Veeky Forums meme thread
Shitty OC edition
Veeky Forums meme thread
Why even make it? It's not funny and completely misses the point of the original meme
damn its almost perfect but it should have been nicias on the left
Someone needs to make 'the virgin Domitian and the chad Titus' already
*dick more important politics
Nothing like failing to get Socrates's attention after a little naked wrestling.
*upvotes u*
That seems old
How can Prussiaboos consistently make such terrible memes?
>mfw some faggot stole this picture from Veeky Forums
I dont know what this meme is called but its trash
Virgin detected
Jokes on you, I had sex once
spotted the virgin
thank god there are people like these to remind us magic still exists
sheeet, is there more of this ?
Has anybody played CK2 as a Chad absolute monarch? Sounds fun.
>t. virgin
great title friend
You clearly don't understand what makes the chad/virgin meme funny; hell, most of this website doesn't understand. It isn't supposed to be "chad = thing I like" and "virgin = thing I don't like". Chad is supposed to be the opposite extreme of the virgin. If the virgin is quiet, then the chad is constantly screaming. It's supposed to be a surrealist contrast, not "le funny strawman!"
These are just bad instances of it, it can be pretty funny at times
agreed, elliot rodger was the physical embodiment of a virgin "massacre"
>ywn never be as much of a robot as Elliot Rodger
Got a good giggle.
>even the animals are chads
>christcuck actually believes that denouncing religion makes a person immoral
the crusader is literally a virgin, the templars were monks, so the wife part is wrong
also how can he be a virgin if he has a wife? get your memes right
that would be fucking awesome
someone should email Rob Schneider
>not boypussi
having sex with your hand doesn't count
> castrates every other man allowed closer than 200 meters to his many wives
On the saracen
was on that thread
pretty sure there was a helicopter with the pilot on it
the drawing of her was actually pretty good
>>>>>>>>>>>turkroach spotted
Feels bad
>le roach meme xD
No turks in ck2 habibi
If you play as mooslimb ay-rabs in ck2 you're probably a turkroach
> implying that not all of Veeky Forums memes are facebook-tier
>not playing a berber and raiding the cost of england for loot and women
Iqta was a shitty title though, since it just allowed you to farm taxes, without allowing the holder (or even sometimes actively precluding him) from interfering in the affairs of the population. While this protected the people, it also precluded the owner from investing his money and improving the tax returns.
t. virgin
>the virgin shitpost vs. the chad meme
>t.Samuel ibn Naghrillah
Image isn't mine, but text is
IMO in order it to be funny the virgin must be mocked just for being a decent human being while the chad is revered and portrayed as cool for being selfish, reckless and idiotic.
OP should say virgin Cinias tbqh
top fucking kek
we need more of these
Virgin Poster
wasn't Alcibiades the guy that was upset that Socrates never fucked him?
What kind of word is alcibalci
Struck one of your nerves there, eh?
Fuck Veeky Forums