Who burnt down the library of Alexandria? How different do you think things would have been if it never happened?
Who burnt down the library of Alexandria? How different do you think things would have been if it never happened?
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>this fucking thread again
I swear this place is a fucking purgatory that resets every week
you are all fucking insane
Maybe you're the insane one, ever thought of that, huh? HUH?!
We would have a few hundred copies of Illiad more. Hurr durr muh lost ancient knowledge, it was mostly a store house for copies you plebs
It contained the now lost knowledge on how to reach Sardinia
i know it cheesy as hell but at least we would have even more influence on art from those peoples thats a good thing to have left behind
There were several destructions, but the final, most devastating one was by the Muslim forces in 642 AD.
"If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them." - Omar, general of the Muslim army
>Muslims destroyed the library
>Horsefuckers destroyed Baghdad
>Russia/China gangbang horsefuckers
Explain this meme please?
Some idiot said Sardinia couldn't be reached because it took decades.
No one person "burnt it down". The library (which wasn't a library in the modern sense, just a repository of texts built around a religious shrine) declined over centuries of general wear and tear as well as financial neglect.
I am not at all sure why it receives so much disproportionate attention. There were repositories of books of equal or greater size all over the Roman Empire, including others in Egypt.
>How different do you think things would have been if it never happened?
Things would not be very different at all. The scholars of the Library of Alexandria specialised mostly in literary analysis. We would probably have some more ancient critiques of Homer than we do now, I guess.
I would recommend anyone interested in the Library read this, it's a great takedown of some of the more common myths surrounding its "destruction"
some butthurt islamist
Literary critique to the Ancients meant writing your own story rather than just pointing out what you didn't like candidly. Look at the Heroides, for example. Ovid employs characters from the original stories to point out what he perceives as flaws, something that today would be seen as writing spin-offs or fanfiction.
Try clicking the link you fucking rube. It's about as anti-fedora as you can get
Ok... That's some high level of retardation.
no that's a high level of dedication
Not that different. At most we'd have a few more plays/novels from ancient times.
The Dark Ages were dark because of socio-economic reasons, not because ancient knowledge was lost, and certainly not because a particular library was burned. The overall level of education declined for a period of time, but information itself wasn't lost, it just became concentrated in a much smaller intellectual class. Technology actually became more advanced throughout the medieval era at a pretty steady rate.
Christians burned down the library way before Islam was invented ignorfag.
>Euros razed the imperial palaces
full circle
>retards still falling for this bait
It's easier to bait Veeky Forums than /pol/ sometimes smdh.
Maybe coz only the works of mathematicians and philosophers who live in Alexanderia were there dumbass
So what Caesar and the Christians did to the library that was just lighting the candles huh?
The Romans did. The Library housed old records including those of land. With the library gone. Old Ownership of land was also gone. Romans were given priority over greeks, copts and levantines.
Roman soldiers would attain ownership of land of those they killed in battle or those that forcefully housed them during campaigns. Which is where rumors of Jesus being son of a roman soldier came out from. His mother and grandmother were caretakers of the cultural temple that also housed land records as set by their kings/priests. They mustve killed the males in marys side for their land and as consequence mary was raped.
Sorry not copt, koine or hellenisized egyptians. Some historians even argue that the Jewish Kohen comes from Koine. The Greeks had another way of dealing with religious and tribal communities that was philosophical. Ex. Should religious institution be housed in building or nature.
>maybe coz only the works of mathematicians and philosophers who live in Alexanderia were there dumbass
As has been mentioned in the thread, the Library of Alexandria wasn't associated with mathematics or philosophy. It was famous for literary criticism and to a lesser extent geography.
It was burnt down many a times kek
The Christians certainly did one of the destructions, but not the last one.
are there any other important Libraries that were burnt? I'd rather get some more Pali Canon than little iliad
That doesn't take away from the fact that all we have left from the works of matheticans and neo platoists who lived in Alexndaria are in a list or manifest.
>Who burnt down the library of Alexandria?
Janitor threw a lit cig into the mulch outside.
I doubt that.
It seems unlikely that they would be against any of the greek literature stored in there. It's far more likely that one of the bishops dropped their lantern by accident and the ensuing fire destroyed the library and the bishop.
god I miss that thread
But it was actually Bahamut?
and the Romans burned the library even before that
>wtf i hate rome now