Why haven't you converted to the one true ideology yet
Anarcho monarchism
I dunno can you prove it's not jewish
is this a fetish thread?
oxymoron thread?
Whats anarcho monarchism anyway? Everyone gets to be king?
how many layers of meta are we currently?
how the fuck is having a king anarchy?
Every man a king!
I'm actually an anarch:
>“Although I am an anarch, I am not anti-authoritarian. Quite the opposite: I need authority, although I do not believe in it. My critical faculties are sharpened by the absence of the credibility that I ask for. As a historian, I know what can be offered.”
>anarcho monarchism
Isn't that just the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?
>elected king with extremely limited powers
>minimal taxes and state institutions
>every member of parliament has a right of veto
>armed rebellion against the government explicitly legal
>wanting to emulate the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
no thanks senpai
>hating liberty
hol up hol up
so you be sayin'
we was kangz?
but no one wears a crown?
>hating order, the one good thing in life
Well, I'm close to it. I feel closer to Mauras' integral nationalism, which is a slightly less autistic version of whatever anarcho-monarchism wants to be.
I can't tell if I'm too stupid for this or if this is too stupid for me.
I am opposed to anything individualistic and liberal-like.
I hate anarchism in which every man believes to be a master and I hate monarchism which considers men to be special on the basis of birth.
Well then what do you believe in
>>armed rebellion against the government explicitly legal
wait what
May your chains rest lightly on your shoulders and all that jazz.
Libertarians have to be the most retarded people on earth.
isnt that just feudalism?
Just that - nobles could band together and rebel against the king if they felt he was violating the law and/or engaging in unacceptable tyranny.
In practice that meant you had to legally state your specific grievances and had to stop if they were addressed, but if your rebellion was defeated you would be pardoned (or rather not tried for treason or any such crime - basically rebelling in good faith against perceived tyranny was not a crime).
You could say it's a sort of martial democratic process - if you can get enough of the country to rise up against tyranny to be an actual threat then you must have a point.
You could also see the logic behind it as sort of similar to the idea of duelling, i.e. putting your money where your mouth is and risking your life to push your political point is the respectable and honourable way to do it.
Anarchy doesn't mean no government, just no hierarchy.