so now that lots of archaeological sites are poping up in the amazon jungle when it was tought there was nothing there. What could the next major find be?
What else could be hidden?
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I think it is likely there was an advance (minoan lvl) civilization over 10,000 years ago in the coast, that is now underwater, Anyone got that map of europe before the sea lvl rise?
>Adam Goldstein
yes goyim come see this wonderful new discovery
That story is fake news. No ancient city in aus
its kind of sad that the trees are gone, but interesting finding what was hiding under
calm down trump
calm down mike
i'm sure whites will be considered albinos in no time
The painting below of a four man canoe with upswept prow and stern, possibly the world’s oldest boat painting, is located at a site in the Kimberley. Significantly, another panel depicts a long line of twenty-six or more antlered, four legged animals standing along a simple, single base-line.
There has never been deer in Australia.
This entire area was above the water some 12,000 years ago.
>ancient Australian city that predates the abos
the Great Race of Yith did nothing wrong
gas the polyps, time wars now
>magnitude 6.2 quake
>central NT
thanks. hopefuly we will find out what went missing under the waves.
There is much to discover
Not just there but everywhere too. So much is hidden under the water. Doubt you can find much, but there has to be something.
>Never been deer in Australia
There are now.
Anyway, OPs image is full of crap. Happy to be proved wrong, and certainly Australian indigenous history is less-discussed, but that pic is just dishonest.
>Baseball is cultural appropiation.
Theres definitely deer in Australia dude.
I thought Truganini was the last Tasmanian Abo.
Wow, the abbos actually did something then?
Memes besides let's talk about Aboriginal art.
One of them was on SAT world history as a question and I'm mad at them.
Fucking nothing you idiot.
Europeans didn't have civilizations before the Neolithic.
There was significant human activity at Doggerland you retarded fuck. So much so that it is considered part of so-called greater Stonehenge landscape.
When did you take the SAT World History? Don't remember that question.
>yfw they discover artefacts from the Fino-Korean Hyperwar
posting a classic
im so glad i watched that to the end
Is this an actual city or a Serpent Mounds/Great Zimbabwe """"city"""".
I get so sick of people trying to equivalize the accomplishments of past societies.
>that unsubtle phlegm deposit
>If there were more islands between Africa and Mascarene Plateau back when it was an island there could have been a maritime tradition made by Khoisan people's
Great Zimbabwe is impressing a fuck and implies a high deal of social complexity
It's a shame really, as pretty much all of the evidence of the OOA people has been lost
Stonehenge is 3000 years younger and entirely unrelated.
Doggerland was just a fucking swamp
>rocks piled in a circle
Great Zimbabwe would be more impressive, were it not for the fact that a) Europeans were building oppida and nuraghes millennia earlier, and b) those who built it reverted to a tribal state as soon as contact with Arabs on the Indian Ocean coast waned
>you will never walk through an ancient garden city
No the two kingdoms of Butua and Mutapa came from it lol. You didn't even check anything at all.
Cool shit, I wonder if they'll find my book in there?
Deer in Australia continue to suffer the stigma of having been introduced. Like foxes were, Deer are not native to Australia
Lost city of the High.
Deer were introduced into Australia from Europe in the 19th century as game animals.
To me its a great mystery The Bradshaw cave paintings in the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia have been dated at up to 65,000 years old. They clearly show what have since been determined to be deer.
>Lovecraft was right
Uluru’s 1500-year-old ‘lost city’ a fake
Steve Menzies, NT News
September 8, 201
Half of those things don't look like deer at all have you seen some of the extinct fauna from Australia?
>Europeans were building oppida and nuraghes millennia earlier
This is such a weird argument. I can't comprehend what could possibly be going through somebody's head when they say this shit. How in any way, shape or form does older stuff in a completely seperate part of the world make something built in Zimbabwe any more or less impressive? If a civilization millions of years older than ours was discovered on a far off planet would that make all of Earth's accomplishments less impressive? How? It makes no sense. You have to be completely detached from reality and think of history as a video game for this argument to mean anything.
>Doubt you can find much, but there has to be something
Human beings naturally congregate around water; there's bound to be tons.