How many XMR to fuck the one in white?
...A board obsessed with mooning coin and no one is talking about Doge coin. Get in before we hit 200 sats
>no one is talking about Doge coin
I'll bite.
I know nothing about Doge coin except:
1. It looks and sounds like a shitty useless meme
2. Someone on Veeky Forums said it is actually useful for micropayments
If .2 is true, then (and I know nothing else about this coin) what stops doge coin from mooning if they give it "cool" name? Like going from Antshares to NEO and dropping the silly mascot?
I believe its a shit coin but I dont care as long as it goes up. Its going up to 100 sats soon.
god I want my doge back...
>t. guy who has 7 million doge locked in a wallet that i apparently don't remember the password for from like 4 years ago
I'm the only guy in the house during a dyke party at this very moment.
>tfw there's only one woman in this entire place who is even remotely attractive and she's like 50
>they sound like birds squawking or some other type of animal, just this constant sea of voices talking about absolutely nothing
>Tfw so redpilled it would take all of 10 minutes to destroy their confidence and world view forever
AMA familia
Lmao I sold all my doge at 220 sats I don't think we'll ever see that again
This could could have been successful if faggot wolong and his crew of cock suckers didn't dump the shit out of it
>7M trapped Doge
sex dolls today aren't quite good enough.
soon though...
I have been in some weird places in my day. However How does one get themselves into a 50 year mobby dyke party and end up on 4 chan?
besides the tinder sluts of op image, I'm more interested on his post. This joke coin that has no future besides being a living meme increased in 20% in a single day. Is there any bigger indicator than a bubble? The thing is how long will it last, a week or a month? A crash will eventually come like two months ago
pls giv (you)s