Can we get a thread with inspirational photos like this?
Can we get a thread with inspirational photos like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
sure thing pal
This is kraut being put in his place thread now
The only good communism did was make that picture exist
gospel truth
How abour an inspirational video?
back to /int/ anally ravaged vodka nigger
Nice one.
is he getting his dick sucked?
>do you want total war
what did he mean by this?
Yeah, by German chick
Sure buddy
I hate communism and I think tankies and Sovietboos should just neck themselves but I love seeing the image of the Red Army btfoing those Krautniggers.
It means "Do you like puppies?" in German,
fucker bellow got not one but two watches no wonder they edited it out
supposedly one was a watch and the other was a wrist compass, but they edited the compass out because they thought people would think it was two watches
>this thread
Holy shit, i can't stop wondering how would it feel to fuck that body the soldiers are carrying, her pussy is probably shallow it would probably feel like banging a meat sack, she seems so thin that her pussy wouldn't even be wet because her body is at the limit of resources, just imagine the tightness.
Say hi to Dresden from me.
Kek, this is the kind of person you fought for
and now the west is dead.
Great job
Please delete this shitshow of a thread. If you really are interested in photographies of Nazis this thread is for you:
Was it rape?
>Just northwest of Moscow, the Wehrmacht reached Krasnaya Polyana, little more than 18 mi (29 km) from the Kremlin in central Moscow; German officers were able to make out some of the major buildings of the Soviet capital through their field glasses.
>To stiffen the resolve of the Red Army and boost civilian morale, Stalin ordered the traditional military parade on 7 November (Revolution Day) to be staged in Red Square. Soviet troops paraded past the Kremlin and then marched directly to the front.
>Soviet troops paraded past the Kremlin and then marched directly to the front.
That's funny for some reason
Yeah it's one of my favorite moments from WWII. People say it was a genius move by Stalin because it massively boosted morale among the troops and the people of Moscow who were basically packing their bags and getting ready to flee the city if they hadn't already.
You hate africans people?
not if they stay in Africa or America
But you didn't stay on europe. Why would they stay if you didn't?
You should have deleted this thread, but now since it's getting bumped anyway...
I did stay in Europe, so what? Can I come over to you and leech some welfare?
I understand. They will stay in Africa, but that would happen after millions migrate to europe, don't worry.
you don't make sense
>falling for commie lies
>that FG42 just laying on the ground
This may be the edge in me, but if I was a civilian hunkered down in the city I'd be scooping up as many of those I could find and jumping into my time machine. That is after the Soviets have raped me and my family. They go for $250,000 a piece in the US. Pure sex.
You will get it, when your entire race is already mongrelized.
we will see, the resistance is growing slowly, especially in Eastern Europe
>no loli gf to see you off to the front
Yeeeeep. That's for the amerindian genocide. European subhumans will get what they deserve and get extinct'd from the earth's surface.
do I understand you right - those staying in Europe are responsible for the actions of those who went abroad? Also, nullam crimen sine lege, nullam poenam sine lege
Oh yeah. As those who went abroad depended on the reinforcements of the subhumans that stayed on europe.
Face it, your fate is being completely mongrelized.
subhumans, lol, and like I said, we will see, the good times made us fat and lazy, and that's going to change, we're seeing the first cracks in society already.
This is Chicago during the 1901 Pan-American Exposition.
>Mfw when you'll never see German patriots defending Europe from the hordes again.
This is when Germany was great and strong, now its a cucked shithole full of muslims and leftists.
>good times
Nnnnnnope. Nature itself is putting subhumans on their place. Let's be honest with ourselves, there can be an entire country of "anti-immigration" subhumans, yet couldn't do literally anything against your replacement. All your women are already welcoming african warriors. They won't hurt you don't worry. They will enrich your genetic pool, that's all.
good times indeed, if we had not built up something of worth, why are all the subhumans flocking in?
Sure we can.
>the hordes
no, user, don't post on a history board with that kind of "knowledge".
Look at these guys if you want to see greatness of Germans:
and here if you want to see true German patriots:
fuck, didn't want to post that viedo twice, wanted to share this one:
>Christoph Probst
>(((Claus Graf von Stauffenberg)))
Citing literal cucks and traitors of the German nation and looking up to liberal losers like Probst who got his justice for undermining the war effort just as Germany was turning the tide against Marxism and Plutocracy, we have liberal traitors like him to ruin it all. What fine (((patriots))).
For the same reason subhumans had to spread their pestilence on America.
Let's be honest with ourselves, your fate is being mongrelized.
Are you German?
You shouldn't speak like that about heroes who gave their lives for Germany in times when traitors and criminals led it to its demise.
>just as Germany was turning the tide
in 1943 and 1944? Not surprising to hear that from someone like you.
except it isn't it will be Brazilianization, the mass of shitskins won't get entry in the guarded white enclaves.
So now you accept the migration...
You should leave the results of the mogrelization to your women. You don't have to decide for them, you know, they are independent people that don't need losers like you to boss them around who they are going to have casual sex and children.
The only one who led germany to its demise was your dumbass fuhrer and his asslicking cronies.
so the power...of the...redskin man whoa
Both were staged.
Nope I have too much dignity to be a cucked German who loves Islam and leftism. I am an American.
>implying you wouldn't get headshotted by Br-2 immediately
Danzig ist Polnisch, mein smelly wehraboo friend
*blocks your path*
They were heroes you cuck scum. You'd be shitting your diapers right now if you had to face the Wehrmacht in battle. They were part of a based movement that strived for the greatness of Germany. Now its a cucked shithole now.
If they were so awesome, how come they don't exist any more?
Because they died in a war you diaper shitting loser. I bet you have assburgers cuck because you wouldn't understand the glory of Germany and the National Socialist oriented German Workers Army.
cuckity cuck cockold autism jews cuck :^)
>I bet you have assburgers cuck because you wouldn't understand the glory of Germany
>A country which in the scale of European history was created literally last Thursday and has spent 72 out of 146 years of its existence under foreign domination, a trend continuing today.
Wew Lad
What's that you say diaper shitter? Can't handle the truth about National Socialist Germany? You're scared of the truth so you keep shitting your depends like a senile (((old man))), please quit embarrassing yourself you fool.
And ditto for you too diaper shitter jr.
Is it weird that I have this image in one of my hentai folders?
Imitating your Muslim friends in (((Germany))) right now diaper shitter? That's right, you wear diapers and shit in them constantly because you are scared of the truth.
I see the diaper shitters haven't responded to my comments lately, what's wrong do you have a full diaper you can't handle it? You scared of the truth baby?
That's what I was saying.
You don't have to be a retarded leftist to recognize Hitler and the Nazis were criminals that destroyed Germany and that those who resisted them like Georg Elser were heroes, but you probably can't understand that.
Yeah, G*rmans, Krauts, whatever, if you're on a history board and actually want to know about history you could read these articles:
You lost the argument the moment you started insulting people.
Australian troops having a snowball fight with Palestinian civilians, 1941