Why was the Mexican Reconquista so successful? Do Gringos fear the Mexican Warrior? pic related.
Why was the Mexican Reconquista so successful? Do Gringos fear the Mexican Warrior? pic related
The natives are simply reclaiming stolen land.
Because aparently having laws is racist.
The only law of history that is universal is the law of conquest, gringo. You took the Far North of Mexico by force and turned its inhabitants into second class citizens. The racial motivations behind the war are plain for all to see. But now, the Mexicans are only reclaiming their natural lebensraum from the weak eurangutans, and now you cry your crocodile tears about enforcing arbitrary laws to save your delicate race of pink rats.
You're at the tip of a poverty stricken continent. You and canada are essentially the only two not crappily led and successful nations on the whole two continents.
Feel free to make your laws, implant your rfid chips and shut your borders to legal migrants but you'd have better luck legislating the tides.
And the tides are coming user.
The U.S. brought this on themselves by funding cartels and drug wars in Mexico
This is karma and justice
I think this is an apt comparison. While Americans love to harp on about destroying communism and the symbolism of oppression that the Berlin Wall represented, they have STRENGTHENED their own "Berlin wall" along the Mexican border. Really makes you think....
What the fuck is "American" in this graph? Mutts?
mostly people of anglo descent actually. there are definitely mutts among this population though
>A wall to keep people in is the same as a wall to keep people out
You mean united statians.
You're keeping them inside of mexico. Helk you have people in your government literally flabergasted and outraged at how Mexico won't pay for a wall to keep its people in it.
At the time of the US Mexican war the part of Mexico that eventually became part of America had around 40,000 Mexicans living total in all that area.
Ironically the Italian Mafia was chaotic neutral. When the Feds destroyed them in the 80s, the Mexican cartels stepped in and conquered the US by turning its citizens into degenerate drug addicts. It was the ultimate jiujitsu; they turned american individualism against itself masterfully.
You think the emigration of Mexicans to the US is actually good for Mexico? You're pretty dumb then
Yes it is. Why are you lying?
Ok I guess you are dumb.
true, but if you think about it it's also the opposite as well. the US government is becoming a national security state obsessed with monitoring its citizens. It is Stasi but with gorillion times the resources. Why, for example, do we need a passport to get into canada nowadays? Why is it so much harder to enter Canada and Mexico? Why are our civil liberties being curbed?
It was still larger than the gringo population. Given time (see OP) the Mexicans would have settled it.
use the newer data
To some extent it is. The illegal immigrants from Mexico overwhelmingly cone from poor, less educated, less sjilled backgrounds. While Mexico has rather meager welfare support, these people would still be a cause for political and social tension. By going to the US Mexico rids itself if this burden plus gets a source of foriegn cash from the remittance payments. These payments, perhaps still now, but certainly at one time recently were the single largest source of foriegn cash even larger than Mexico's Oil industry.
Because Mexico sucks and the United States is a better place to live.
the mafia was never destroyed. especially in Europe where they are like the # 1 drug smugglers into the West.
>what are remittances
>what is sending excess population away to ease social and economic problems
>the Mexicans would have settled it.
I don't think hat is true Mexico didnt have the population to settle Texas a couple decades ago which is why they asked for outside settlers to come. Texas was much better land than the remaining portion of Northern Mexico. Most Mexicans wanted to live closer to Central and southern Mexico, which again was far richer land than even Texas was.
>to settle Texas a couple decades ago which is why they asked for outside settlers to come.
Its a fair point, but it ignores the devastating impact of apache raids in the many decades before anglo settlement in texas. nomadic raids had depopulated the area severely as the inhabitants got btfo by horse warriors.
Remittances are literally Mexico's 2nd largest source of income.
Basically this
And this
They aren't natives they are bastards.
We'll see.
according to this most of the US is of German descent, also most of Trump supporters
Time to build the wall.
Our wall is to keep people and Invaders out. Not to keep them in.
The spics lost the war they started and didn't you that land. Get over it.
We're building the wall.
>they started
>didn't you that land.
can you speak your own language hillbilly?
>We're building the wall.
good luck jajajajaja. your political elites are so divided that it will never happen. you americans are becoming more like a third world nation with each passing day. i predict civil war in your country in 20 years, at most. I can't wait till our government reannexes our lands that have majority mexican population now.
Well the Apache raids were certainly a problem for Mexican settlers in Texas and the rest of Northern Mexico. But I am not certain if the Mexican army alone could have defeated the Apache without the American army also fighting the Apache. Mexico was a newer nation than the US, that was in more political flux, had a weaker military, and thus had to be more on guard from Eurpean colonial powers trying to assert control over Mexico. I don't think Mexico could have afforded to have sufficient troops in its periphery in the North to deal with the Apache on their own. This would have been a continuimg problem for Mexican settlement of its North. Given the sensibilities of that age I suspect the US would have still wound up with the land though it may have been at a better price than the one negotiated at the treaty of Hildalgo.