is really bothering me.
I kekt
I think socialism is a pretty cool guy. Veeky Forums/pol is retarded and 99% of them don't know jack shit about Marx, communism, anarchism, etc. besides what some ebin infographic or euphoric youtuber told them, if not just memetic groupthink with other channers. I don't even get upset anymore it's just funny.
Badmouse is alright, spends too much time doing responsive video shit, typical youtube bullshit.
sage for not Veeky Forums :o)
Marx was an idiot though, that much I know to be true, reading Das Kapital will make you kek