Can the people living within the red line be seen as white in the non-American definition of the word?
There surely is some Sub-Saharan, Turkish and Mongloid blood in there but aren't they still predominantly seen as people with a light skin color and typical white features?
Robert Carter
>there surely is some Sub-Saharan, Turkish and Mongloid blood in there >some >highlights whole fucking central asia and northern africa and PAKISTAN for crying out loud
Jeremiah Lewis
>Can the people living within the red line be seen as white
>in the non-American definition of the word?
The American definition is the only one that matters
James Adams
How would you redraw it?
Central Asians are pretty white though aren't they?
Thomas Butler
>None American definition of the word using white to catergorise Europe and parts of Asia is without a doubt one of the most retarded things I have ever read. This is fucking stupid. Maybe for Americans it kind of works since they`re all mixed ethnicities and the only prominent feature differentiating is skin colour but not fucking the entirity of Europe and a part of Asia. Americans need to realise not everyone subscribes to their obsession with catergorising "races" in to two colours is retarded. And no one should buy in to there attempts to validate said obsession by including europeans in definitions. Just so they can be in a little exclusive club and shit post on /pol.
Asher Bennett
your opening post clearly suggested that turks (mongol rapebabies) and mongoloids aren't "white", so including entire fucking Turkey and every 'stan in existence is pretty fucking bizarre if you ask me, and while northern africa doesn't have much subsaharans, the current dominant populations are pretty much mix of turks and arabs and while redhead blue-eyed pashtun lolis are fascinating, they are not indicative of the ethnic makeup of that region
Jordan Reed
The whole idea of whiteness is fucking stupid anyway, an irishman is not a swede who's not a bulgarian, it's not that fucking hard.
Christopher Reed
>Turkey in red OP give me your address, i want to come and beat the shit out of you for calling us wh*Te. wh*Tes are subhumans and they'll be genocided. your assimilation tactic won't work, you WILL lose the race war you subhuman.
Josiah Turner
Chase Miller
Why so mad though
Samuel Edwards
because i hate your subhuman kind. and it triggers me when your subhuman kind says we're related to your subhuman kind.
Samuel Watson
t. Albanian
William Ortiz
what the fuck are you talking about, wh*Te subhuman? i identify as non wh*Te and my profession is i'm your mother's bull
Aiden Gomez
>eyy how do I look?
Colton Fisher
Daily reminder that Turks are white as greeks and european as bulgarians i.e. %100% white & european.
Samuel Lee
Lincoln Bennett
that meme does not work on me wh*Tes are literally subhumans and you'll be genocided
Hudson King
corrections in blue
Xavier Stewart
Jason Ramirez
empty threats of mehmets overtaken by impotent rage are the best
Noah Phillips
>Historical turks
inb4: I see no difference
Ethan Baker
What does that make the greeks?
Jaxson Moore
Colton Collins
this is the true map
Charles Parker
>white in the non-American definition of the word? This isn't accurate enough, you have to pick certain countries and us either definition of white. You're insane someone in Norway would consider those countries for even remotely white.
Asher Robinson
Look like a spaniard my white brother
Jackson Sanders
Greeks were white once, as were (if not only by virtue of being Greek) those who live in Anatolia and the more hellenised parts of the near east but those days are long gone. There are still some pashtuns who owing to their ancient association with the Aryans and the exploits of Alexander III of Macedon have blue eyes but an even cursory understanding of the demographic history of central Asia demands that we concede that Afghans, and certainly Pakistanis are in no sense, general or meaningful - white. Them days are gone.
You can't just draw a line and think you've wrangled whiteness, there is a sizable white population in SA, Europe grows swarthier by the day and well it is a bit of a social construct. Whites usually refer to a privileged pale skinned european group, if anything it's more of a spectrum. Berbers are whiter than Bantu Basque are whiter than Berber British are whiter than Basque I've outlined proper gringo country. Industrious protestant Germanic h-whites. Strange to think the vast majority of great men were born within that small white line.
Ayden Wood
>no >the american definition is the only one that matters
>the red line pretty much covers the entire "caucasian" area by American census definition, minus Arabia Explain.
Lincoln Anderson
First of all, 'white' is a baseless and retarded description/generalization made by the most retarded people inhabiting our fucking planet. The proper word you're looking for is Caucasoid/Aryans, Caucasians and Aryans existed historically across the area you highlighted.
Jayden Jones
>Industrious protestant Germanic h-whites. Why did you include Catholic Germans, Protesant Finns, and Protestant Celts?
Jason Flores
Also southern Germans are swarthy as fuck. Even Slavs are lighter.
Leo Martinez
I know, I agree, a better line could be drawn but a perfect line can not.