What is the best crypto to purchase, to just be left alone for a couple of years before looking at it again?
I want a coin with potential for many fold payback, but with the risk that follows.
What is the best crypto to purchase, to just be left alone for a couple of years before looking at it again?
I want a coin with potential for many fold payback, but with the risk that follows.
Bitcoin and Monero, 50/50
What do you expect it to be in 2 years?
Have we only scratched the surface?
Avoid shit-coins, go with the big three.
Eth, Ltc, and btc.
Wait for the bear market to buy. Never buy at all time high
EDIT COIN buy now at 1 sat put sell at 101 sats and come back to 100x bitcoin in 2 yars
BTC. There is no other right answer.
I/O coin. Great development team.
US Dollar
BTC, ETH, OMG, and some XMR when a dip happens
What does Bitcoin need in order to 10-20 fold in the next couple of years? Just more public recognition? Is there still a lack of trust?
Can we still be in the Vanguard of the Bitcoin? Even after all the talk that is about it?
ARK, it is growing steadily and never go below previous lowest.
It's consistently breaking ATH. Bitcoin isn't going away anytime soon. I just threw in a couple more grand that I really shouldn't be spending because fuck it. If I lose it all and really need the money I can liquidate other assets.
Ethereum and Maidsafe
I want to believe. I'm not hodling much, but I think what they are trying to do is important and hopefully get some actual progress.
Ultimate long term hold stack.
litecoin but whether you want to buy at an all time high is up to you.
Best get it before it reaches triple figures though.
Between 2k-20k is my guess
Rn Neo its your choice, when eth tops ath, some correction into neo will happen
OMG XMR are very low risk but still not 100% like the big three