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such a fucking faggot that says every Veeky Forums meme every 3 mins and thats pretty hard to do
this guy literally lost all his followers money on chaincoin and AMP
was pretty funny desu
he also does minecraft videos and changes his voice to sound like a kid
point of thread?
really he lost all his followers, I saw a few videos I noped my way out his channel once i saw him promote shit coins i was like wtf he is getting paid
>People who take their investment advice off a grown man who makes minecraft videos for kids
the point is this guy is a ass hole and that chick is hot hes bad for business
Kek what a faggot. He is a second close second of people I hate in the cryptoworld right after Jihan
The point is that this fucking cunt now promotes Bitquence to all of his new subs and viewers. Spoke to people who invested hundreds some even thousands of dollars on BQX and honestly one day all of this is just going to crash and I can't wait what suppoman is going to say about that once that happens. I doubt he will even still upload. Newbies who come to crypto actually listen to him and he "scams" them for 10$ for his course so they find out what is the name of the coin.
Just gonna say there's a few whales that are in on this that want this to go to $3. They also dislike Suppoman. I'm slowly getting out at $1.50 because they're just fucking everyone over and they could just crash the price if they wanted to.
They've already done it once.
Check the bitquence Slack if you want. They openly discuss it there but are a bit cryptic
some of these you tubers are cucks greedy fucks trying to sell their shitty advice too nobs and taking money from the scam coins makes me sick makes me want to start my channel to educated some of these kids that keep losing out on moon missions i have lost $0 in this crypto game
Not to mention that all that money that his viewers spend on this shitcoin is going to go to - pretty soon. I mean you can try changing their mind by showing them who this guy really is, but they just don't listen.
hook us up with an invite link to slack
Please do would appreciate it !
i hope he gets gonnorhea , fucking hate his accent though
then let the bag holders be bag holders and the kings look down on the from the moon f hem they do not want to see the reality
How do I do it? Sorry bit of a noob to slack. Anyway the whales are cryptolion and Durrrrrr. The dolphins are meeeee and Charlie. Can't lie though, I'm pretty jealous of how easily they manipulate the price. Check BQX last 7 days. Dude unloaded 750k from $1.2 and brought it down to $0.6, then bought it all up LMAO. How the fuck is anyone supposed to compete.
just ask in general for an invite link?
Uhhhhm actually on second thought I don't wanna risk it. Look for an invite yourself I'm sure you can find one. Don't wanna get kicked, they give some useful info occasionally.
Come on bro hook the boys up. I've looked everywhere and all the invites are expired.
risk what?
they dont want people on their slack? thats not standard
No shit its not standard. But they can't kick people that are holding more than 1 million BQX tokens can they? And it's not that they don't want people but it's pretty specific? Not sure if that's the right word. Basically Suppoman's group, big whales and people who do stuff for them.
You could lie and say you have a ton of BQX as well and that you will invite some whales who are gonna pump the price even higher in the months to come ?
They're not brainlets user. All it takes is one person from here to say I've been leaking info from here, they see who asked for an invitation link and then I'm a goner.
At least screenshot so we know your not bs us.
What is there to BS? I'm not telling you to buy or shilling. Just saying that there is heavy whale activity surrounding this coin and that they want it to go to $3. It's pretty much a guarnteed x2 at least but not worth it unless you got in at ICO imo.
But sure, I'm on phone ATM and going sleep, tomorrow I'll show an SS of the guy bragging about how he's been shorting it down to $0.6.
Thanks user appreciate ya
Guy's a retard, who hasn't realized this?
No problem man. Oh and one last thing, stay the fuck away from anything Suppoman says. You might wonder why people don't short BQX as soon as they found out about the whales. It's because he's convinced his members that this shit coin has potential to go to $50. It's pretty sad actually, bunch of old people and nobodies who put their money into this and are gonna be holding even if it drops to $0.1.
Thousands of people who watch his videos daily, like and buy his course.
Personally I was looking into this coin at ICO and I told myself it wasn't worth it. When the whales dip I might throw in a couple of hundreds since I really like the concept of it. Too bad they fucked it up :/
Yep, pretty vulnerable desperate people as well.
And for sure, BQX was a steal at ICO. People actually fucked up and sold it for half of the ICO price when it got released as well because of cold feet. Turned into x30 gains for some people.
What exactly makes it a shitcoin? all cancer aside
What's actually bad about Bitquence? Enlighten me. It looks pretty good desu.
If there is nothing wrong with it except for Suppo's praise, even though he is a retard, then what's so bad about it?
Nothing, noone?
Just go look at chain coin graph and you'll have your answer, if you think you can get in and out quick enough to make a profit then go for it but it would require you constantly watching this shitcoin as the exchanges its on have very little volume.
Just knowing that suppo has the 2nd biggest BQX wallet in the entire ico is enough to keep me away, plenty other shitcoins that are making the same kind of profits on bittrex that have real volume
how can you know? if they're able to reach their goal, this is >$100 coin, based solely on the idea
are they going to be able to make that happen? fuck knows, more realistically no than yes
Idea is solid, so I don't know desu. I have lots of BQX from ICO, considering selling.