Is there any reason to hate other people who have not done something to you?
It seem barbaric and pointless to hate others based on facts about them that have no correlation to you like skin color or religion especially when they are so broad as demographics go you could never know who the person is or how they are like based on those facts alone.
Is there any reason to hate other people who have not done something to you?
You're right, hate for a broad group of people is foolish. People within certain demogrphics differ greatly, so blind refusal to accept them is rather immature. However, naively trusting everyone is just as bad. There are still many bad people in the world who wish you harm, and they will gladly take advantage of your generosity. It is best to have others prove themselves to you before fully embracing them.
Or, you know, since this thread is going to become /pol/ vs /leftypol/ again, ignore what I said and focus on cancerous identity politics instead.
fear is based upon danger, and hate is usually born of fear or revulsion (which is based on biological signals to avoid unhealthy situations)
A population of indifferent and non-dangerous individuals can still create a dangerous situation. As an example, an overpopulation of deer or any other peaceable species can result in higher risk of collisions, More spoiled crops, etc. which are objectively bad results that cannot be blamed on a single random member of the species in question. It is more than possible to hate a population for the results it as a group achieves, even if such a hatred isn't kind, moral, etc.
A dislike for the different is very natural. A revulsion of other races is possible due to biological factors. Imagine you live in a village where everyone you know is genetically similar, and one person is born who has clear asian, african, aboriginal features, or vise versa. If you KNEW the person to be born from the same genetic background you are, you would probably draw the conclusion that such a person was deformed. The aversion to illness is what makes things like red lips, unblemished skin, curves, etc. attractive. They signify health and a good chance of bearing healthy offspring which will be of use to the community.
Now members of obviously different races will all look very different every while equally healthy, but that is knowledge that comes from the learned mind, and not the instinct. You can put aside built-in prejudices if you have the desire, but you can also be tempted to rationalize these feelings by using statistics, facts you hear about populations, etc. to bolster the feeling you have that there's something "unhealthy" or "wrong" about people who look that way. confirmation bias will only give you more reason to doubt the obvious biological symmetry between races once you've begun to question it; taking something hundreds of miles away to bolster your distrust of people in the next block down. etc.
It's a collectivist mindset more than anything, to place individuals as monoliths. By that logic, all white people should be hated just because we happen to have the most mass shooters in the US, even though the number of people that have done it is very small.
However is it not unwise to use base anamalistic disgust to gaudge the content of one's character? Even in the case of deformaties or disease this Is no excuse to treat them lesser or even pity them in some cases as they may exceed their expected abilities. Our primal nature is often wrong so one should be wary when it calls on you.
>Stop hating other people!
>It seems barbaric.
Good laugh!
I don't hate, I just clinically dislike.
Care to explain why?
Look up where the word barbarian came from...
Thought you were referring to something else
Why I dislike people?
Every single instance of any kind of communication between me, or us, and him, or them, will be a negative one.
Have you put thought into why?
I live in a good country and any interaction I have with people from certain other countries pretty much just means that they are a parasite of my country.
>Is there any reason to hate other people who have not done something to you?
Them doing something to other people. See: ISIS, Nazis, other assorted murderers.
I understand illegal immigration can be detrimental to a nations welfare but many if not most immigrants come over via work visa, and as such provide services the people of your country either do not wish to partake in or do at a degree that is under the immigrants level. So these immigrants help your country.
You can be against their ideology and even hate what they stand for but that does not mean they cannot be changed correct?
>legality=benefit for the target country
You're right. Pedophiles and murderers are fine, as long as they leave me alone.
It's not universal of course but it's what the state typically has in mind whenever they naturalize a citizen
>there are literal nigger militias roaming our cities looking for white people to kill
>"haha blacks are just like whites, that's just poverty that makes them like that haha"
>The state cares for its citizens
Not where I come from, but maybe
[spoiler]for u [/spoiler]
SeeI'm not asking you to trust them, and in the cases of the violent they earn distrust, but innocents who you have no reason to hate don't deserve hatred
Oh, I had no idea you were an expert on my country and its immigration statistics! Please, just kinda quick you know, fill me in on what country I'm from.
If you need grapes because they can't be grown in your country and someone from a different country offers them to you at a fair price, how are they being "parasitic" to you? It's a mutually beneficial trade.
These are still few in number compared to millions who don't aND thousands who disagree with them. You have to understand these people are human beings with personalities and beliefs of their own. It's disrespectful to think otherwise and you wouldent want to be thought of that way either. It's clear you're afraid of being targeted, so why don't you think they are too?
SeeEven if the state is wrong it's what they has in mind when they adopted the citizen in the first place. Immigration is a lot harder than most people think, if you wish you can ask an immigrant to walk you through the process.
You're comparing apples to oranges.
How so?
Its useaully a states goals to keep the internal structure strong, so when they allow immigration its because they want to make it stronger by adding foreign professionals who may have better insight on a topic than their professionals
Someone, somewhere out there hates me for who I am. I prefer to take the initiative.
The same applies for love, why not take that initiative?
>le true love exists hehe
Yeah, fuck that.
I mean, I support polyamory, so it's less a one true love and more, its statistically impossible for you to be absolutly incapable of finding SOMEONE.