OMG will be 280k by tonight.
OMG will be 280k by tonight
Who the fuck are those guys? Can I get a quick rundown?
hell no
Jupp, that's obvious as fuck. Chinks are about to wake up and as soon at they see this dip they'll get the fuck on it.
>rundown a meme
go back to plebbit asshole
that image is supporting what he said unless you think it will shoot past 280
>OMG will be 280k by tonight.
Chinks are waking up prepare ur Ni haos
>doesnt get the meme
You have failed the Bog
Is this bait ontop of bait? No youre just retarded
Who are these handsome men?
thanks for the (You) :)
Only pretending to be retarded was only cool in 2016 bruh
It's starting
I was under the impression that very little selling volume meant the price will go up faster.
wew hope you bought the dip lads
holy shit that purchasing power
The buy wall is higher than trump's tower.
actually a big fucking ginormous buy wall like that generally means the price is being artificially propped up by a whale, not that there is tremendous buying power
why the whale is propping it up is the question.
to pull the rug out and cause a bigger dip. the manipulation will be strong leading up to Techcrunch. it looks like this whale is going to try and pick up some discount tokens.
I'm not so sure they are going to. I think they are just accumulating with bots but also not going to let it go that low because they don't want a bunch of people having a cheap entry point