So.. Was it justified? Did those poor Hungarians deserve to be sectioned up like the piece of cake it was?
So.. Was it justified? Did those poor Hungarians deserve to be sectioned up like the piece of cake it was?
Other urls found in this thread:
>likes medieval Hungary for fuck all reason
>doesn't know anything about their history
Yes, they were as complacent as the Germans in the oppression of minorities.
>German oppression of minorities
This basically.
Once they got equal rights in the Empire, they did everything in their power to stop other minority groups from getting the same recognision. Hungarian stubbornness concerning the place of others in the empire is one of the main reasons AH was such a weak state going into the 20th century and, ultimately, the Great War.
>what is Austria-Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia (and Dalmatia) is not "Hungary".
Talk shit get hit
It was considered part of the Crown of St. Stephen (which, before the Compromise of 1867 was simply the Kingdom of Hungary) which was the Hungarian administered portion of the empire. It's not really that wrong to call these lands part of Hungary.
They were under the same king, but I don't think that Croatia was ever officially considered a part of the "Kingdom of Hungary". Kingdom of Croatia always existed as some form of a entity. Walking around Slavonia and saying "I'm in Hungary" would give you weird looks in whatever period.
this would have been awesome... why did he have to die?
There's something painfully ironic about the fact that the one man who could have actually reformed the AH Empire into something for all ethnicities and minorities was assasinated by someone angry at the treatment of some ethnicities and minorities in said empire.
>Was it justified
>Did those poor Hungarians deserve to be sectioned
I don't get why some say Trianon was far worse than Versailles, if you look at a map and see were Germans and Hungarians settled they were both simply taken the lands they possessed which were inhabited by foreigners. Hungary simply had much more of such territories relative to its size.
Also it wasn't the first attempt.
It was harsh and based on false documents gave by the recipients of the treaty.
All hungarians deserved to die that day.
>loosing all your colonies
>loosing 20% of your territory
>loosing 10% of your population
>loosing a third of your coal production
>loosing a quarter of your food production
>loosing 80% of iron ore deposits
>paying 67,7 billion Goldmark (~330 billion Euros today)
>your shipping rivers are declared open internationally
>your merchant fleet is restricted so that your economy has a disadvantage
>economic restrictions on products you can produce, the Entente nations have to be treated as MFN (most favoured nations) in trade
>restrictions on the military so you aren't able to defend yourself
>be hungarian
> mistreat every nationality that lives in ''your''
> beg Austria to make a dual monarchy
> once they have the same rights as austrians , they refuse to give the minorities any kinds of rights
>literally every minority hates the hungarians
> everyone chimps out
>WW1 happens
> Hungary gets her shit kicked in after attempting several genocides
> loses 66% of it's territory
> too bad they hungarians weren't genocided , now we had to hear them bitch out ''their'' rightful clay
>be someone on Veeky Forums
>can't differentiate between some cunts in the government of a country plus those that support their policies and an entire nation
>post stupid shit
>According to some historians, several Hungarian inhabitants of the village tried to stop the massacre, but they were themselves chased and beaten. Other source mentioned that a local Hungarian woman (out of the 10-15 Hungarian families living in the village) encouraged the killings by shouting to the troops: "Kill all the Romanians so that only us Hungarians will remain in the village".[3] Other source (Doctor Ioan Puşcaş) recalled that his knowledge of Hungarian and 2 Hungarian women from the village saved him from certain death.
>There are around 13.1–14.7 million Hungarians
>there are around 26.6–30 million romanians
>untouched industry
>country is still united
>usa massively trade with you
>don't pay the damages
>meme countries created with german minority so you can just invade and people will say you dindu nuffin
>day one of the end of the war and you already want your revenge
It's like they didn't started a world war that killed millions.
Very true. Hungary got what it deserved for ruining it's own as well all other former AH nations chance for world relevance.
you didn't get the point, did you?
Sure there's a lot of bad shit that was done by Hungarians, but you then have to punish those who are responsible, even if you feel pure hatred towards that people, collective punishment is always unjust.
>It's like they didn't started a world war that killed millions.
Russia started WWI, Germany dindu nuffin.
Yes, I know what the Nazis did was bad, thank you.
>untouched industry
with the reparations the industry was targeted for it had to achieve more to gain more.
>country is still united
Splitting Germany up would simply be an act of revenge that would clash with the Entente's reason for why Germany lost territories in the first place (right to self-determination).
>usa massively trade with you
what does that have to do with anything? Should they forgo lucrative business just so that Germany is disadvantaged?
>don't pay the damages
Partly they were paid, though you're right on that one. Doesn't mean the initial demand was OK.
Oh, so you're telling me Germany wanted to be able to defend itself? Unbelievable.
>meme countries created with german minority so you can just invade and people will say you dindu nuffin
Yes, the German minorities went there after WW1.
>It's like they didn't started a world war that killed millions.
They escalated it and went on the offensive though Germany wasn't the only responsible. Russia mobilized first and France was in an alliance with Russia.
>Doesn't mean the initial demand was OK.
That's not how that was supposed to sound, I think it was fair to demand from Germany to pay for the damage done to Belgium and northwestern France, but no further finanicial penalties.
>Germany prepares war since years.
>But Russia mobilized first to protect an ally that was threatened.
nice Meme, but that doesn't change the facts.
>le minorties meme
retarded. How about you give some meaningful groups. Slovaks? Transylvanians? what was so bad about their treatment that Hungary's 1000 year old country deserved partition over internal reforms?
they didnt talk any shit you pleb.
>what was so bad about their treatment that Hungary's 1000 year old country deserved partition over internal reforms?
not one of the guys you replied to but it was only fair to let them have their own country, just because an Empire has a long tradition doesn't mean its subordinates shouldn't have the right to self-determination.
>right to self-determination.
that was always based on whims of victors. if everyone has a "right to self-determination" the world would be split into a million sovergin states with some two bit groups claiming smaller and smaller land until it implodes. self-determination is a paradox.
why don't the Hungarians in south slovakia get self determination?
>that was always based on whims of victors.
I know, but it was still reasonable in this case.
>why don't the Hungarians in south slovakia get self determination?
I don't know, they should.
>if everyone has a "right to self-determination" the world
I have an interesting Propaganda image from WW1 that fits
Hungary proved time and time again over the decades since the compromise that they were completely unwilling to institute reforms to allow said minority populations any say at all in how they were governed. With no alternative, self-determination based partition was the only way.
germany declared war before that
Russia mobilized first.
I like the detail of the Irish lion looking manic and wild and the Canadian lion being calm and reserved.
>There's something painfully ironic about the fact that the one man who could have actually reformed the AH Empire into something for all ethnicities and minorities was assasinated by someone angry at the treatment of some ethnicities and minorities in said empire.
Not precisely.
The Black Hand wanted a Greater Serbia, and achieving that goal was contingent on the Serb portions of Austria Hungary being dissatisfied with their current status. Franz Ferdinand's United States of Greater Austria was like a dagger to the heart of the Black Hand's vision of the future; if it ever came to pass, Serbia would never gain that land.
against austria-hungary
>On the 30th, Russia ordered general mobilization against Germany. German Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg waited until the 31st for an appropriate response, when Germany declared a "state of danger of war".
>Kaiser Wilhelm II asked his cousin, Tsar Nicolas II, to suspend the Russian general mobilization. When he refused, Germany issued an ultimatum demanding its mobilization be stopped, and a commitment not to support Serbia. Another was sent to France, asking her not to support Russia if it were to come to the defence of Serbia. On 1 August, after the Russian response, Germany mobilized and declared war on Russia. This also led to the general mobilization in Austria-Hungary on 4 August.
Actually AH mobilized first, Russian mobilization was a response to it.
Seems like it was a good idea to prepare since Russia declared war on them for totally unrelated reasons.
Autria Hungary was just doing what they always did. Conquer com irrelevant piece of shit country on the Balkans. Russia was the first to actually movilize against a major European power.
Nothing compared to Brest-Litovsk
I also heard that constitution of A-H says some part is both part of Austrian lands and Hungarian lands, so emperor lies by swearing oath to it.
Russia made it clear that it would protect Serbia, so AH knew pretty well that they're doing when they declared partial mobilization and then declared war on Serbs. And they went ahead with it because Germans explicitly said they would support them, meaning AH and Germany actively sought to start the war, the only thing they were missing was a casus belli.
>it is ok to attack countries and massacre their population as long as they are weak
>Autria Hungary was just doing what they always did. Conquer com irrelevant piece of shit country on the Balkans
Ironic , when the ''shit countries'' fought back and dismantle the abomination that was AH, it caused so much butthurt the hungarishits are still mad about it.
>lose bad against said "shit" countries
>go running back to cousin Willy begging for help
Look at an ethnographic map.
Non-Russian territories were taken from the Russian Empire, it was only more area because the Empire was far larger.
The only other demand was that Russia was supposed to pay 6 billion marks, less then a tenth of was demanded from Germany in Versailles.
No further restrictions on military or economy.
kek, get fucked goulashnigger
>dissing goulash
I mean, hate the player not his food
The funny thing is Russia is doing the exact same thing today in Ukraine. Russia has always empowered militant groups to engage in covert warfare, the difference being there isn't an independent power base in central europe to buffer away their threat, because we destroyed it.
> beef stew with red peppers
>not present in every fucking european country
The UK and France did the same though. Like in 1789, 50% of France's popultation did not speak French.
THe lands lost also contained almost all of the Russian Empires coal mines and about half of its industry. This isn't even mentioning the amount of agricultural lands they las in the Ukraine. With that much of your industrial capacity gone, further economic sanctions seem pretty redundant.
>not all people speaking french means they're minorities
>what is a dialect
They had to let go of their subjugated peoples, exactly the same as the Germans after Versailles.
Serbia wasn't a "militant group engaging in covert warfare", it was an internationally recognized sovereign country Russia had a defensive alliance with. By your logic, AH was a German "militant group engaging in covert warfare" against Russia.
>Lose territory larger than the whole German empire
>"minority groups" that also happened to represent 1/3 of the empire's population
>90% of its coal producing area
>Ukraine was the biggest grain producing region in the empire
>lose strategic assets like sevastopol
Russia had it worse than Versailles.
They subjugated more foreign peoples, so it hit them harder when they had to let them go.
In terms of punishments imposed on the loser Versailles was the harsher treaty.
Except it wasn't because the Russian empire had suffered severe territorial concessions that outweighed Germany's losses.
Let's not forget that that there were territories that had a large or majority polish population in Germany's Prussian land, and it still hit them hard all the same.
True, but the treaty was harsher on the Russian due to the fact about half of their industry was in regions inhabited by said subjigated people.
>likes medieval Hungary for fuck all reason
see pic related
In which book it says that Iancu Huniandi was a vlach?
>Except it wasn't because the Russian empire had suffered severe territorial concessions that outweighed Germany's losses.
Yes, I also heard somewhere that Russia was bigger than Germany.
>Let's not forget that that there were territories that had a large or majority polish population in Germany's Prussian land, and it still hit them hard all the same.
In Weimar Germany the only region with a notable number of Poles was southern East Prussia, but I don't get what your point is...
That was the problem of the Russians since they didn't industrialize enough in their homeland. In terms of ways to hurt the respective country Versailles was harsher.
All of them not written by a Hungarian. It's beside the point anyway since he was a Catholic and always served the Crown of Hungary.
>always served the Crown of Hungary.
You misstyped ''ruled''
That refers to Bosnia.
What was the Black Hand then? What were the numerous serbian separatist organizations funded by the serbian state itself indirectly bankrolled by Russia?
>why don't the Hungarians in south slovakia get self determination?
Because it was never about self-determination but about strategic borders autistically drawn up by Benes in Paris and approved by the Entente. Retards who unironically believe the Wilsonian ideals ever got applied need to get their head checked.
Czechoslovakia itself was a bullshit Entente-created nation that annexed Slovakia without ever asking the Slovaks. Thanks based Hitler fro breaking that shithouse up.
>without even asking slovaks
t. Butthurt Magyar that thinks they like you
Nice memes you Czech bolshevik trash. One Lidice wasn't enough.
eat shit and die
>destroy Magyar Bolshevism
>get called bolshevik by them
top kek, Magyars are Americans of Europe, you need someone to rule over you or cause mess
t. Mihai Tiganescu
Do you think their women got ''liberated'' sexually?
t. Attila Bozgorevici
>get cucked by Britain and France
>first thing Czechs do after WW2 starts is get enlisted in French and British forces
What a nation of lackeys.
That's good, because I'm not a shit eating czech
i wish they were
>Veeky Forums rightly holds the magyars responsible for A-H's downfall and recognizes Trianon as Budapest's rightful punishment
this board is great
Magyars also betrayed the Kaiser
They also betrayed the rightful Habsburg king of Hungary when he wanted the crown back, and instead put some generic nobleman in charge of the country as a "regent". He was also an admiral of a landlocked country, go figure.
It just goes to show, that evil nations and even individuals get fucked in the end by the very same nations or people they fucked in the first place. This is why you never want to be the bully cuz then everyone you ever bullied will bite you in the ass when the time comes.
They where funded by brits.