Has postmodernism produced even one significant, universally acknowledged conclusion?
Has postmodernism produced even one significant, universally acknowledged conclusion?
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What do you mean by conclusion?
what even is postmodernism I still don't know
By "universally", I mean, in the Western World.
For example, the Enlightenment produced many conclusions that the Western World takes as a given today. That you should question your perceptions, that God existing is a possibility and not a doctrine, that you should question authority and government -- and many others.
What about postmodernism?
How does this in any way relate to music? Postmodernism is an art movement, not a form of science. Which conclusions shall it draw? You're not making sense.
>universally acknowledged
are both pretty much the opposite of postmodernism, so too significant most likely
postmodernism is a mental disorder
Nope, Post-Modernity is Aesthetics over true meaning
Don't worry mate, it's mostly just used as a buzzwords by people who want to sound clever
it depends what medium you're talking about.
if you mean philosophically, you should go to lit.
It is less of an art movement and more of a general way to describe culture and society at this time just as the enlightenment isn't a form of science.
Yes. It's called post-postmodernism.
>Post-Modernity is Aesthetics over true meaning
not even true. Aestheticism is completely different than PoMo. You wouldn't consider Wilde or Joyce a postmodernist would you?
>universally acknowledge conclusion
postmodernism doesnt think objectivity is a thing
"At this time"
Dude Post-modernism was like 30 years ago
Postmodernism in a nutshell
I know it isn't a form of science, but you've mentioned conclusions such as a possibility of a divine diety's existence. Yeah, and about that... Art and post modernism as an art movement doesn't deal with those subject matters. Do you even have a concise point for this thread?
No I wouldn't and I wasn't using Aesthetic in that sense of the word
Are you retarded?
You're comparing a cultural movement which grew across 3 Centuries with an artistic one which only came about in the mid to late 20th Century. On top of that, every one of those 'conclusions' predated the Renaissance.
Clairo is a genius the female James Ferraro
Well perhaps but despite silly things like new sincerity or post-postmodernism there isn't any agreement of what this is now if it isn't .
You read a lot of shit I didn't write into a simple sentence. You could definitely be a postmodernist.
don't disrespect james that way
How can I respect a man named after chocolate?
no you're a faggot who probably saw that hack peterson videos and deemed yourself an expert on the subject
fuck off loser
Exactly what I've asked him. I don't think he has a concise point for this thread. And here's his attempt at an answer:
>You read a lot of shit I didn't write into a simple sentence. You could definitely be a postmodernist.
What are you even talking about? Take a look at:
post modern art and post modern philosophy with regards to sociology arent the same thing
I don't think the person who made that image knows what the words patriarchal or phallocentric mean.
Dont you ever compare some lowly vaporwave artist to Clair ever again!
Aesthetics over "true" meaning? I would agree, but not completely. These people contributed to the world of music and most of them were avant-garde composers. Not something you'd associate with a lack of meaning. Post modernism in other forms of art is another story.
Is it a pasta? It sure seems like it. Confirm it so people don't waste their time.
Clairo is our goddess and she's saving indie music fuck off
'Postmodernism' has never really been a thing.
A handful of poststructuralist and postmodernist theorists have proposed their own biased readings of the late 20th Century, but these aren't even consistent in their reading, and if you know anything about art, a lot of it is based in misreadings (or over-readings) of certain directions in post-war art. Essentially, the theorist take advantage of most peoples' (and most academics') relative unfamiliarity with said art and exploit that to insert their own political arguments about society vis a vis the status of Marxism.
It's not to say that there haven't been various waxing (by now, in many cases, waning / already defunct) tendencies or qualities to some things so that the ill-informed intellectual can say "see? Lyotard / Jameson / Baudrillard / Derrida / Foucault is right.", but as for what these shifting and overlapping qualities and enigmas actually have been, that's not for any of them to really call. After all, many of said features or interpretations of them are totally contradictory (and one could say that that goes with the 'end of narratives' argument, but there have always been different interpretations of other eras, those eras referred to as modern, romantic, the enlightenment, etc).
I'd say the best way I could try to describe the question of 'postmodernism' is just to say that some intellectuals who had grown up with notions of what 'modernity' or 'modernism', as well as ideas of how 'progress' or 'history' or 'revolution' was supposed to go, and thus got mystified and confused when they saw that this had all been devastated by the mid-20th century and beyond, so they tried to theorize it all in terms of that... as if our times were SUPPOSED to be 'modernist' but SOMETHING WENT WRONG. "History" didn't "go forward" in the correct way because of "Capitalism" or whatever.
If you don't cling to Modernist or Leftist ideologies though than none of that matters, right?
oof, this is just awful
>Universal conclusion
that's fundamentally contradictory
Yeah I admit I was being a bit glib in what I was saying and there is stuff from postmodernism (in art, music etc etc) that I do like
get the fuck of /mu/ cunt, quit shilling your shitty youtube music, just another white cunt who browses tumblr too much with a mediocre singing voice.
A "universally acknowledged conclusion" is impossible, epistemologically.
And also you mention platonic ideas that you confound with an ill defined and possibly non-existent movement only recognized posthumously.
And also like many others have said, you're trying to extract epistemological meanings from an aesthetic movement.
>onwards and upwards!
>unmitigated progress!
>there ain't no stopping this crazy train!
>h-hey guys I think this train is going so fast that we just went flying straight of a cliff but no one seems to have noticed maybe we should slow down or reverse a bit
OP it's time for you to stop reading confused bullshit on /pol/ and go back to the greeks
Modernism was not hopeful and a lot of it on the side of literature was obsessed with the past
>Why do the waifu fags have to ruin everything.
This is why we need safe spaces for women, y'all don't know how to keep your weird creepiness to yourselves. It's not flattering it's creepy and lame.
These threads are never about music either it's just creeply shilling some girl who cares nothing about you becuase "pretty"
Yea the music is good twee pop but there's been a thread about her everyday for the past 2 weeks, at what point does it stop being simple interest and become obsessive and creepy
>Has postmodernism produced even one significant, universally acknowledged conclusion?
White privilege
Kinda, actually. Most of the bias with 'post-modern' in theory is more towards the linguistic than the aesthetic. There were certain strains of theory that took this idea of the problematization of meaning as leading towards just immediate impact of presence or affect, but most of the linguistic-focused theorists didn't go that way and certainly don't like the idea.
Postmodernism, or poststructuralism, is more about the 'Linguistic Turn', a now dated / defunct moment (but that still has some waning after effects in journalism, academia, and leftist activist thought) that places everything in the linguistic / textual. From this point of view, art was reduced, along with everything else, to the text or theory around the art, and not the enigmatic object or thing, taking away its mystery and regenerative, creative capacity (or so they liked to think).
That view basically started in the late 50s, ascended in conceptualism in the 60s, and peaked in concert with certain poststructuralist ideas in the 70s and 80s. It became academically institutionalized in the 90s, being the norm in schools now, but it basically something being pushed away except by the politically-motivated who are invested in it. The return of aesthetics is one of the hints that the whole theory underpinning so-called post-modernism has been surpassed by something else, or that poststructuralist theory has been shown to not really describe the actual state of things.
>liked her twitter post
kys cuck
sure except they aren't asking to slow down they are literally blowing the tracks up.
It's the same guy, the same one who spammed Lil Peep.
says the faggot who liked her tweet, i wish this cunt would die, i've met like 500 girls like her in my life time already, she just happened to be one that could use a webcam and audacity.
You have a trip and you're unironically saying the word cuck and you have the word hipster in your name.
It's 2017 grow up
They were obsessed with the past because they thought that achieving modernity by was arriving at the contemporary moment which straddled both past and future, IE. using the teachings of the past to reinforce and direct our fate the way we want it to go.
Imagine being in a car at night– you can see where you've been and (perhaps to a lesser extent) where you're going, but the minute you try and look out the side windows everything becomes a blurry mess of shadows. Post-modernism is precisely our skeptical response to that blurry mess, an acknowledgement that while we can see the past and predict the future, we don't have a fucking clue where we are right now.
actually, modernism is the movement most commonly associated with an explosion or cataclysmic "event", like the starting of an old car engine or a bomb going off, whereas post-modernism wants to retard that explosive progress and indulge in nostalgia and fantasy, which is why as a movement its dead and dated before it even hits the ground. The nationalist sentiment spreading across Europe is post-modern because it recycles ideas from the past
Thanks for the long posting
It's dead but it's spreading? So it is zombies?
literally so much wrong with this post.
holy shit what a qt
>The nationalist sentiment spreading across Europe is post-modern because it recycles ideas from the past
That's reminiscent of Derridas description of Hauntology.
But I believe that the recycling of nationalism has more mundane origins: discontent with globalization and immigration.
IT IS 2017! WOAH
fuck off fag enabler
good way of thinking about it actually. Why do you think so many post-modern intellectuals want to eat your brains and infect you with the mind-virus?
pose an argument or feel free to remain as one of the decomposing, shambling masses.
Utter nonsense. I take no side in all that, but what you're doing there is the whole postmodernist fallacy of interpreting everything in terms of its relation to modernism. "Life is modern now, we are supposed to be modern and 'going forward', and therefore anything that doesn't fit my idea of what that looks like is nostalgic and therefore postmodern'.
No, because there are other ideas, like not subscribing to 'modernism' at all, like traditionalism, which is alive and well in many parts of the world, across various ethnicities. Reducing the traditional or indigenous to 'postmodern' is absurd. A group being self-affirming, as in wanting to go forward, persist in-itself, is FORWARD looking. It's this idea of passively receding into dissolusion, just laying down and dying, as you seem to expect people to want to do, that is anti-future. Disagree with them if you want, but they're "forward" oriented. Future-oriented. Wanting to SURVIVE in the future. Besides, the absurd, largely gross "alt-right" (not really a consistent, thing), but, like, /pol/... these are gamer kids living in the present, making cutting edge memes (there isn't even a theory of memetics that keeps up with what they do)... there aesthetic is utterly new. Meanwhile, leftist activists dress retro and listen to retro music.
And hey, I'm more centrist, but I have no patience for your dishonesty there. Is it more "modern" or "futurist" to want an even MORE traditional demographic from Islamic territories to replace a culture with an even more traditional one? Do you even think things through?
Your mum is a decomposing, shambling mass
*their aesthetic
This 'post-modernism' doesn't exist outside of cultural conspiracy paranoia, what supposedly 'post-modernist' artists really do, is criticizing and describing the decay of the late modernity, and that's all. We still live during modernity, and there's no "post-modernity" unless the present modern world is abolished.
>Besides, the absurd, largely gross "alt-right" (not really a consistent, thing), but, like, /pol/... these are gamer kids living in the present, making cutting edge memes
At the core, /pol/ is simply a nostalgic, conservative movement amongst many, their aesthetic ideal being the 50-60s in America, true to the instinct of "older = better"
/pol/ isn't a modern or new movement.
This board's grasp on art and philosophy is below reddit.
As in /mu/, not Veeky Forums.
You guys are cool.
>Has [insert philosophical movement] produced even one significant, universally acknowledged conclusion?
The answer is always "no"
>what you're doing there is the whole postmodernist fallacy of interpreting everything in terms of its relation to modernism
because that's literally how post-modernity defines itself. I never claimed to justify its fallacious reasoning, I was just elaborating its core (or lack of) principles. Why else would I call it dead and dated?
>there are other ideas, like not subscribing to 'modernism' at all, like traditionalism, which is alive and well in many parts of the world, across various ethnicities
sure, because post-modernism is a western thing. I didn't mention the resurgence of traditionalism in cultures external to it because I didn't think it was necessary or relevant.
>It's this idea of passively receding into dissolusion, just laying down and dying, as you seem to expect people to want to do, that is anti-future
Again, I said post-modernism was dead and dated, not that WE should lie down and die with it. are you ill?
>/pol/... these are gamer kids living in the present, making cutting edge memes (there isn't even a theory of memetics that keeps up with what they do)... there aesthetic is utterly new
a mongolian knitting factory might weave a tapestry with new and innovative designs on it, but its still cut with old thread, IE. racism and white supremacy.
I think you've pretty severely misunderstood me.
How to think like a post modernist:
Nothing deserves respect because tradition is a spook.
Be as outrageous as possible because nothing is as effective as outrage in gaining lasting fame.
Wouldn't that be modernism?
That's modernism, not postmodernism
Got any pics of her gaping anus?