How does it feel to be rich ?

How does it feel to be rich ?

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Probably really nice

do you think taylor swift gets/got passed around in eyes wide shut parties?

100%, you already know she got fucked super hard by old dudes to get to be that famous

An old dude touched her ass once and sued her so she counter sued him for $1 for the principal of it...

What a cuck

No because her parents were already filthy rich

like bags of sand

Wait how is fucking over people you don't like the same as letting your wife cheat on you?

I wouldn't call myself "rich" to the point I have fuck you money, but I've made enough money in crypto to quit my job and not have to work anymore.

I will tell you from my experience, the first couple months it was awesome. Feels like you're on a drug in the sense you're unstoppable. That lasted for a few months or so.

Now it's just kind of like "meh" and I feel back to my normal self. It's nice to not have to worry about money but that's just 1 of life's problems. Life goes on so to speak.

That's at least my experience.

Just kind of numb, mostly. You've also got this sort of dizziness of freedom (a la Kierkegaard) on you where you feel like you could kind of do anything and that makes you feel a bit unanchored.

I've also got this sort of weight and restraint that just because I can buy something doesn't mean I should. Buying a Lambo just seems bad news pretty much everywhere- I'd immediately be seen as an asshole to normies and it'd probably be a target to anyone pissed off at me or life generally. To a lot of other rich people it'd come off as being too much of a try-hard and way too flashy.

When you're rich you also have to be really filtering of your conversation around people who aren't so well off in a lot of little ways. I'm not talking about omitting how much you paid for stuff or where you stayed or how you got there- the very fact that you took a trip somewhere and didn't need to call someone for time off already makes normies really envious.

It's also hard to be really empathetic- middle class people talk about prices ALL the time. They brag about getting "a good deal" on some product for just $9.67 (they're probably lower middle class if they talk about cents). Or they'll say some restaurant is great because they have some super lunch special for $5. I don't give a shit whether a meal is $5 or $15 or $50 so long as it's actually good food, but now I've got to pretend I'm so excited and amazed and impressed there's this $5 special.

You also try to be modest because there still are always going to be people richer than you. Running around like some rap star with $8 MM is going to make you look like a poster when you bump into someone with $80 MM or a couple billi

I just want to get 25k in and make a passive 2.5k a month. That's all I want, senpai.

Income replacement. Then HODL it into eternity.

>tfw only 2.7k in atm

Hey OP, money can't buy you happiness.

It's funny, I was almost happier buying and selling Btc at $100. Now that I'm a millionaire, it just stresses me out

expenses are paid for like food, car, shelter, internet, gas. big things can be paid for too i guess but im 29 and still live with parents and parents still pay for everything.
so i spend my time trading crypto and surfing the internet. make small gains everyday or two. down around 700 dollars total. havent made jackshit but if i convince my parents to give me the rest of my trust fund into it, i can make a living and its a better investment than college.

loney as fuck tho. cant get laid. considering getting an escort but i live far away from nevada. going to a bar alone feels akward. i pray to god that i get laid soon.

How would you make 2.5k passive income? Asking for a friend

trade solid coins. buy low sell high. even if its like 5 dollars up and you make 50 that day.

in reality youll be trading every two or three days. because you wait for a good buy in and then sell a day later if it goes up 5 dollars.

The only thing college is good for is getting laid.

Honestly. Not that great. You get used to it like anything else in life. Once my net worth crossed a certain threshold it was exciting but it doesn't make you happier. You might think it's all great and all but people start acting weird around you, superficial niceness and awkward respect. So relationships are somewhat affected. But I'm not complaining because I know there are plenty of people who are living day to day, struggling to find their next meal.

im not going to spend 50,000 on it. im not a chump.

but man, i wish brothels were legal in the us, especially rural areas. i could really use a good pussy kiss and hug. its been like 6 years.

i don't think i'd know what to do with myself if i didn't have a wagecuck job. not enough hobbies or interest in traveling, can only play vidya for so long. i guess i'd try to start a business, but i'd have to try really hard to figure out what i'd want to do

> superficial niceness and awkward respect.
thats usually for people with titles of respect like a doctor usually. you dont get respect being a crypto trader.....yet.
what do you do?

So you see coins as long term store of value?

im so far from being rich. i only bought eth after it went down to 200

also bought filecoin 3 years out

almost pulled trigger on OMG. if only i had been 1 year earlier

that is not passive income

This meme needs to end

Like that's 90% of the benefit of being rich. Any other gains take like ten times as much money and only get you a little more.

Paying other people to do your shit is nice. As is being able to afford experts to teach you to do anything. Money to go anywhere in comfort (and without dozens of hours of planning) is good. Through various associations and networking you can meet really nice people who are ready to help (I spoke to Peter Thiel last week). Campaign donations can give you access to American political elite.

But beyond that an exact path for money is kind of unclear. A big house is kind of nice, but I already realize I spend about 90% of my waking time at home in a comfy spot near my kitchen- I rarely go into my study or entertainment room on a daily basis. More space isn't really going to be more enjoyable and having to deal with live-in staff also isn't going to be great. Let alone second and third houses. Private jets are really cool, but are insanely expensive and even NetJets is going to be running $10k an hour for a decent plane- unless I'm somehow so important I need to be places ASAP it'd be tough to justify it.

what meme? starting a business?

No being a wagecuck slave who can't think beyond his wagecuck life.

How to convert money to status?

losing game, just use money to avoid needing to have a job and find a different way with your abundant free time and independence

>that is not passive income
yes it is. anything getting money on the side of what you do is passive income.

>So you see coins as long term store of value?
sell longer if you want i dont give a shit. fuck you want, i just gave you what most people do here without any shit. now you think youre smarter than me? youre the faggot with all the questions and now you act like you some jordan belford bitch trick with trades? you just a clown. a jack shit. application rejected sperm bank donor wannabe. your mom got a c section when you were born and claimed that she had a virgin birth and the doctor had the dignity to put your name in quotations on the birth certificate because you're not legit.

maybe i shouldn't have used the term wagecuck then, because i actually enjoy my job a lot and it's fulfilling to me

he cant think because hes too busy working about the next call of duty football mt dew special and probably gets laid from a co worker who grew up fucking all the kids with the pumped up kicks.

No, the 'I wouldn't know what to do with myself' meme. I think you would find all sorts of passions if you weren't spending the best part of the day wagecucking.

Hopefully you went to a good school, because that automatically conveys a certain level of prestige fitting with your having money. You should have fellow alums who you can connect with. Maybe some are starting businesses and looking for angel investors.

Back interesting things and then use that to elevate yourself socially. Or become an expert on something and speak- "crypto multimillionaire"automatically has a nice ring to it.

i dont have job

trading coins every 2 days is not passive income. it's not passive OR income.

Feels amazing.

When you become rich, you don't care about the things you once cared about... I don't remember the exact day I became a millionaire, I don't know anyone who does. It's just a number. You're just focused on building your business.

I always dreamed of becoming rich and driving a lamborghini, now all I care about is something that's safe and gets me from A to B. That's why I drive the tesla model x p100d SUV.

I thought I would have hordes of gold digging sex slaves. In reality, girls really don't give a shit about how much money you have. Girls have hundreds of guys that are willing to buy shit for them at any time. You are nothing special.

>Honestly. Not that great

I find money does not change your personality, if you are a person that can just enjoy life without lots of money, you'll be a person that can enjoy life with lots of money.

God i want to be rich so badly. Then I can finally kill myself

Imagine this:

>Be NEET with all positive NEET bonuses
>Everyone respects you or at least fakes it
>Everyone is scheming to closer to you for your money or your personality (95:5)
>You can pirate any clothes, vehicles, recreational items
>Your NEET cave is extended to include any 1st world developed nation
>You gain an automatic +3 to your x/10 rating
>Less existential fears regarding the future
>More psychological hangups if you didn't carry your old (dependable and true) friends with you
>Everyone online still treats you as an equal and may treat you as subhuman if you go out of your way to flaunt wealth in front of anonymous strangers

>yes it is. anything getting money on the side of what you do is passive income.

Lol no. Passive income is passive. That means you don't have to devote time and effort to continue receiving a stream of income from it. Dividends, royalties, interest, profit distributions from held equity in a a partnership are all passive. You could go into a coma and still make that money. If I become a handyman on the side and fix gutters in my spare time that's a stream of active income.

Yeah I keep thinking about cars and I just keep coming back to Teslas. Really safe, great acceleration, spacious, comfy, loads of cool tech, luxurious but not pretentious or flashy. I kind of keep thinking about the new Roadster but that's at least 2 years away.

girls get fucked in the workplace bathroom by some random dude of the week with a big dick and then the boyfriend calls for lunch. now is she getting income for getting pumped with her pants and panties down and her shirt lifted up just enough for the guy to grab those tits and shes pressed facing against the wall with that dick stuck in her and keeping her moans down while her smartphone rings? or is she getting paid to work?

Found the jealous incel. Wouldn't you like to be banging a couple chicks at once?

i would but i have to pay for it. which is an incentive to make money.

If you don't want the sound of a nice engine go with teslas
But the f-type v6 has a really nice groan,

im not rich but i did make gains in crypto 2016-now

the feeling of going into work 4 months ago and negotiating a few changes with my boss was the biggest high of my life, i told them i want a pay rise inline with whoever happened to be the highest earning salesman on the team and will only be turning up 1 day a week. i had planned something like this for as long as i was in crypto but actually sitting accross a table from my boss and hashing out the details suddenlly being real sent shivers through me id never experienced before. i have been giddy thinking about it since.

id imagine being rich is just that feeling times 100, whenever you make landmark purchases and realise in the moment its actually happeneing and the money you spend doesnt matter. i still sometimes get the same high when speaking to people who are working hard but still struggling to get by, its not about feeling superior to them its about knowing that managed to break out of it, ill never forget the few years of low-wage poverty as long as i live. even if crypto exploded tomorrow and it turns out BTC has been hacked for months, i still have 2 years worth of cash elsewhere to fall back on plus 30%+ into my apartment paid off

>The only thing college is good for is getting laid.
Hasn't been the case for me. I'm an oldfag though, basically all the pussy I've pulled in the past 4 years has had nothing to do with school.

I grew up in apartments thrn my parents got rich and shared it by paying for all my shit. I spent my early 20s partying pretty hard, banged lots of girls, basically the Chad life.

Now I only care about making money in crypto so I can take the Chad life to the next level.

>almost pulled trigger on OMG.
You're far from too late for OMG

Yeah see that's just bs to buy outdated tech. Oh yeah I'd totally love to pay up for something slower, less safe, less technologically advanced because it sounds nice?

jesus christ this is sad. How did you not figure out how to grow up over the last 10 years

Go to Eastern Europe.

Well I do spend most the day actively managing my money. I also have a family, so having kids keeps me plenty busy

i wasn't laid at university in ger.
but brothels are here legal.
and college can be be a fundament. i got my degree and im freelance trading, doing real estate, cars etc too. but if this doesn't work you have at least a degree.a training or a degree is a security, it isn't worthless, but the expenses for college in us are way higher, i did nihilism at college and i think it cost me with all cost living, car, appartment, uni stuff 25-30k but with nihilism. was at some uni parties, but wasn't lied, but i think the girls in US are more horny. I coincidentally watched a college video, which a friend of my visited and the girls put their asses in camera, and did some naughty stuff. I'm sure the college parties are better for fucking girls. And i believe you that college in US is a really safe lay.

>having tantric sex
>just of the the things i have to make me feel better

this guy is full of shit. as if i can just go out and have trantric sex to feel better because god knows that im feeling better just running around the lot like an idiot because he said running helps you out.
fuck this guy.

You guys need to give back to Veeky Forums.

I know I would if I was rich, since I know what its like to come from nothing.