Why is fascism and national socialism are considered extreme right when they are socialists except the replace internationalism with nationalism and ethno nationalism? extreme right would be libertarianism, minarchism and ancap.
Why is fascism and national socialism are considered extreme right when they are socialists except the replace...
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It's because we have a shitty way of naming them. The left right spectrum doesn't account for the combinations of politically opposite ideas like being economically leftist but morally conservative and fundamentalist. Judging people's moral fiber based on economic polices is retarded anyways
judge by yourself
Because people wouldn't understand that WWII was mainly socialism branches fighting each other and Anglos pouring oil into the fire, until they had to step in because their pet monsters got too big to fucking control. They need good guys and bad guys otherwise your average retard will get too confused and start asking uncomfortable questions, but they couldn't put themselves on one end and both Nazis and Commies to the other, because those two were enemies, so they've put Commies to the left corner and Nazis to the right corner and pretended they stood in the middle even though there was no such thing as centrism in America ever.
Fascists were most definitely not left wing. Look at their propaganda and open a book.
>national "socialism"
>extreme right would be libertarianism, minarchism and ancap.
t. historically illiterate Burger
I think he meant Strasser's national socialism than Hilter's national "socialism"
I don't think he even know what strasserism is
Monarchists were historically right-wing, yet they have absolutely nothing to do with libertarians and other degenerates.
That video shit both left and right.
It criticize the state healthcare for refusing to help for political reasons, while also criticizing private institutions for requiring a lot of money.
If there is a message, it seems to wish for public healthcare without the corruption.
It's true, both the far-left and far-right are authoritarian collectivists and they both lead to mass murder and genocide.
Because the common behavior of right-wingers is to deceive and co-opt. Like a social cancer slowly devouring its host, their goal is to join movements en masse, drive out the originals through concentrated weight of numbers, passing off their achievements as their own while keeping the outward appearance of traditionalism while in practice doing the opposite of what they preach.
The Night of Long Knives purge was that point when the socialist movement had been totally hijacked by right-wingers who kept the socialist outward appearance in order to keep working rubes voting for them while quietly privatizing and militarizing the economy, deflecting attention through employment of scapegoats.
>i'm another retarded ancap that judges the politcal spectrum purely by economics, and economics alone
it's mainly hierarchy (right) vs equality (left)
The irony since leftism always leads to less inequality
>greater mass murderers are all authoritarian
It's cleary the left's fault.
t. the radical centrist
can't say I disagree.
commanding equality, seems pretty unequal to me. which is why I assume, some strive instead for anarchism, but if they don't think a hierarchy will exist in a anarchist society, they're wrong
nazis loved sucking the dick of the industrialists, they were pretended to be "socialists" because Germany was one of the countries with the most socialists in the world
National Socialism is right wing, the Socialism in it needs to be seen in a racial, more than economical context. Yes, fascism is left wing, as it seeks to expand the state.
>Yes, fascism is left wing, as it seeks to expand the state.
no it isn't. by this metric, monarchists are left wing.
Monarchy and libertarianism is rightwing
Communism/anarchism is leftwing
fascism and national socialism are a third position transcending left and right
>Only difference between nazism and socialism is relation to nation
>libertarianism is rightwing
Only American """"libertarianism"""" is rightwing. The rest of the world recognizes libertarianism as a left-wing ideology.
>this is what ancraps, Lolbergs and burgers unironically believe
There are no libertarianists in the rest of the world and if there are they are right-wing.
Why do you think they needed to specify "left" in this irrelevant meme?
Ayn Rand.
Because the left/right divide isn't about economic policies you brainlet.
There's absolutely no truth to that. The reality is that the more you strive for equality in a society you create greater inequality. This is been observed by many political theorists and social commentators since the Renaissance. You have to be a leftists to be delusional enough to believe that isn't the case.
Because Wikipedia primarily uses American English.
>no Enlightened Reactionary Monarchism based on the Eternal Laws of truth and justice
What a sham.
It's literally transcribed from an Ayn Rand book...
>More irrelevant American memes
Claiming that national socialism was a right wing political movement is just the ultimate example of "reeeeeeeeeeee not real communism".
The distinction between left and right is wrong, and the thing was clearly written by a leftist.
No, it isn't. The Strasser wing of the Nazi movement were far left but Hitler himself was right wing and co-opted the "Socialist" name. There were left wing Nazis but Hitler wasn't one of them.
Fascism itself is a left-wing ideology, dingus.
The only difference between Strasser and Hitler was that the former advocated full nationalization of industries, while the latter wanted them to be just fully subordinate to state interests. If you think that's the difference between far right and far left be my guest, they were pretty close to each other.
No, it isn't. See They literally promoted Keynes and Ayn Rand's writings.
>while the latter wanted them to be just fully subordinate to state interests.
Monarchies did that too.
In a monarchy, the "state" factually doesn't even exist, only the monarch does. Talking about the medieval feudal and early modern absolutist monarchies, not the parliamentary garbage.
>Prior to the films' release, they were nearly censored by Mussolini's government. Government officials demanded to see the film dailies, but the editors hid any sensitive material. The release of the films was permitted because the story itself was set in Soviet Russia and was directly critical of that regime. The films were "released in Italy, played for two months with great success - and then the Italian newspapers began objecting to it and saying that it was anti-Fascist, which it was, essentially." Though some pro-Fascist lines had been added to the film, the story is as much an indictment of Fascism as it is of Communism. Consequently, the Fascist government demanded the films be pulled from theaters and withdrawn from circulation. Furthermore, the films were ordered to be destroyed.
Try again you fucking retard.
It was only objected to for having anti-government tones. They kept the Anti-socialist stuff and removed any pro-libertarian stuff because they were a right wing authoritarian regime.
For having anti-FASCIST tones. Nice backpedaling, the only reason the movie even got into circulation to begin with was because it was anti-bolshevik.
Okay, do you think anti-universal healthcare is left wing? Mussolini kept that part and Italy did not get universal healthcare until 1978? Private healthcare was enforced under Mussolini.
Not that guy but desu Strasser wasn't really far left but more of a radical centrist but he is not wrong in that they are vast differences between Strasser and Hilter
There are no "vast" differences, only slight differences. Strasser was pretty much Hitler but with a heavy anti-tycoon bent that Hitler lacked, modern liberals trying to portray him as some kind of German Trotsky are fucked in the head.
>modern liberals trying to portray him as some kind of German Trotsky
Like who?
Was big enough that Hilter needed to get rid of Strasser to obtain power. You can't even say it is a personal power struggle when Hilter also got rid of Strasser's entire faction along with him
are you fucking serious?
the left is antithesis with economic freedom
that spectrum is retarded
Nationalism is not a political ideology, it's a political goal, that of a independent, sovereign nation-state, there are many ways to get there.
It could be an ideology as well, when you look at the world through perspective of your nation.
now you are just making things up
Nationalism has happened in 3 diferent ways IRL
unification movements(Italy, Germany, Japan, Ethiopia)
liberation movements(breaking of Austria Hungary/Russian Empire)
ethnic cleansings nazi germany, yugoslavian wars
Nationalism has no defined economic or social policies
you forgot defensive nationalism tho
Nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.
Nationalism is an ideology that holds that a nation is the fundamental unit for human social life, and takes precedence over any other social and political principles.
>unironicly using leftist propaganda
Is there a term for when a group can't argue against something so they just gather around and ridicule it?
Libertarianism/minarchism/anarcho-capitalism are not real ideologies, just armchair fantasies for nerds, so they don't really need to be placed anywhere on the political spectrum. Left and right are just tribes and meme clusters, not coherent philosophies, the only vague defining feature of them is that generally speaking left is "progressive" while right is "conservative" (though that is a simplification). That's why it is impossible to place everyone on some one-dimensional spectrum of politics, though contrary to popular belief the "two-dimensional" way of thinking (Nolan chart or whatever it was) isn't really any more accurate either and in some ways is a more misleading way of thinking.
There's no way of attaching a "number" to your political beliefs in terms of how left or right you are, it doesn't work like that. Extreme right and extreme left aren't necessarily "extremely right" and "extremely left" in every way, it's just that each of them belong roughly in the "right camp" and the "left camp" respectively, are hostile to each other AND each of them is extreme in their methods. This partly explains why extreme right and extreme left can end up being so similar in many ways.
Daily reminder that capitalist-induced global warming will us all.
Another one
>Russia was feudal!
>Russia was capitalist!
Can you commie faggots agree on a single thing?
>communist leaders
>global warming
privatize the atmosphere, then factories will have to pay companies to remove the CO2 they release
None of these regimes devoted nearly as much energy to "capitalist propaganda" as communist regimes devoted to their propaganda. Also despite crushing capitalism they were not much more or less oppressive than any other dictatorship. Clearly capitalism is not the root of all evil.
>None of these regimes devoted nearly as much energy to "capitalist propaganda" as communist regimes devoted to their propaganda.
sometimes feudalism and capitalism can exist in the same societies, and sometimes, things you don't understand have nuance.
you want no shades of grey, go back to /pol/
won't privatizing the atmosphere just lead to companies buying up airspace for their workers to breathe?
>don't true socialism :^)
>capitalist propaganda = communist propaganda.
This makes my mangoes ripening comrade