How did they do it?
How did this small island nation build the greatest empire world has ever seen, and build the modern world?
How did they do it?
By being more perfidious than anyone else
They had Cornwall on their side.
God I can smell garlic and frustration over here
fuck the rest
reminder that Constantine was first declared emperor in Britian
>How did this small island nation build the greatest empire world has ever seen
They didn't
They did however build the largest (=/= greatest, "great" implies greatness) empire of the world by machine gunning backward people in Asia and Africa between 1830 and 1890 when the few countries more powerful than them (Russia, Prussia, France, Austria...) were too busy rivaling each others in Europe to care about other continents
>French "Empire"
>lasted a few years
>British put an end to your larping and exile your manlet cuck emperor to a remote island
A famous Roman Emperor once said:
"Better live one day as a lion than 100 years as a rat"
Yes, your symbol was the lion (inherited from the French Normans and Angevins that conquered you in the Middle Age), but your behavior was the one of a rat, opportunistcly preying on weaker and backward tribes
>weaker and backwards tribes
I wouldn't go so far in describing French like that.
Of course not, since that's not by defeating the French (or any other european power for what matters) that the British Empire was built
Pic related, in orange, the size of the British Empire the last time Britain fought France
Quite small, innit?
Every other addition to that empire (aka 80% of its final forms) was acquired by mowing down technologically backward non-whites in the mid to late 19th century
A lot of French criticism of Britain here. Perhaps it helps soothe the pain they feel over the fact that Britain, a wet and windy archipelago inhabited by [apparently] semi-retarded subhumans, became far wealthier, more powerful and more important than they ever were, with Anglo-Saxon culture becoming the global norm.
We also hear a lot on this board about Britain's colonial legacy, yet strangely very little about the even more barbaric approach of the French in their African and Asian territories. Why is that? I guess massacring tribespeople for disobedience doesn't fit with the image of liberté, égalité et fraternité that they like to peddle, as they try and convince the world that Britain was unique in trying to grow wealthy off its colonies (as if there's any other reason to have one) whilst le français altruistically spread haute couture and liberty at gunpoint.
Silly me, I forgot they held a few European cities for a decade. How impressive.I await the mockery about how Britain should be ashamed of the fact they were allied with the Prussians when they captured France's greatest historical figure and shipped him off to die on the grey slopes of a South Atlantic volcano.
>mfw British obsession with France is so strong they assume anyone criticizing them on a flagless board is automatically French
The Navigation Acts
French empire was far bigger than that and lasted far longer. Actually it's still the bigger nowadays.
King Edward 1 tasked the shropshire knight Peter Corbet with the extermination of wolves in britian, the success of this task by 1290 lead to englands economic growth.
The mild weather caused by being on an island, lack of wolves led to an explosion of sheep numbers allowing the exportation of wool and the growth of coal mining to fuel this industry.
The main cause is because Britain gets (And rightly so) a far better portrayal in Media.
I love how they go on about how our empire was irrelevant and shit, despite the fact all they seem to want to do is talk about it.
It's not just French though, it's largely continental Europeans.
Froganon detected.
But England was far behind until the 17th Century.
>no one knows you're french on a flagless board
False-flagging Frenchman detected
The perfidious accusation is a pretty French accusation to be levied against the Brits desu senpai.
It's actually kind of a big island desu
Inherited literally all that land
Work of an Italian.
The Third Reich was not nearly as impressive as people believe. The only impressive achievement was France, which was largely won due to a fluke encirclement due to Gamelin's incomptetance. Everything else they conquered was weak.
Aside from the inherent racism of this image, it also ignores the inherent difficulties that come with controlling this amount of territory.
All this image tells me is Italians are great at conquering
It's a quarter of the size of France. it's not even as big as Italy.
rather, it's jagged length makes it appear larger than it is.
pour vous
>since that's not by defeating the French (or any other european power for what matters) that the British Empire was built
not him, it was though. Colonial possessions were contested by the major European powers, Britain evidently had a whole roster of advantages, better navy, tech, diplomatic service etc. which meant that they would be first to the riches of the world.
>Quite small, innit?
yeah, France couldn't even beat that?
>Every other addition to that empire (aka 80% of its final forms) was acquired by mowing down technologically backward non-whites in the mid to late 19th century
Like the battle or waterloo?
Britain was decades ahead of France weather you like it or not.
it's clearly frogboos
Fuck off French frog
Stop trying to undermine our extraordinary and unrivaled achievements
>controlling this amount of territory.
Britain did not really control the territory. The British "Empire" was a collection of glorified ports.
>Work of an Italian.
Yeah, and Queen Elizabeth is Italian too because she's born in a place thas was Italian before.
Frenchman detected
We've been number one since time immemorial
behind in what respect?
>muh french
Hasn't France invaded and controlled England like twice
The majority of your language derives from French
I'd say the frogs win this round
She's actually German
I have living relatives who remember a successful British invasion of France but yeah we're about 1000-2, how will we ever recover.
>the greatest empire
Upon seeing british teeth the uncivilised natives stood still in morbid fascination, wondernment and apprehension; allowing british soldiers to aim and fire at their leisure.
Are you talking about that time when America liberated France and Britain helped them a little (mostly by turning their island into an US base)?
It's nice to be made fun of for a groundless stereotype rather than centuries of ignominious surrender, developing post-modernism and being quintessential faggots.
>Last English King died in 1066
>literally every king since then has been a historical enemy (scots, germans, and frogs)
>What was the Indian Mutiny
>What were the numerous Canadian and British revolts put down by the British
At it's peak, nearly 200,000 British Soldiers were stationed around the Empire.
Napoleon literally spoke italian, and was born into an italian family, retard.
Corsica wasn't part of France.
Not really, Britain was quite weak until the 18th century, largely due to the small population. Just history. I'm british myself.
By this logic, we're all ethiopians and Kenyans.
British Empire troops made up 60% of the landings retard.
Well that's a bit of a stretch, lady Britannia and two of her children. How relevant was France anyway, clearly not worthy of the big 3, what? like seventh?
by this logic I suppose we are all German anyway - owing to our Anglo-Saxon identity or is it ethiopian? or would the appropriate denonym be of what ever asteroid life rode in on?
French here
I drink(in whisky veritas) a lot so i'll be truthful
French do not care about other nations, we literally think we're above all(some kind of superior civilized race as the Romans)
As for our supposed rivalry with the Germans or the English we did not know about it until we came on Veeky Forums, the average French does not care about the Germans or the English in the slighest, we do hate Americans tho, and "being American" is seen as VERY BAD thing
You try to come off as cool but it comes off as needy. England and Germany have overtaken you in GDP.
But I agree Americans are the worst though.
I often wish we'd all put aside our differences and unite in despising Americans.
>we literally think we're above all
>God literally puts England above you
all bants aside I like frogs
By being robbing niggers and employing the big dick foreign policy
>Napoleon literally spoke italian
>what is education
As many nobles, he could speak the main European languages. His native language was Corsican.
>was born into an italian family
Italy didn't exist at that time, retard. His family was Corsican with Tuscan origins.
>Corsica wasn't part of France.
Part of France since 1768, retard. It belonged to Genoa before.
Normans did that, Anglo-Saxons were going nowhere without them desu.
What makes one british? The Queen speaks no german, her house comes from a country that no longer exists (hannover), speaks with an incredibly british accent, and across the country is considered an example of what an upper class British woman would behave, the Queen was born in bloody mayfair, so how in any way is she German? If we say that it doesn't matter whether you're considered british by britons, then we can argue that italies monarch were simply lombards, or argue that the kings of Romania were actually Austro-Hungarian.
>By this logic, we're all ethiopians and Kenyans.
nobility is all about legacy doe
He's right though, the British Empire wasn't made in a fit of absentmindedness
Corsocan's an Italian dialect, and you've already proven he isn't french, either.
So then, all nobles are descended from the romans?
What even is your point? There were tons of french and spanish kings with foreign heritage.
He's literally born in France.
that's like saying people born in Ireland in the 19th century are english. They spoke a foreign language, practiced a foreign culture.
he actively worked in a campaign for Corsican independence alongside his father.
It's like if a member of the IRA became King.
By having a sense of humor
Uh yes, "it's like". Auvergnats speak a different language and have their own culture, but they're French. It's like that in every country you know.
Also you over interpret his interest for Paoli, who was just a model in his teen age, and Napoleon never ever advocated for the independence of Corsica (lol, the guy wanted to conquer the world).
>Auvergnats speak a different language and have their own culture, but they're Frenc
Contradictory statement with arbitrary terns. You're just calling whatever you like 'French'
One of the greatest countries of mankind, its power and scope on the globe has been quite a tale.
England is just below Germany, France and Spain when it comes to glorious history
Which is quite a feat!
No one can match the sheer level of banter/not giving a shit about anyone else that emanates from an Englishman
>create your own church because lol fuck Rome
>fund numerous coalitions against France while having the best seat in the house to watch the comedy drama that ensues on the continent
>bombard Copenhagen for not having a sense of humour
>exile Nappy to a rock in the middle of nowhere and forever call him a manlet because that shit is hilarious
>gun down natives like its sport because it's funny
>drop Jews in the middle of Arabland for pure comedy gold
>even though you're allies, find a reason to sink the French fleet because it's fucking banter
>melt German civilians cause Hitler couldn't handle the bantz
>devise a plan at the end of the war to attack your allies because the party never ends
>oppress the Irish for eternity for the fun of it and shoot the ones that can't deal with the banter
>sail an entire fucking invasion fleet to a rock inhabited by penguins because the argies said you couldn't do it
>announce your final 'fuck you' as you leave the EU and once again watch the chaos ensue on the continent
They had more scientific achievements, better literature, vetter economic success.
What are you even trying to say?
warmongering autists
betavirgin rival of england who
loses in the end so becomes an ally eventually
a complete failure after the age of discovery
how can western yurop compete?
You wrote all this to attack us, but we're proud of all of it.
Kek, it's not an attack. I'm British and I love those things. You don't earn the largest empire in history without ambition, ruthlessness and a stellar sense of humour
yuropoors are just salty about anglo achievements which they will never have the chance to experience
t. yank
Longshanks mah nigga.
>Haha, remember that time we almost conquered France, and just lost it all in 10 years
>Oh, how about that time we beat a bunch of retarded Africans by mowing them down with machine guns
>Oh, remember that time we beat a bunch of doped up Chinamen
>warmongering autists
you should be grateful that daddy had the mercy to leave us alone, they could've put all their resources to cuck us if they wanted to
t. yank you replied to
>same as warmongering
>he thinks non-Europeans have rights
>Unironically bringing up the 100 years war as an attempt to shame England.
They fought a kingdom 5x their size, both in population and geography, and nearly won.
Daddy didn't have a choice. Anglos can't best Franks
>haha, remember that time we owned 13,700,000 square miles of land and ruled nearly a quarter of the world's population
Yeah, and then once they nearly had everything, including a treaty that secured their victory, they lost it to the enormously outnumbered King of Bruges and his best friend, a little Girl and her imaginary friends.
>Fight an upstart colony, and a country 4x your population, and another 2x your population, as well as the Dutch Empire
>Hold out 5 years, and even gain territory in a negotiated peace
>hurr durr what a humiliation
It's nice to know our countries will always be friends.
Yeah, Welsh are British, Andalusians are Spanish etc. Welcome on this planet seriously.
>buying in the "we didnt want to win anyway lmao" meme
Britain lost that war because Spanish and French navies prevented them from sending reinforcements across the ocean
Actually, they didn't lose all their territory until the 1450's. The French also still outnumbered the English in Joan of Arc's period. You know, around the time they burned her.
Haha, remember when you willingly gave it away, and granted all your colonies the right to immigrate into your mainland?
Welsh are British because they're part of the British isles. They're not English though. Equally, Corsica may have been part of the French Empire, but they were not French.
>thinking poorfag countries like france and spain had a chance
no lol, they literally could've used all of their might to crush us, spain, and france, but it would've been a huge waste of money.
Uh, yeah. Your point?
We're still 85% British. It hardly matters anyway, since we're not racist fucks.
You're looking at it the wrong way
The HYW was a French family (Plantagenets) using England and its resources in an attempt to topple the ruling family of their homeland (France) and seize the throne dor themselves
People think the Chinese are stupid with Mao killing those birds but it seems the same shit could've happened to us. Taking out something that plays a big part of the food chain could've had devastating effects for us like Mao's bird killing campaign
The Plantaganets by this point spoke English, and were raised in England. People didn't have the same concept of nationality as we do now anyway.
This doesn't nullify my point. And besides, it was somewhat more civilised than the French process of decolonisation
>mentioning the word race on Veeky Forums
It's time to go back
>...but, Calais
>...but our we held out Claim on the French Throne until the Act of Union
>...but the French that we ruled over outnumbered us
>Implying reminding us that you burnt a little girl to death at the stake because she outfoxed you makes anyone but you look bad
You sure showed us, England. No one burns little girls to death like you do!
But my post is about as anti-pol as it gets?
Actually, it was a lot mire than Calais. Bormandy, and Aquitane.
>The French we ruled over outnumbered us.
They weren't integrated into army levies.
Kek, good to see the French are still butthurt over Joan. If you didn't react so badly it wouldn't be so funny
>Still 85% British
>Implying the Browns aren't british
>Implying you aren't racist as fuck against Poles, because the Media doesn't care about white discrimination
>British "might" in the late 18th century
If they failed to defeat lone France while being allied to all Europe, I seriously doubt they could have defeated France + Spain while being alone
>What is Levee en massé
French were able to match the coalition in numbers.