Why did the anarchists hate Spain?

Why did the anarchists hate Spain?

Other urls found in this thread:

libcom.org/files/Murray Bookchin, The Spanish Anarchists-The heroic years, 1868-1936.pdf

You mean why did Spain hate the anarchists?

Because they are revolutionaries.

Nations are social constructs.

Anarchists hate all that is good.

But what is the good?

They hate fun.

Uh because they were literally againt Spain aince they were, you know, anarchists.
I don't get what Spain ever did to them that made them hate the contry.

>wanting you country to fall to another right wing military coup

Why don't you?


>burning nuns
ah yes, killing old ladies will definitely spread the revolution

those traitors deserved it, classcuck

Google the Red Terror.

what nuns did?

All of them of course.
Leftypol has taken the edge route.

The nuns were traitors for not actively joining in the destruction of society, apparently. Honestly, I used to believe that compromise was always necessary, and that everyone had at least some just cause for even the most extreme of beliefs but now, after actively studying history, philosophy and comparative religion, and after seeing the same thing play out over the past century or so, I really do believe Anarchists and Communists should be Kill On Sight, as a matter of self and community defense.

>wanting your entire country to literally cease to exist

>why did anarchist hate a state
Well gee isn't that a perplexing puzzle.

What states's education system do I have to insult?

Having a functioning nation.

>implying the literal definition is the same as the pragmatic one.
Spain was a state. States are the landlords of nations. The anarchists wanted all authoritarian institutions to gtfo of their nation.

Spain is the nation.

it is pretty sad to see these groups preying on the weak, yet they always have the feeling that their cause is just.
thanks anons

This is wrong

This isn't

Attacking the catholic institutions was never wrong

>I am the nation! now worship the pope and give me taxes you fucking peasants.
Conflating the meaning of state and nation is how states trick nations into subjugation.
This works in a number of ways
Private property and personal property are the same thing
Propaganda isn't powerful in what it says, it's what it prevents from being said. Makes you wonder why after fighting in the Spanish civil war Orwell wrote," WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." In 1984.

>We shall see that the Spanish church had become the strongest single prop of absolutism and reaction in the early nineteenth century, later rallying around the Carlist line (the reactionary pretenders to the Spanish throne) and the most conservative trends in political life. The collusion between the Catholic hierarchy and the Spanish ruling classes had completely "undermined the prestige of the clergy among the working classes,"writes Elena de La Souchere, "and brought about a de-Christianization of the masses which is in fact the essential phenomenon of the history of Spain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Spanish bourgeoisie had constructed a perfect city from which the plebians, kept beyond the walls, enveloped the clergy in the hate they bore the institutions and castes which were admitted to that closed city."
>Accordingly, as early as 1835, anger against Carlist atrocities in the north had led to church burnings in many large towns of Spain. The monks were detested as parasites and the higher echelons of the hierarchy were seen as simply the clerical equivalents of wealthy secular landowners and bourgeois. They were hated all the more fervently because of their religious pretensions and their invocations of humility and the virtues of poverty.
libcom.org/files/Murray Bookchin, The Spanish Anarchists-The heroic years, 1868-1936.pdf
Of course, this doesn't justify killing nuns.

>Orwells: Is a nice "anarchism" you have there guys


No gods, no masters

>Conflating the meaning of state and nation
That is what you are doing all the time.
The rest of your post is babbies first thought about society inclusive nessecary Orwell quote.
Have a nice day and consider some further reading.

>fascists hire moorish mercenaries and allow them to murder and rape spanish civilians
>but the anarchists were the hateful ones

this picture is sorta silly and irrelevant to my post
>That is what you are doing all the time.
then why do you claim anarchists hated the nation 'Spain' when they clearly hated the state 'spain' and the other hierarchical entities/processes that were imposed on the nation

Because they hated all of Spanish tradition, besides some cherry-picked aspects.

Because they hate spain for her role in the crusades, the crimes of the reconquista and colonialism.

>Spanish tradition means nation
Much tradition is antithetical to liberty and equality
they were radicals, they wanted to plant the nation in more fertile soil, that doesn't mean they hated it.

This. Spain deserves to get raped abd murdered by Islam for their crimes against humanity in the crusades, reconquista and colonialism. Those brave communists and anarchists were at the forefront of taking revenge on Spain.

Terrible post

Shut the fuck up fascist scum, the end of the european people is near. And us communists are at the forefront of this fight.

Pussies who don't want the monarchy are simply loser who will die at the second inquisition

Christ I am so glad anarcho-communist nun-killing filth we're all killed like the dogs they were.
Fuck Orwell too, Animal Farm was a shit book.

This time we will not only end monarchy, we will end the european races. Have fun getting killed by Ahmed.

Being a state. That's all the justification anarchists need.

But Ahmed is a monarchist
t. Saudi Arabia, who you support

good riddance

>Tradition is antithetical to cosmopolitan values.

are you really this delusional, do you think you are a fucking hero or something?


All men who who stand against communism are heroes.

nice pic

captcha: farm square

They were "part of the system" but unlike army, police, politicians, etc. didn't have the means to defend themselves easily.

your a dorable

>defending the child molesters and pedophiles

Face it, the clergy were scum

Moors were on the nationalist side, idiots. Spanish anarchists were not modern SJW.

Luther was about fucking nuns, not killing them.

Noice flag. "FA! CUNT". You know that you want to die under that banner. Fabulous and fashionable.

Make sweets and being /ss/ bdsm style educators.


t. fascist cuck
importing moors to rape and kill your compatriots since 1936

Why do you hate homosexuals so much?

Because they were a bunch of CNTs

>neo-nazis worship a moroccan mercenary army conquering and ruling Spain

Wew lads.

How can they be "spanish civilians" when they don't believe in nations?

>leftards suddenly care about Muslims raping Europeans
Commies deserved worse, doesn't matter what skin colour, race or religion one is, if they stand against communism and anarchism, they are patriots.