Post some truly short historical figures (No Napoleon allowed). See the image, on the left is King Albert I of Belgium, on the left is Victor Emmanuel III. His listed height is 5' 0".
Post some truly short historical figures (No Napoleon allowed). See the image, on the left is King Albert I of Belgium...
>Literally being the King of Manlets
humans are awesome. Only we would have small and weak physically in positions of power, fuck the laws of nature
Sorry, can't find American meters
Herr Goebbels
>Guardian cucking out by not showing 6'2" Justin Trudeau or Stephen Harper
the jews fear the leaf
They have enough 6 foot tall windbags to compare the 7 manlets to, why add either of them?
because they had two 6'1" people. Why not drop the pigfucker for someone even taller?
Like Lurch?
If Churchill is 5'6", Stalin is at most 5'5" or 5'4" going by this image.
JFK: And people actually worship this manlet...
Sounds about accurate.
Tojo, 5'4
>Stalin was already wearing adidas tracksuit in the 1940's
Confirmed for shorter than Churchill
Sarkozy is, or pretend to be, 169 cm, that would be closer to 5'7.
Macron is 5'8 by the way, and François Hollande before him was 5'7.
Manlet trio, Manltes Hitler and Goebbels laughing at Manlet Victor Emanuel III
forgot pic
>Dictators are all shor-
>Not 6'
Still a manlet, just the king of manlets
Hitler looks like the nicest guy in that picture.
They're not standing right next to eachother, look at their wee little manlet feet.
Ras Manleti
wtf why is degaulle so tall
he looks so odd
He really wasn't an asshole in person
Are you retarded?
Excluding Merkel, it seems your amount of cuckery increases with height.