Press S to spit on this communist-sympathising war monger and criminal's grave
>the Long/Coughlin ticket will never win the presidency
>Cucked by military attache Standley
What did he mean by this?
>new deal
He looks like Malcolm Turnbull so he must be shit.
>LITERALLY cannot stand up to Stalin
who would elect this fool?
it's not like he would have even if he could
>war monger
>Japs attack him and then Hitler declares war on him
>war monger
wtf I love FDR now.
No one could stand up to stalin. If you read more about him you will find out he was smarter than every other leader at the time. He manipulated roosvelt so good he made him think that he was manipulating him.
Based Comrade FDR made the postwar economic boom possible by taxing all income above 25K (~339K today) at 100%.
Press W to praise based comrade FDR for standing up where most of us could not.
wasn't the effective tax rate much lower tho
Maybe, IDK. You tell me.
More like a fascist if you ask me. (and I don't implying this is bad thing)
He baiscally killed communisim in america user
He was more fascist
Not saying thats a bad thing, fascist had some good ideas when it cam to economy
>He manipulated roosvelt so good he made him think that he was manipulating him.
Do you have an example of this? Really interested!
these guys get it.
Calm down Hans.
Definitely S.
Also his advisor Harry Hopkins who was an actual communist spy.
He's the least bad jingoist warmonger out there, I'll give him that.
Well yes, because of capital gains tax vs. income tax. But the concept of the "effective tax rate" as a defense of high marginal income tax rates is garbage.
What it means is that people with established fortunes who are making money through things other than wages can cheat their way out of taxes, while the "new money" who are actually valuable members of the business community earning money through wages get screwed and are kept from amassing large amounts of money.
Didn't he kinda saved western Europe from communism?
t. salty Republicans fresh from losing another landslide election