Chinese government goes to NEO to learn about blockchain

Onchain is the company behind NEO and GAS. A programmer in NEO chat today has specified that NEO is a safe bet to hold and that pending FUD doom about chinese government banning ICO's is untrue and fud.

He states that the chinese government is actually going to Onchain the company behind NEO to learn about blockchain. They are going to NEO to learn!!

This is great news and should calm all of you down. HODL

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biz puts its head into the sand on neo. don't bother trying to educate them

eth is a shitcoin
neo is a copy paste of eth
witch makes it a shit coin that Veeky Forums make pump to dump when we feel the need.

it has one dev and one programmer so your statment is lies

> A programmer in NEO chat today has specified that NEO is a safe bet to hold
lol, what a surprise coming from a guy in NEO chat. He's probably not invested in this coin in any way. Totally did not expect this.

I have a question for you. In your opinion how many good sized players are actually in the biz section of Veeky Forums, is it a nice mix of small medium and large? All small, some big? I myself am a 100k trader I believe thats small to medium.

He is a programmer at onchain (NEO) named Afong dude. :) No more fud ok?

One dev right? EVeryone check out this picture showing Da Hongfie with SOME of the programming team at NEO!


sure there are some big players here. they may shitpost with the rest of us or occasionally spoonfed the children information on here. but real informative discussion rarely happens here anymore, so there is really no point to post except for entertainment. only a retard would use only the information here to base their investment off of

If you look to your left, we can see some Taiwanese university students queuing up for a game of League of Legends.

>coding on 13" screens

Who says they're coding?

Sit at a computer? Must be coding!


lol these guys really don't know how to put out a fire.

we are heading to the moon tonight lads


>neo is a copy paste of eth
anyone who has held NEO and used it to generate GAS knows this is not true. eat a dick.

AHAHA AHAHHAHUEHUE ppfffffffffftttt

nigga ive coded on 11 inch screens. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

You and your entire team weren't on ultraportables in the actual office working on an asset valued at, albeit ridiculously, almost $2 billion, were you?

the pic is a month old when they moved into their new office. kill yourself

Yes. It's their new office and that is the laughable equipment they are working on. If you're going to damage control at least have a point.

>they move into a new office
>their computers are not in the new office yet

kill yourself

Fucking bullshit. Those are their computers. I've seen nothing to suggest otherwise.

oh look. there are your feelings talking again. kill yourself

who fucking cares? we're not investing in a finished product here. we're investing in a startup called NEO. and it's a damn fine startup. if we wanted to invest in something already accomplished and safe, we'd be investing in blue chip stocks like a bunch of boomer cucks.

Thank you for telling me

That is their setup. They work on 13" laptop screens in an (((open workspace))) - read cheap, because no actual work is being done since neo is nothing more than vaporware marketed to bittrex retards.

this 1000% ... they are too stupid to understand the technology and they only see their lambo slipping away because of a small price dip


is this "13 inch laptops" gonna be the new NEO FUD? lmao

>eth is a shitcoin
>neo is a copy paste of eth

eth is not a shitcoin
neo is not even remotely close to a copy and paste of eth, its literally built in C#.NET... nothing relating to ethereum even touches the .NET ecosystem as far as i know

what you just said is pure gibberish to NEO FUDsters. all they know is "hurr chink scam".


can everyone please fuck off with neo, even if it is 40$ what is the climb? 120$? 300$? there are plenty of other sexy coins and icos out there right now that can 3x 4x +your investment much quicker than neo can now you are just wasting your time now u have no choice to HODL,


Are you happy with the current mass amount of shill threads with no substance behind it? I thought I would add some real news.Please join me by adding real content as well. Think there is a good 3x coming write about it in a new thread.

You're joking right? You wouldn't be happy with 400% profit? If it hits $300 that's 1000% if you buy now! (not saying it will) but those numbers are crazy.

who says we don't have capital elsewhere to invest in other things? you know most of us NEO holders have more BTC than the average biz fag, right?

the highest point for neo was nearly 3 weeks ago, even IF neo had of kept going up all this time it would have probably only got to 80-90$ which is fuck all compared to some alts that 4x every week