Is this true or just another /pol/ meme?
Is this true or just another /pol/ meme?
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No it's just you saving a thumbnail.
I honestly didn't check the size of the image, but that's beside the point.
1. Those are a tiny fraction of the slave ships
2. James De Wolf isn't even Jewish, i've looked into it because their name comes up a lot (look it up if you don't believe me, all that will come up are black nationalist/white nationalist sites saying he's jewish)
3.) John Roosevelt isn't even Jewish, literally the ancestor do President Roosevelt, don't know why their name was even added to it
>yes us whites had nothing to do with the slave trade it was all the jews who owned the ships
>yeah we owned the plantations they worked on and created all the demand for slaves without which there would have been no slave trade at all and we prohibited jews from owning land so they had to enter other professions such as slave trading but it was all the jews fault
Well, the whole "Jews owned the slave ships" thing is a meme anyway. The only place in the New World that Jews played a significant role in slavery was the Caribbean. Mainly Sephardic Jews too, you can't find many Yiddish-speaking Goldstein's who owned slaves. You can only find "Aaron Lopez" name ass motherfuckers.
and you forgot the most important part of all
4. Just because the Jews owned the ship doesn't mean that they where behind Slavery, America wanted slaves and the Jews transported the slaves.
I really wish more people knew about this
Transporting slaves is a pretty big fucking part of being behind slavery
Economic activities are pushed by demand more so than by supply
I imagine a neonazi neckbeard desperately looking among thousands of slaver ships for a dozen with jewish owners, and adding a couple of non jews to pad the list.
>I'm just a humble merchant satisfying a demand goy
Fuck off schlomo
>implying slavery is bad
Who cares if they even did, slavery was common all over the world.
Those /pol/ pics are almost always trash.
There's one about Churchill that blames him for WWII. It's the one where he sits next to someone with the star of David. Because /pol/. The first quote is fake and the rest are either from some German sources from the 30s or David Irving.
And the same goes for other images. They just want it to appear legitimate hoping nobody would check the sources.
check the source yourself (pic related)
more sources to learn the truth:
/pol/ meme, that's been thoroughly debunked by actual historians.
>i dindu nuffin cuz i just owned slaves and purchased them and outsourced all the dirty work to jews that wouldn't have even existed without me anyway
fuck off cletus
>/po/ meme
Sure it is, I guess Farrakhan is /pol naow, eh shill
Straight from their own mouths
>Speaking out against Black Pete is part of what van de Kamp calls his social mission, an effort that extends to reminding Dutch Jews of their ancestors’ deep involvement in the slave trade. In April, he is set to publish a book about Dutch Jewish complicity in the slave trade, an effort he hopes will sensitize Jews to slavery in general and to the Black Pete issue in particular.
>jews cannot be trusted
>except when they agree with my narrative
>their own mouths
Jews are not a hivemind.
>an effort that extends to reminding Dutch Jews of their ancestors’ deep involvement in the slave trade. In April, he is set to publish a book about Dutch Jewish complicity in the slave trade, an effort he hopes will sensitize Jews to slavery in general and to the Black Pete issue in particular.
B-b-but I thought "white guilt" was a jewish conspiracy, why are they doing the same to themselves?
A lot of the time I really want to discuss with /pol/ history, WWII and Jews but those threads there usually end up with over 300 replies full of yelling and people dumping their propaganda and it just moves way too fast.
And some of these things are really interesting. I'm reading about controversies surrounding Jews and Israel.
You just posted that meme photo again.
>James De Woolf isn't Jewish
>William De Woolf isn't Jewish
>John Roosevelt isn't JEwish
Why are stormfags delusional liars?
Literally psuedohistory
>that's been thoroughly debunked by actual historians
>but what about this islamic minister!
Great historian m8.
Your debunkers have already been thoroughly debunked by actual historians
Great lack of arguments or sources oh any kind m8. I'm not here to argue or debate anyway if it wasn't obvious. There's no sense arguing with blind men and shills who don't wish to see.
>Your debunkers have already been thoroughly debunked by actual historians
Such as?
>I'm not here to argue or debate anyway if it wasn't obvious. There's no sense arguing with blind men and shills who don't wish to see.
It is obvious. You are here to spread your cult propaganda.
you obviously haven't read it
>the books and lectures I posted are propaganda
lol k
I'm not going to force you to read them but it's obvious you are one sided and closed minded
You have posted /pol/ infographs and a book by a non historian that has been debunked by historians. So yes, propaganda.
It's obvious you haven't read it. If you have, you'd notice how terribly written it is and how it just copy and pastes random Jewish historians, no matter if they are correct or not, and says "hey look Jews are saying it, they must be right they are Jewish."
>you'd notice how terribly written it is
You're hugely overestimating stormtards.
It's not written by stormfags it's written by the nation of islam
You're overestimating stormtards by suggesting they would notice.
Quite a few Jews were early on slaveowners and slave dealers, the Dutch gave them amnesty after the Sephardi Jews were expelled from Spain. You can see this continued as Jews set up numerous synagogues and communities in the Caribbean, American South and South America. Numerous Jews would later go on to fight for the Confederacy during the Civil War, attempting to preserve their slave and plantation holdings.
Dr, Tony Martin from Wellesly College in Massachusetts had taught about the past Jewish slave trade only to be threatened by the ADL and other Jewish groups, he wrote a novel about it titled THE JEWISH ONSLAUGHT:
Despatches from the Wellesley
I'm looking into these claims about the DeWolf family and their mother was Jewish according to James Pope-Hennessy's 'Sins of the Fathers: A Study of the Atlantic Slave Traders 1441-1807'
What proof is their that they weren't a Jewish family?
A small % of jews dont attend the secret globalist meetings, and have therefore succumbed to their own brethrens brainwashing.
>Real ethnicity: Jews
Based on?
>Nation of Islam
Yeah, I'm not reading something produced by unironic believers in Yakub
Why are jews the biggest "WE WUZN'Ters"? The lady doth protest too much.
You don't read it for commentary. You read it for the documentation which uses quite a lot of Jewish historical documents as their source
> You don't read it for commentary
This is proof you haven't read it. The book is half commentary half quotes from Jews out of context while taking them at their word. It reads like emotional garbage. It fails to bring any statistics that back up the claim that Jews "dominated" the slave trade.
>The lady doth protest too much.
Yeah, innocent people accused of crimes they didn't commit always cooly, calmly say they didn't do it, and never get worked up and vehemently deny it. Only the guilty try to strenuously deny their crimes!
>dumb frogposter
Kill yourself
>What proof is their that they weren't a Jewish family?
Here is a bunch of normies coming to terms with the following statement by David Duke:
>In the pre-Civil War United States 2% of white gentile households owned slaves. 40% of Jewish households owned slaves. Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than white gentiles.
An excellent read, lots of mental gymnastics and forcibly swallowing redpills:
That's some mental gymnastics you're doing there bud.
Fake statistic. That 40% of Jewish households is about "Southern Jewish households," not Jewish households. Also the 2% of gentiles counts both North and South, while the Jewish statistic is talking strictly south. Very misleading and devious.
Basically what's it is saying is if you are a 3-year old kid in a Southern family that owns slaves you are counted as a person who doesn't own slaves, while shifting the definition to "Jewish households" when speaking of Jews. The real statistic is almost half Southern household owned slaves, with Jews in the South being no different.
But the jews were heavily involved in the Dutch slave trade schlomo and are all around repugnant people in general.
>David Duke
>David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, politician, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, convicted felon, and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.[4][5]
>An excellent read
The numbers are refuted in your own link, good job.
It's true
>unknown exert
>still no source
gee I wonder why this is like pulling teeth
what could possibly be the reason...
Protip: These idiots are always /pol/ pretending to just be innocently asking questions
>The numbers are refuted in your own link, good job.
Yeah from 40% to 34%. Good job, let me know if you plan on posting an actual argument instead of wasting your time copy/pasting shit off of goypedia.
Except it's not. They are taking data that already accounts for households and claiming that it doesn't. This is pointed out fairly quickly in the replies.
Nope, from 40% to 25%. And from 2% to 25%. So the same for jews and non jews.
Pics above is a sample of why you read 'Secret Relationship Between the Blacks and the Jews'. They use historic data and name names.
These sound like Spaniards to me, obviously not Jews. I don't see any Goldsteins, Rosenbergs, Finklesteins, Horwitz, Katz, Wolfowitz, Goldbergs, etc.
Good one 10 out of 10 troll
It's because the only slave owners they can find are Sephardic. It's especially ironic considering Farrakhan claims Sephardic descent, meanwhile he wants Ashkenazic Jews to feel guilty for what his family did. It's like blaming Jamaicans for what Haitians do, simply on the basis that they are both African diaspora groups.
>It's like blaming Jamaicans for what Haitians do, simply on the basis that they are both African diaspora groups.
Blaming anyone for what his ancestors did is retarded anyway. Although trying to get that imaginary blame off by revisioning history like stormfags do is even stupider.
This is what Veeky Forums needs, less memes and more documentation.
Protip: You can jump using the "A" button in super mario brothers for the NES
>psuedohistorical meme book made by a WE WUZZER who thinks white people were created through eugenics 7,000 years ago in a greek island by a black scientist named yakub who is also the biblical Jacob and that black americans are the true jews and native americans and that some anglo white boy is the messiah of judaism and the mahdi of Islam and also Allah himself who was taken on a UFO one day
Pick one.
The sources are literally provided in the text, in fact many are from Jewish historians, on being "A History of the Marranos" by Cecil Roth.
You can buy the book on ebay.
Or Samuel Oppenheim of the American Jewish Historical Society is quoted.
The whole text is an excellent source. Why are you so angry? This just underlies the Jewish opportunism, men like MLK who worked under Jews like Stanley Levinson are lauded, meanwhile black scholars who apply any criticisms of Jews are suddenly derided. The double standard is palpable.
>numerous books and papers written on Anglo owned slaves in the South
>everyone accepts this, even white supremacists
>a single book released regarding Jewish involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade and the South
>Its a stormfag set of lies brought to you by the one group of people in the US who hate Anglos
>"A History of the Marranos"
Marranos were Sephardic Jewish Christians though
>Why are you so angry? This just underlies the Jewish opportunism
No one is angry, I just think it's laughable you take seriously a book full of emotional garbage like any Nation of Islam book. There is a reason none of them are considered scholarly. Also, the fact that you say "Jewish opportunism" proves my point. Every Jew you can name is Sephardic, yet the Jews who fought for Civil Rights were all Ashkenazic Jews who migrated in the 1880's. Yet you wanna insist that's a hypocrisy there and pretend that Stanley Levinson descends from Sephardic slave owners rather than Russian-Jewish peasants who came to America fleeing pogroms.
If you think the book is just here to discuss Jewish involvement, you haven't read it. There are plenty scholarly books that discuss the very real role that Jews have played historically in slavery. Especially theologically. However, to assert Jews dominated the Transatlantic slave trade is bullshit. Just as bullshit as pretending they played no role.
Sephardic Jews fled the Alahambra Decree, and numerous Ashkenazi Jews such as Lazar Kaganovich committed mass atrocities. You're argumentation isn't worth addressing as it is both flawed and uneducated.
>Sephardic Jews fled the Alahambra Decree, and numerous Ashkenazi Jews such as Lazar Kaganovich committed mass atrocities.
What does that have to do with anything? I was pointing out how ridiculous it is to pretend Sephardic/Ashkenazic Jews are the same thing based on how different culturally they are. Sephardim are usually right-wing, Ashkenazim are usually left-wing.
>You're argumentation isn't worth addressing as it is both flawed and uneducated.
You are trying to act so smart while simultaneously saying "You are argumentation isn't worth addressing." That is incoherent. You aren't addressing the argument because you have none.
It would be a shame if I posted more and destroyed your left right narrative and even dumber assertions.
"All of slavery was controlled by Jews" is a retarded stretch, but they were still disproportionally represented in slave trade. What is weird that only English/Portuguese/French involvement is ever mentioned (and their descendants shamed for it), while Arab slave trade is completely obscure despite affecting Europeans directly. Jewish slave trade is so unknown that even mentioning it will trigger a horde of autists accusing you of being a stormfag (then again they do it every time you mention Jews in a negative light).
You haven't proven anything. You are just posting select instances of Jews, you can't give any objective evidence that proves Jews facilitated and dominated it, which is the claim of the pseudohistorical book you keep posting. You can only list certain Jews, especially New Christians considering the first book you recommended was "History of Marranos."
It's true. I've been red-pilling every black I know about it. Blacks need to realize who their real enemy is, it's not whites. Blacks need to realize who has been dehumanizing them. Blacks need to realize who spread these lies that they were cursed. Blacks need to realized who funded Slavery. Blacks need to realize who owned all the slave ships.
That's actually true, it is the Torah which labels blacks (Kushites) as a damned race burdened by the curse of Ham. Before Torah, this concept doesn't exist. Even the Anglos and Arabs originically justified enslavement of blacks by arguments from Jewish scriptures.
Don't let this IDF cuck fool you into believing that Ashkenazi Jews played any less of a part in slave dealing as Sephardi Jews in different regions or that they are all that different from each other.
>Don't let this IDF cuck fool you into believing that Ashkenazi Jews played any less of a part
They did though. All the Dutch Jews were Sephardic. Every Jew in Suriname was Sephardic. Every first Synagogue in America in every state was a Sephardic synagogue. The first Jewish Senator, who owned slaves, was Sephardic. Haym Solomon, who funded the American revolution and owned slaves was Sephardic. Aaron Lopez, the only notable slave owner Farrakhan can even name, was Sephardic. Judah Benjamin, the Secretary of State of the Confederacy, was Sephardic. Find me the Yiddish-speaking slave owners.
It's true. Most slave owners were jews, it's hilarious how slavery gets blamed on Christianity when the only southerners who were going crazy with that slavery shit were jewish.
>Yiddish-speaking slave owners
The book is filled with them in the later half.
ALL the ships were Jewish-owned. Any black person that's in America had a Jew throw their ancestor in those tiny cruel ships. Watch this video where this black man shits on some Holohoax "survivor" and tells them all the ships were Jewish owned so they quickly SHUT IT DOWN. people clapped for him tho so it's clear some people know Jews aren't innocent.
You are straight up lying if you are saying Ashkenazic Jews played a role even close to the Sephardim. Every notable Jewish slave owner anyone has ever been able to name has been Sephardic.
>niggers are subhuman and only good as property or corpses
>but the Jews owned the boats, we aren't bad guys!
Is this the new "the holocaust didn't happen but the kikes deserved it" that stormniggers are pushing?
Why are you jews so racist? Israel is a nation of immigrants and refugees. Open those borders now.
No, there were rich non Jews in the new world that owned slaves like Anderson cooper's and Ben Affleck's families but it was thanks to Jews.
Actual redpilled position is that Hitler was a faggot because the Holocaust didn't happen.