What is treason in the united states?

what is treason in the united states?

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The country itself.

God save the Queen!

Being trusted into entering most secreted and vital areas but then delivering the keys of your nation to your nation's enemy.
Fun fact, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Communist handler and speech writer, Stanley Levinson, handled their defense.

so..saying a bookie's name?

Bruh, it's literally in the Constitution.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

threatening state rights

oh, so that's how murder mysteries start.

>their enemies is not defined
That seems like a really easy way to get a backdoor tyranny, who consstitutes an enemy to the state? (no common law is applicable here, the founding fathers didn't see the courts getting the power of judicial review and abiltiy to create common law)

it's pretty easy to tell if someone knew something they did was illegal or not when they did it. making friends, suckin proverbial dick, basically assigned targets...


always an option

i wonder if the ignorance is bliss types know this

> the founding fathers didn't see the courts getting the power of judicial review and abiltiy to create common law
They sure as fuck did, since they inherited and kept with a shitton of English common law, for instance the entirety of the criminal code until the 19th century, as well as most common causes of lawsuit.

Left definition: Treason is American patriotism.

ThisAnd fuck Benedict Arnold

chyea, my religion is fuck your religion.

this desu lad

Their enemies clearly refers to the aforementioned people levying war against the United States. I could fetch the Supreme Court decisions and the full law code on treason, but it basically defines enemies as those in "open or declared war" against the United States. It's not very open for debate.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 was passed by many of the founding fathers and signed into law by George Washington. John Marshall was a constitutional delegate. Early jurisprudence extensively cites English common law. The US was always meant to be a common law country and there's a consensus among historians that the founding fathers intended for the Court to have the power of judicial review.

Just about only person who didn't like the Court having judicial review was Thomas Jefferson, who felt that the President should determine whether congressional acts were unconstitutional or not. Thank fucking god his view did not prevail.

>Jews never did anything to warrant hatre-

>ignorance is bliss types

but what, anony-kun?

Man, learning more about Jefferson is just about the biggest letdown.

>Nobody mentions the Espionage Act of 1917

According to the Smith Act anything like Socialism or Fascism that tries to overthrow the US government is considered treason.

there's a whole chapter about espionage in the art of war by sun tzu.