Is Sharpe Veeky Forums kino?
Is Sharpe Veeky Forums kino?
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It's entertaining but not historically accurate (British troops are implied to be good and France is implied to give half a shit about that theater, which wasnt the case in reality)
Smelly frog detected.
Mad bong identified.
>be me
>watch classic Veeky Forums Kino
>aztec gold episode comes up
what the fuck did I just watch?
Defend this, Veeky Forums.
whos this punk ass nigga fuck that nigga ill smack that nigga in his face
British infantry was relatively well drilled and trained in the long 18th century, the memes about live fire training from Sharpe being an exception were true.
The British army was pure garbage
It got kicked from the Netherlands Dunkirk-style by the French three times in 1795, 1799 and 1809
In the Peninsular theater, they retreated back to Portugal each time they met a matching French force on their path
Wellington only started to advance in late 1812 (although he had been there since 1808) when the French were so focused on the shit in Eastern Europe they couldnt afford caring about Spain anymore
Here's a great video on the Peninsular War
Notice how many times Wellington retreats to Portugal
England is renowned for its Heresy.
>Protect Wycliffe
>Burn Saints
>Kill any legitimate English Holy Men: Thomas a Beckett/ Thomas More
>Become Prods out of spite
The novels are a plebby but still very enjoyable read. The tv series goes from merely poor if you haven't read the books to utterly intolerable if you have, due to butchered characters and plotlines.
go fuck your mother, motherfucker. I'm a nigga from morocco shiit asshole man
you want to listen to some shit man? I will fuck you even with i dont speak english and i cant fuck you man, I speak english as I like you know motherfucker?
I just know how to talk shit in english, you know? I dont know anything in english just fuck yourself and fuck all of your family
>it's a Hakeswill episode
Hornblower >>>>> dog shit > Sharpe
yeah he blows horns alright
AKA babby's first historical novel, because they only way to enjoy it is through reading it before the ocean of better naval fiction.
It was great in the 30s, but it aged like shit.
At least Horblower is kinda accurate because Britain was actually good in naval combat
But Sharpe feels so fake with the British army being elite and shit, makes you wonder why they're struggling without making any advance on that seconary theater far way from Napoleon and the real war if they're that good
>not aubrey-maturin
Sharpe really doesn't make the British army look good at all. Most of the officers are lazy/corrupt cunts and the competent ones all die. All the enlisted men are shown as the low-class scum that they are, and they loot/rape at every opportunity. In one book/episode the recruiting process was literally likened to enslavement.
Only Sharpe and a handful of his men are skilled, and it's true because British riflemen were genuinely good at skirmishing, but they happened to make up a very very small part of the army.
Every other book is about some corrupt/mutinous officer or Hakeswill fucking Sharpe and his boys over.
>Only Sharpe and a handful of his men are skilled
Too skilled, their scenes are CoD tier
>and it's true because British riflemen were genuinely good at skirmishing, but they happened to make up a very very small part of the army.
Still I doubt three of them could kill entire cavalry divisions all alone like it regularly happens in the serie
>Too skilled, their scenes are CoD tier
Well yeah because it's still a fucking action adventure novel series.
>Still I doubt three of them could kill entire cavalry divisions all alone like it regularly happens in the series
It literally never happens in the series.
The TV show didn't have the budget to hire more than 20 extras and Sharpe never does anything of the sort with just his own men in the books.
Entertainment but constant bullshit myths and drill presented as facts
I'm guessing they didn't have enough in the budget to blow up a whole city.
If the British army was so shit, why did nobody inflict a decisive defeat on Wellington, not even Napoleon?
Would have been the first thing I would have done desu. I wouldn't have lost battle after battle to him in the first place
>If the British army was so shit, why did nobody inflict a decisive defeat on Wellington
Because Brits could always retreat on the sea (like they did at Corunna).
Wellington was inflicted a number of humiliating defeats, and two of his attempts at taking back Spain ended with him retreating back to Portugal
Only in 1812 when France was fully focused on Russia he could finally advance
>not even Napoleon
Napoleon was busy fighting the real war, far away from the Peninsular playground
The only time they met was after Napoleon had lost his powerful army in Russia, yet he still almost defeat Wellington with his new conscripts and the Prussians had to save the day
I think I remember seeing somebody say something like this actually happened. Like people wearing the armor of long dead conquistadors from a wrecked ship.
But yeah it is one of the worst episodes, almost skipped it when I came to rewatching the whole series.
>The only time they met was after Napoleon had lost his powerful army in Russia, yet he still almost defeat Wellington with his new conscripts and the Prussians had to save the day
This. Wellingtons entire plan was not to lose until the Prussians show up.
Having said that, the show is ok, if you can get past some cringe inducing pandering to plebs.
>The drama has almost nothing in common with the novel of the same name by Bernard Cornwell. Scriptwriter Nigel Kneale explained, "I didn't use much of [the book]. I used the first ten pages, I think. Then I had an idea which would be more fun to do. It was all about magic by the time I was through with it."
>deviate away from interesting and cool kino history book
>end up with complete shit
Who was the best Chose Man?
oh shit here come dat boi
Harper no contest.
Hagman or Harris if you mean it as lance corporal.
Based Harris giving interviews
The show is damaged by its budgetm everything is so small scaled. An army consists of maybe 40 men. Every battle is some incompetent officer leading a failed walking charge at an entrenched enemy, failing and retreating and then Sharpe does X and leads the next successful charge.
I watched this show as a lad so I love it unconditionally, but it was problems. They reuse the same sets all the time, the castle in Regiment is the same as Battle for example.
Sharpe is abit OP, I think he only ever losses one sword fight in a gentlemen dual.
The acting is often sub-par with Sean Bean never really showing much of a range which is a damn shame.
Three episodes basicly have the same plot with Sharpe being framed for a murder then having to escape to clear his name.
Frederickson is the best character without a doubt.
Im listening to the Audiobooks of Sharpe now, starting with Sharpes Tiger. Sharpe is just abit of a mary sue so far,.
>watched this series in my early teens and loved it
>of course it won't be as good in retrospect but I never think about it anyway
>tfw your favourite tv show/s and fun things of the past are actually dull and uninteresting to re-watch and have bad writing
Whats that music at 2 minutes in, is that from... Waterloo?
When he pulls the ram rod out I almost came. God he looks so old, so old. It makes me feel sad user, when I was a lad these were like my heros, I balled like a baby when Harris and Hagman died in Waterloo. He sounds like he knows so little, what a shame.
>Im listening to the Audiobooks
I'll never understand you people. Also if you don't like the book try skipping on to Eagle. Pvt/Sgt/2ndLt Sharpe books are a bit shit, aside from Trafalgar which is alright.
That´'s some US Navyfags playing Anchors Aweigh
It takes me ages to read things user, one time I tried reading in bed and it took me 30 minutes to read 10 pages, I just can't keep focused. When I read an plotpoint or discroption I wonder how I can use it in my own works and my mind spirals out of control.
With audiobooks I can listen to whats going on and do something to keep my mind attention, like play a game, ride the bus or walk the dog.
I'm enjoying the book so far, just got to a bit where they're talking about circumcising Sharpe and he doesn't know what that means. Just saying that he doesn't appear to have many flaws so far.
A sniff of pussy is enough to make him a slobbering fool and he's a brooding sulking little bitch when non-battle stuff goes wrong.
That's pretty much the extent of it. He's not a garystu because shit doesn't go his way often enough and people hate him with alarming frequency, but yeah he's on the superman side.
Oh, he's a bad officer in Rifles too.
>It takes me ages to read things user
>With audiobooks I can listen to whats going on and do something to keep my mind attention
This is why I can't understand you people. I'm a very quick reader but I can't focus on listening because any and visual stimuli will take over my attention span until I forget I'm actually listening to some shit.
He really doesn't and I will admit he's quite a Mary Sue. Most of the bad shit that happens to him is due to some schemer beyond his control. I guess you have to remember that the Sharpe series is suppose to be an action adventure, not some gritty cerebral drama.
For you fellows who like Sharpe, I definitely recommend reading the Aubrey-Maturin series and Allan Quatermain.
They are kinda completely different works user.
Well, everyone likes Aubrey-Maturin anyway so it doesn't matter, but AQ is very aged and that might turn off the kind of people who like Sharpe.
Sadly not only are his abilities tested or his weaknesses exploited it just feels forced when every Officer around him in an inbred incompetent idiot.
It makes him too likeable and slightly unrelatble if that makes sense?
I wish I could read more user, I really do. But yeah, eventually you just end up tuning out what your listening too
It really doesn't come up all that often, he does stuff that make you forget that he's like 50, plus he mentions a ton of flashbacks. Mostly he just keeps say "keep in mind i'm old lol" annoyingly often toward the reader.
Young Allan is like a less asshole-ish version of Sharpe.
>he does stuff that make you forget that he's like 50
I actually meant that the books are old and it shows in the style. It usually bothers plebs.
They jumped the shark with the Nock gun.
They jumped the Sharpe
Why? It's not like it was overpowered or anything (in the books at least, didn't watch the show). Patrick usually fired it once or twice a book and took down 2-4 enemies tops.
Also it was actually a thing you know, Cornwell didn't pull it out of his ass.
It was used by the navy, and fired all at once at a packed group of enemy. That's all it was used for. Marching with it for miles wouldn't be practical. Big guys are strong, but don't have the endurance that small guys have. Sailors who used it could barely, if at all, handle the kick, and it was eventually judged impractical even for the navy.
>It was used by the navy, and fired all at once at a packed group of enemy.
Yes, that's how Patrick uses it, and Sharpe is specifically mentioned to have gotten it from some sailors.
>Marching with it for miles wouldn't be practical.
You're overstating its weight. 13lbs is comparable with modern DMR (once you add optics and shit) and sniper rifles, those are meant to be lugged around by infantry too.
>Sailors who used it could barely, if at all, handle the kick, and it was eventually judged impractical even for the navy.
That's how it's presented in the books too: kicks like a mule, basically only Patrick (and occasionally Sharpe) can use it because he's the biggest strongest guy in the company.
I really don't see the problem.
But why not crush wellington and his army completely like Salamanca or Vitoria? We're they pretending to be retarded?
Re-read the post you replied too
>Only in 1812 when France was fully focused on Russia he could finally advance
Guess when did Salamanca and Vittorua happen?
While Brits were throwing all their humble strength in the Peninsular front, France had more urgent matters
And despite France barely giving half a shit, Brits still struggled and advanced very slowly
This tells you how shitty the British army was compared to other powers
Theres 40 shillings on the drum
For those who volunteer to come
It's tied with Master and Commander, Hornblower and Waterloo for my favourite Napoleonic Wars kino. Does anyone have any other good additions to these? I didn't like The Duelists, and I'm trying to find a good copy of War and Peace to get a Russian view.
[spoiler]Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell is also really good, but not really Veeky Forums[/spoiler]
It's a rifle unit. They fired rifles. Their job was long-distance sharpshooting. This is not that kind of weapon, and no one would want to invest in the weight or ammunition for it.
>It's a rifle unit.
Dude, did you even read the books? They're about Sharpe and a couple dozen riflemen who got separated from their regiment after Coruna, and got attached to a line regiment as a piece of the light company. And they get in ALL kinds of strife that forces them into close range, from urban combat to ambushes and shit. Harper doesn't fire his nock gun while forming a skirmishing line in front of his regiment, he fires it when he's covering Sharpe while he's on one of those bullshit missions he's given every book that would never ever have been given to an army captain IRL.
So the Nock gun is a correlary to those bullshit missions that jump the shark by their very nature. I'll buy that.
>the base concept of a series jumps the shark
user, I don't think you know what that idiom means.
If you just admitted you were a retard who didn't know what "jumped the shark" meant, you could've saved everyone some time.
I didn't realize I was actually using anyone's time.
You are probably alone in caring so much about any comment on Veeky Forums.
>shitting up a sharpe thread expecting to get away scott free
I'm curious though, what do you think 'jump the shark' means.