Why are you not on this coin yet? Its dirty cheap (less than 1k satoshis) and the only way to go is up. 1$ by the end of the year screencap this
Why are you not on this coin yet? Its dirty cheap (less than 1k satoshis) and the only way to go is up...
Avalon going NEO next week screencap this
Because I don't trade shitcoins.
the sigt devs are shady af and also this is a shitcoin
I don't think this will ever go to $1 :(
>it's just another currency
literally every other crypto does this better.
sorry to tell you, but you're invested in a shitcoin
Just sold this about 30 mins ago, feels fucking good to have this piece of shit off my Blockfolio.
dev team has proven to be completely incompetent, i have zero faith in this coin
incompetent ? the devs are delivering
delivering what exactly? a shitty pajeet ebay that literally nobody will ever use?
Aight bois. I got into sigt before fucking whitepaper even came out. Was close to top wallet holders on rich list.
The community is swesome, its fun to mine, is accelerated pow and pos which is cool..
Lot of cool things about it.
Marketplace could be cool.
The stupid drama that dumped it with crow and doc is unbelievably stupid.
Crow had root to the discord, modded it actually ok.
It was bullshit he talked shit and fudded after getting canned by doc fron project, but whatevs, spur of moment pissed type shit..
Crow was never fucking dev and doc is,nothing to write home about after listening to him talk on the interview, but ill give it to him, he came through with marketplace and escrow, so he is delivering.
Yeah its not a perfect fuck slamdunk shitcoin, but it has a use, and dev is working on it. They couldve wouldve done some stupid shit better, but the fud behind it is ridiculous.
I honestly like sigt with the algo and community, wouldve loved to ride it to t he moon with those guys, but unfortunely it might take a damn long time if ever before this coin ever gets traction.
Who the fuck is going to use a marketplace. Only SIGT bagholders will probably trade it between each other because they all believe it has value. The website breaks down every day, and cryptopia locked up every wallet so no one can withdraw or deposit their SIGT.
lol what? cryptopia locket their wallet?
Lol havent used craptopia since i dumped my siggie wiggs after drama.
Wonder if crow still has his 350k sig stash on craptopia lol
SIGT bad! SIGT bring pain!
Ehh theres still nova to trade it on
kill yourself adam
literally the only coin i've invested in that has pissed me off
i'm literally shaking
Dont worry user, youre in your safe space now
The coin is new bros, lets wait, i only wish the best for sigt.
this is the only coin iv lost money on
probably criptopia didn't put new nodes hahaha
I swear to god if you assholes pump this fucking coin after I sold
I was in before all hype. I bought 200k at 500sat so was fun ride. I did not sold it at first 4k pump couse I belived in it. At second pump I sold all at 3500 couse I realized that its fucking scam. Even developers confirmed it so stay away from this shitcoin. You are too late to make money from it. Sell all your bags when its still above 1000sat and put everything in CV2. You will be good then user trust me. I am in crypto since late '12. I know that you will not trust me couse I am just /biz user but cv2 will be your moon mission from the ground. Buy now and hold it 3 weeks. You will biggest mney in ypur trading history
This will moon so hard once it gets on Bittrex and SIGT market place could possibly be a crypto Amazon.
Dude bittrex will never list such scamcoin. Even developers confirmed that it was scam. Signatum was pump operation coordinated by two groups that now say that its others foult. It will never be on any other exchange and no one will ever use this shitty marketplace build on $15 themeforest wordpress theme. Its time to show some dignity and swallow your loss. Jump in cv2, I was in signatum pump group
but muh skunkhash raptor
Ignore FUDers. They're all nocoiners. SIGT will moon again at block 100k.
Dude just cut you loss and go all in cv2. I am not shilling or FUD, I made good money on /biz and just want to advice others. I belive in karma. Sigt is dead and leave it when its still above 1000sat
there so many sig bag holders
all SIGT bagholders got their coin stolen after cryptopia leaked database hack
ahaahaahahaahaha. you cant make this shit up ahhhhhh
well fuck, I guess that confirms it...
sell your cv2 and buy back into sigt guys
god damnit, I never wanted to deal with sigt ever again, and I actually believed cv2 had a chance...