How do we reverse the atomization of western society?
How do we reverse the atomization of western society?
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End everything that undermines the family and local relationships. Working women, learning women,no fault divorce, the pill,the works,etc. unemancipate the women and make family formation exceed all other priorities.
Way ahead of you brother
Decimate the human population, and install mechanized, undying Kings to rule over perpetually Feudal societies.
Completely stop all mining, fracking, and drilling. Petroleum fuels the modern world. Stop the flow, and society will be forced to revert to its more natural form.
end capitalism.
sorry, there's just no other way.
this will be my only post in this thread.
Yes, but replace it with perpetual Feudalism, not something retarded like Communism
>end capitalism.
And replaced with what?,"state capitalism"or hippie communes?
>go full anprim
Uck uck to you too
Perpetual Feudalism governed by undying, mechanical kings
Unironically just wait. peak oil, climate change and automation will decimate the Liberal, Hedonistic, Materialist lifestyle of the West.
>peak oil
Just lmao
Don't. Atomization might be just the prelude to the organic formation of new structures that will authentically take advantage of modern technology and the near-instant global communication that it enables.
you know exactly what you are
>impliying things like that was non imposed by other regimes.
Just see Uncle joe,he liked that stuff.
>During Joseph Stalin's rule, the trend toward strengthening the family continued. In 1936 the government began to award payments to women with large families, banned abortions, and made divorces more difficult to obtain. In 1942 it subjected single persons and childless married persons to additional taxes. In 1944 only registered marriages were recognized to be legal, and divorce became subject to the court's discretion. In the same year, the government began to award medals to women who gave birth to five or more children and took upon itself the support of illegitimate children.[1]
Reverse 2nd wave feminism by destroying those who who birthed it.
thumbnail made me think of an aged Moot
Does that even work? Wouldn't the parents, and therefore the children, be unhappy as fuck? They're basically led to procreate.
Stalinism is not about happiness, is about control and submit of the individual to the collective good (the workers state), family become in a primal unity of the state, any surbersive thing is marked as bourgeois and go to gulag even homosexuals and fellow comrades how are not "red" enough. think in stalinism like some kind of "left fascism"
This is it also restrict porn a little.
Blow it all up. All of it.
that didn't work the first time
what the fuck makes you think it'll work this time?
Oil is not limitless. It may not happen in our lifetime but it will happen.
>that didn't work the first time
t.Mohammed Abdullah
Communitarian, Catholic-inspired social democracy.
i.e. Bernie Sanders but pro-life
literally Nick Land
You want the Land of Make Believe?
Like in all things, it's socialism or barbarism
Feudalism only failed due to incompetent or corrupt leaders, plagues, and famines. With an undying Mechanical king, one can create a leadership caste that is not biased or warmongering or corrupt. With renewable farming practices, you can forgo famine. With simple antibiotics and modern medicine, you can avoid large mass deaths. And with renewable living, you can create a stable population.
Feudalism is the perfect system for Humanity. It offers tiers of existence ranging from menial, although fulfilling, work for the mean; spiritual/intellectual stimulation for the pseudointellectual class, via monasteries and other religious institutions.
The true intellectuals will be secretly recruited into the Hub Cities that manage the Machines/nonrenewable resources and help develop space travel to propagate the Human Species beyond the Solar System
Don't be rude user. He may not be the most effective ruler but he indeed seems to be the one in charge.
>it's socialism or barbarism
Of what kind? marxist socialism, anarcho socialism? national "socialism"?
Is Chomsky secretly a based liberatarian? Why is he a socialist collectivist?
You're pointlessly lionizing obsolete systems.
Feudalism is a social arrangement where landowning barons have a legal right to steal the labor of their tenants and tightly restrict their lives. The system was corrupt as fuck because of the stanford prison experiment: any time you give some people arbitrary power over others, it goes right to their heads and they become raging dicks. And that's all feudalism is: a less efficient means of arranging labor than letting people simply sell their labor in a labor market, owing to the fact that you're letting rural land barons dominate society.
These will never work again because market societies outcompete them every time.
He's a libertarian in the sense that left-wingers use that term (before right-wingers co-opted it), and he has even gone out and called himself a conservative, in the sense that he believes America's progressive spirit is something to be conserved.